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[ Lineup ] Need Advice Treasures


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  • Registered: 2018-06-23
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On 2019-04-27 18:58:15Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello. Can you help which treasure would be good to use seal scrolls. Madara (Founder of Konoha) / Roshi / Rasha. i dont have any special heros in team only Itachi Anbu. collected 220 Seal Scrolls dont wanna waste after wrong choice. Thx in advance.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-27 19:33:39Show this Author Only

I would say save 300 seals scrolls for seal scroll rebate and put them into GNW treasure. The rares are good and people are still using them. Also both super rares are good with the respected teams. The other super rares arent' really used much these days. Fourth Raikage is great with skill breaks, but think he has to be 4 star. Not sure how good Sasuke is with skill break. I would say * with GNW treasure. You c*so piece together ninja in the collect tab in the mean time.

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On 2019-04-27 19:43:06Show this Author Only

I'd only go into Kage treasure if you need certain ninjas that give you an auto barrier for ninja exam.

If you want competitive, I'd go pick up GNW treasure for ninjas like Edo Sasori, jinpachi, and Madara Konoha Founder to name a few.

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On 2019-04-27 20:01:20Show this Author Only

How many seal scrolls would be need to get Madara?

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On 2019-04-27 20:15:06Show this Author Only
  • Kemasha On 2019-04-27 20:01:20
  • How many seal scrolls would be need to get Madara?

If you mean the Madara (founder) i think it's like from 800 to 1200 seal scrolls. And it's a 50% you might get kurama naruto.

This post was last edited by Kushina The Red on 2019-04-27 20:15:20.
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On 2019-04-28 04:26:00Show this Author Only

get roshi first, hes not perfect but hes immune, scales, self heals and has an aoe myst so he will work until you can get a better ninja from gnw treasure. roshi you can get during 1 rebate if you spend all those seals while anything better will take a lot more seals.

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On 2019-04-28 17:03:49Show this Author Only

Wait until a rebate for the treasure (I think every seals rebate is a GNW treasure rebate anyway) and for you to have saved 264 seal scrolls. The rebate gives you "real" seal scrolls that also count towards itself - so with the rewards from 10, 50, 100 and 200 pulls (1, 5, 10 and 20 scrolls, equaling 36 total) drawing 264 scrolls plus the ones you get back puts you to 300, netting you the 30 extra scrolls from that milestone.

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On 2019-04-28 19:30:10Show this Author Only

if i use em in GNW treasure, later when i get more seals previously used Seal scrolls ll count in right? so i can get SR hero with 700+ Seal Scrolls. thx btwn all

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On 2019-04-29 04:30:31Show this Author Only

i would say to not get any of the SR ninjas from the GNW treasure; just keep on saving and wait for a new treasure to be released because kurama naruto and madara are slowly becoming extinct from the meta; also all the purple ninja from there is pretty much worthless late game

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On 2019-04-29 08:09:00Show this Author Only

Jinpachi, Sasori, and Founder Madara are far from "extinct".

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On 2019-04-29 11:38:13Show this Author Only
  • _Light_ On 2019-04-29 04:30:31
  • i would say to not get any of the SR ninjas from the GNW treasure; just keep on saving and wait for a new treasure to be released because kurama naruto and madara are slowly becoming extinct from the meta; also all the purple ninja from there is pretty much worthless late game

I see plenty of KCM, Madara, Jinpachi, and Sasori at level 100+, so they are far from extinct. Also it's untelling how long it will be before we get another treasure. Never know though it seems Oasis wants to release new things when CN does.

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On 2019-04-29 22:37:13Show this Author Only
  • Koncept On 2019-04-29 11:38:13
  • I see plenty of KCM, Madara, Jinpachi, and Sasori at level 100+, so they are far from extinct. Also it's untelling how long it will be before we get another treasure. Never know though it seems Oasis wants to release new things when CN does.

i said they were extinct from the meta; not from the game; top players (*high power not necessarily high level) rarely use kurama naruto/sasori/jinpachi even though they've unlocked him because the harsh truth is a simple 6pnaruto or a more simple minato-5kmadara could decimate kurama lineups;

best to wait for new ninjas treasure to come out IMO ; but hey do what you want

This post was last edited by _Light_ on 2019-04-29 22:38:01.
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On 2019-04-30 00:38:19Show this Author Only
  • _Light_ On 2019-04-29 22:37:13
  • i said they were extinct from the meta; not from the game; top players (*high power not necessarily high level) rarely use kurama naruto/sasori/jinpachi even though they've unlocked him because the harsh truth is a simple 6pnaruto or a more simple minato-5kmadara could decimate kurama lineups;

    best to wait for new ninjas treasure to come out IMO ; but hey do what you want

the truth is that most of the whales just like to stomp on low powers and kurama doesn't let them do it as easily as kakuzu eg, ay 4th full sb or edo hiruzen does.

naruto six paths is better for them because requires no brain to be used correctly, that's why they prefer to use him most of the times, because they can go on playing on auto and be sure to get what they want easily.

but on par power situations, overall when we talk about not non existant move 2-3-4 fights, then kurama is better than six paths naruto.


1) his boost to combo rate is higher (+80%, vs +45%) and is easier, theoretically, to make it proc since it's you that select the target you want to chase (beware, i'm talking about situations where you fight move 2-3-4 that have comparable combo rate to your move 1!)

2) his standard attack delivers ignition. This may feel like *eless feat, but on specific situations this is quite annoying.

3) his mystery triggers immediately any 20/30 combo chase also against super armor ninjas (like, for example, edo hashirama or madara 10 tails ones...), thing that naruto six paths doesn't do at all, overall when the enemy runs at least 1 dodging ninja.

4) his mystery damage is higher, overall with bond mystery.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2019-04-30 00:46:38.
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