Views: 39565 | Replies: 83
An Open Letter to Oasis


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 17
  • Posts: 267
On 2019-07-13 18:57:24Show All Posts
  • _Light_ On 2019-07-13 18:54:38
  • The mods care about feedback, but if you were the game's creator you'd do everything to extend the game's life; take for eg clash of clans, they made builder hall to allow the game to progress and increase its life; why? because most players were max th12 and had nothing to do . Oasis aren't making level 14+ runes to annoy their fanbase; it's there for users who have already maxed out their characters [eg players like Thanosthedestroyer from s1 who have been maxed since 2018], the reasons for doing it is to prolong the endgame stages of the game because one day you'll be that 5-10%.

    Breakthrough's are being implemented slowly so the players aren't overwhelmed with skillbreaks as that'd break the game for lower levels who've unlocked SB ninjas i mean imagine a lvl 35 with a fully SB hashi which he obtained from a missions giftbox

    Of course SO6P naruto./Edo hiruzen is overpowered just like how shisui/minato was in 4.0; but stronger ninjas are already coming out eg edo minato/SBKushi, but they can be countered by playing smart; i mean i've been running sharkbombs to get around it but you've gotta realise stats>ninjas and most top players are slowly moving away from the 6 paths cancer

    I'm sure that elemental skills will come around you've just gotta give it time because change is good but forced changes can lead to more backlash, they'll need to test everything thoroughly before adding em in :3 the community just gotta be optimistic

    ps plz get rid of dat 50* sasuke from the lucky wheel ^^

Name some1 that have lvl 12 runes on all 4 ninjas. dont be * there is many things to spend when you done stacking a pos 1 with runes charms and refines.

Quicky Post

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