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[ Events ] Question about Renewing Jonin Medal


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-05-17 02:23:56Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So I intend to renew my Jonin medal when it runs out anyway so doing so during rebate event sounds like the best way to do it.

If I renew it before it expires will the time be added to the current time I have left? I wanted to make 100% sure before I spent the ingots.

Thanks in advance!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-05-17 02:35:58Show this Author Only

Hi! You are correct. By renewing your Jonin Medal early, it will be added on top of the time you have left. You can do this multiple times and they will be added on top of your subsequent time left.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-05-17 05:14:23Show this Author Only
  • Jiburiru On 2019-05-17 02:35:58
  • Hi! You are correct. By renewing your Jonin Medal early, it will be added on top of the time you have left. You can do this multiple times and they will be added on top of your subsequent time left.

Awesome! Thank you so much. I just wanted to be sure before I spent my money on it.

This post was last edited by ObeyGiant on 2019-05-17 05:14:34.
  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-05-17 16:31:04Show this Author Only

Yes it's as jiburiru told you.

If you are left with 50 days after you renew the counter rises to 230 if you are left with 80 goes to 260 and so on.

Quicky Post

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