What if I tell you there are actually people who don't really need or want shop update yet? Why are you so sure about your statement? Do you have proof to prove what you said? While I do. I and some of my guildmates are doing pretty good with current ninjas in shop and we don't really need shop update come anywhere soon because we are f2p. We want the cap to stay like that for a while to catch up and prepare. As long as the cap stay the more benefit we can get from it.
I srsly don't know why f2p want to rush update with new ninjas in the shop. That mean the cap expand and the gap beween f2p and p2w will be wider again without proper preparation.
I have all ninjas in exchange shops already but refine, nah. I don't have full level 4 refine yet and the amount of medium refine runes I have is not enough. Not to mention that medium refine rune is very expensive to get and the only way we can get it is from exchange shop. Sometime we do have events but meh, that can't be a reliable source.
If you guys are playing in old servers then get urself a 5 stars Kakuzu or any other ninjas that can be upgrade skills in the future to 5 stars. Here is an example :

We're all know how hard to farm Kakuzu and yep he can be upgrade in the future which require at least 4 stars. His chase can cause ignite and paralysis.
Not just him but there are many ninjas who can be upgrade. So if you think getting all ninjas in shop is enough then you're wrong.