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[ Help ] When will they update the shop?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-11 16:22:41Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2016-10-11 06:29:37
  • Same, I don't care about what you want either. I just want Oasis to know that there are people who need more time.
    If new ninjas come I'll have to stop collect refine rune and work on those new ninjas which cost me even more time. And yes if they follow the path of other versions then it's Konan in group shop for sure. You know everyone love Konan for reasons. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-11 05:39
You probably suffer from multiple personality disorder because there are no other people that want further waiting on the shop. Therefore you should refrain from using plural in your sentences.
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On 2016-10-11 16:25:35Show this Author Only
we need kage treausre:DDD
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On 2016-10-11 16:49:46Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2016-10-11 06:29:37
  • Same, I don't care about what you want either. I just want Oasis to know that there are people who need more time.
    If new ninjas come I'll have to stop collect refine rune and work on those new ninjas which cost me even more time. And yes if they follow the path of other versions then it's Konan in group shop for sure. You know everyone love Konan for reasons. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-11 05:39
Err.. what? Look.. Saving up and using them on refinements is your choice. Even after (if) the shop get updated those refinements will be available there. So, you are basically saying not to release new ninjas so others can't get them till you are ready to get them.. That's awfully selfish of you..
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-11 17:10:16Show this Author Only
Not in your lifetime.
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On 2016-10-11 17:13:02Show this Author Only
  • Ragnaris On 2016-10-11 16:22:41
  • You probably suffer from multiple personality disorder because there are no other people that want further waiting on the shop. Therefore you should refrain from using plural in your sentences.
What if I tell you there are actually people who don't really need or want shop update yet? Why are you so sure about your statement? Do you have proof to prove what you said? While I do. I and some of my guildmates are doing pretty good with current ninjas in shop and we don't really need shop update come anywhere soon because we are f2p. We want the cap to stay like that for a while to catch up and prepare. As long as the cap stay the more benefit we can get from it.
I srsly don't know why f2p want to rush update with new ninjas in the shop. That mean the cap expand and the gap beween f2p and p2w will be wider again without proper preparation.
I have all ninjas in exchange shops already but refine, nah. I don't have full level 4 refine yet and the amount of medium refine runes I have is not enough. Not to mention that medium refine rune is very expensive to get and the only way we can get it is from exchange shop. Sometime we do have events but meh, that can't be a reliable source.
If you guys are playing in old servers then get urself a 5 stars Kakuzu or any other ninjas that can be upgrade skills in the future to 5 stars. Here is an example :
We're all know how hard to farm Kakuzu and yep he can be upgrade in the future which require at least 4 stars. His chase can cause ignite and paralysis.
Not just him but there are many ninjas who can be upgrade. So if you think getting all ninjas in shop is enough then you're wrong.
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On 2016-10-11 17:36:36Show this Author Only
  • hellRated On 2016-10-11 16:49:46
  • Err.. what? Look.. Saving up and using them on refinements is your choice. Even after (if) the shop get updated those refinements will be available there. So, you are basically saying not to release new ninjas so others can't get them till you are ready to get them.. That's awfully selfish of you..
Thanks ... same logic apply to you. What if I say you just think for urself. You're ready doesn't mean everyone is ready. See? It's all about perspective. We have different perspective so yeah. I want this, you want that but in the end all depend on Oasis. That's just my opinion. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-11 16:39
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On 2016-10-11 19:08:17Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2016-10-11 17:36:36
  • Thanks ... same logic apply to you. What if I say you just think for urself. You're ready doesn't mean everyone is ready. See? It's all about perspective. We have different perspective so yeah. I want this, you want that but in the end all depend on Oasis. That's just my opinion. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-11 16:39
I guess my question to you is, Why must you force your view/opinion on others? I would be very surprised if the shop update removed refines, that is a staple item as far as I am concerned (as there will hopefully be new players coming to the game).

There have also been others that stated the first updates would add ninja/items, not take them away, simply adding to it. So again, if this is true, you lose nothing by the update. You can still get your refines, or 5* any ninja you have not already gotten.

If this is all true, why should you force others to wait, when you can still play it your way? Why force Your way on others? If it has been stated the shop update will Remove items from the shop, I would like to see a source to that, cause I could then understand why some people would want to wait, but other then that, I don't get it.

More options are best for everyone, don't you think?
Edit: I just checked on a CN server, and the items seem to be the same. You can still get refines, BBQ, and coins from the shops. The only Item I see missing is Stamina Pots. There are also some new ninja, but quite a few of the same ones we currently have as well. It should also be noted that any ninja that are missing from the shop, can still be farmed from the elite instances. And most of the missing ninja from the shop are replaced with their GNW form or something along those line.

So even if they did remove ninja from the shop with the update, they would not be removing your ablity to get them. So my point stands: the update would simply allow those who wish to move forward do so, while those who are not "ready" can still get everything they want with out forcing anything on others, or having anything forced on them. Win - Win :)

This post was last edited by Maroner at 2016-10-11 19:18
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On 2016-10-11 19:26:36Show this Author Only
I didn't force people to my point of view. I just said my opinion from my point of view. And it don't really matter anyway because in the end it's all depend on Oasis to take the call. I just tried to explain why I want the shop to stay for a little while, not forcing anyone.
Yes the update won't remove refine rune but I don't need and don't really want they to update the shop for now. It's you guys who are forcing me to your point of view because as I can see a lot people here quoted my comment and try to argue with me which is totally useless thing to do.
Everyone has different perspective on this matter, arguing about a thing you don't have control over it is dumb.
So I'll just leave this here and peace. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-11 18:28
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On 2016-10-11 19:29:30Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2016-10-11 17:36:36
  • Thanks ... same logic apply to you. What if I say you just think for urself. You're ready doesn't mean everyone is ready. See? It's all about perspective. We have different perspective so yeah. I want this, you want that but in the end all depend on Oasis. That's just my opinion. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-11 16:39
When (if) the shop update and if you are not ready, do what you want, don't "waste" what you have saved up on the new characters, keep spending on the refinements... The point is that just because you are not ready for change you want others to wait as well (this is the reason I called you selfish). "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few", how many times have you seen people saying "Wait, don't add more ninjas" against the countless times people have request for a shop update with new ninjas? You don't want others to get what "you are not ready to get"... You are basically trying to be the definition of selfish..
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On 2016-10-11 19:33:19Show this Author Only
Please be patient for the shop update. I'll be closing this thread so please bring your arguments to PMs.
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On 2019-06-29 05:44:23Show this Author Only
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