I just got Kurama mode Naruto,while still saving for sosp.But now with Kurama,isnt it better to go for edo Minato,or still go for sosp?
6p is a better over all ninja. tho in 1v1 i can beat 6p with kurama and minato bond. formation have edo hashi tho.
6p is good 1v1 even better 3v3 or gnw material. But if you go for edo minato he is also good for 3v3 and gnw.
so you will be good with both. Id say finish of what you started to collect.
6p is a better over all ninja. tho in 1v1 i can beat 6p with kurama and minato bond. formation have edo hashi tho.
6p is good 1v1 even better 3v3 or gnw material. But if you go for edo minato he is also good for 3v3 and gnw.
so you will be good with both. Id say finish of what you started to collect.
Sosp is undoubtedly better than edo minato, as long as you arent top dog of your server. Trump card of minato is undodgeable interrupt which is useless when you cant cast it in time to interrupt others (other sosps). For regular players sosp is just better. With recent skill trials of hashirama and kazekage gaara even edo minato's barrier isnt as strong as it used to be, as it can be replaced very easily.
Finish what you started is a good advice in general though.
As for OP- there's hardly any scenario in which kurama with bond is better than sosp for now. Kurama theoretically can do more damage, but has no sustain, less reliable reset and thus is worse overall.
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