Does elemental resistance make a difference? Is it worth reforging stats on TI equip such as injury and crit in order to boost elemental resistance stats?
Elemental damage makes a difference the higher power you are. The reason being that they are a % rather than a flat amount. If you want to preserve some critical and injury if you value them, then reforge all the stats besides that. A little bit of life is not that much value even if the BP does decrease.
In the past when +4 elemental resistances were available used to be better to go for a full set of them than secondary stats, but with the current ones, limited at +2, I'm no more sure.
100 damage reduction is almost granted to be better.
I'm pretty sure I managed to get a +4 water elemental resistance stat on a recent piece of equipment I earned from TI, but for damage reduction, I heard it only affects the damage you cause to yourself while under the chaos status?
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