In the 5 Jounin's home...
Scarlet: Hey, do you know what day is today?
Crimson: Uh... the day of the cookies?
Scarlet: ... you're a f*cking idiot.
Crimson: Hey, i have feelings!
Azure: It's Mr. Grumpy birthday. Right, Scar?
Scarlet: Yup. Finally, the young Kakashi 2.0 will get 16 years now.
Breeze (thinking): Midnight-kun...? Heh, my favourite tsundere will be happy today.
Azure: Hey! Why don't we do a surprise party for him?
Scarlet: Good idea! I'll get the balloons, the snacks and the soda.
Crimson: I'll make the cake!
Azure: I'll sent the invitations!
Breeze: Yeah, and i will kis-! Ehmm... Uh-oh... *she blushes*
*nobody said something*
Azure: Breeze...? You're hiding us something, isn't it?
Breeze: What?! No!
Scarlet: Really? Cause i've heard you wanna kiss somebody. You wanna Midnight for yourself, only for yourself, hehehe.
Breeze: SHUT UP! HE'S COMING...!
*Midnight arrives in the home*
Scarlet: Sup, bro?
Midnight: I'm not your bro, idiot.
Crimson: Hey Midnight! What are you feeling with 16-?
*Scarlet shuts up Crimson*
Midnight: Hm? What's happening here?
Azure: N-Nothing, of course... hehehe...
Breeze: Y-Yeah... Dude, don't you wanna meditate with me in the forest?
Midnight: That's curious... How did you knew i'll go to the forest to meditate?
Breeze: ...
Midnight: Nevermind. You can go with me if you want it.
Breeze: Really?! Wow, thanks Mid-kun! *she hugs him*
*weird silence*
Midnight: Uh... you're welcome.
*The blonde release him*
Scarlet: Midnight, you'll gonna do something tonight?
Mid: No, why?
Scarlet: ... i just want to know it.
Vergil Junior (Midnight): Hm, whatever.
Breeze: What are we waiting?! C'mon, Midnight, let's go! *she crawls him*
Mid: W-Wait! What are you doing?!
Breeze: Nothing, nothing! I just... uh... *blushes intensifies*
Midnight: Don't worry. Let's go. *he takes her hand*
Breeze: ...
*The young Kakashi and the blonde leaves the house*
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