Again, how exactly become worste ? Whale will still slaughter f2p with or without tactics %, for f2p will be only gold, more power to exam and less curse and swear . Now tell me exactly how the hell is worste ?
Indeed, these players fail to understand everyone stacks position 1 anyway, Edo Hiruzens and others already 1 shot f2p and small spenders.
Tactics % to us is just some extra power, that help us get the packs faster and finish the ninja exams easier. They also help us against normal players.
So I am in favor of tactics %.
Indeed, these players fail to understand everyone stacks position 1 anyway, Edo Hiruzens and others already 1 shot f2p and small spenders.
Tactics % to us is just some extra power, that help us get the packs faster and finish the ninja exams easier. They also help us against normal players.
So I am in favor of tactics %.
right now my move 2-3-4 are not getting slaughtered at all by a comparable move 1 enemy that owns 1 point of initiative over me.
with %tactics i would be.
that's the point.
Indeed, these players fail to understand everyone stacks position 1 anyway, Edo Hiruzens and others already 1 shot f2p and small spenders.
Tactics % to us is just some extra power, that help us get the packs faster and finish the ninja exams easier. They also help us against normal players.
So I am in favor of tactics %.
but again... right now you STILL have a chance to survive and continue... with % you dont
Im telling u guys for a few months already - this game is dead! They dont care about nothing but milk players before mobile version go worldwide. After that this game will be done, believe me. So if u still enjoy it - play it and stop complaining. If not - better quit right now, cuz this game will not be as good as 1-2 years ago.
I've been telling since the beginning of the game, not that it's dead, but that it will get worse and how unbalanced it is in the first year of release. It barely got balanced, but after 3.0 or 4.0 it pretty much started to go downhill.
this was the conversation in our discord. Oasis get your crap together and give us the content that we can do spenders and f2p alike stop catering to the mega whales cause they aren't the only ones who matter even the middle of the road spenders help pay your companies costs. stop turning into every other failed gacha/recharge game out there.
It started to go downhill since 3.0 or 4.0. Game was out of balance since the start of the game in the west (EU and US). They fuked up the moment they launched Shisui for cheap, and opened GNW Treasure too soon. Before that it was somewhat of a steady ninja introduction etc. SP Naruto was given to us way too soon, and nobody wants to use breakthrough or skillbooked ninjas because they released those too late, since they already released too fast the OP ninjas that everyone uses.
The fact that they introduced Madara 10-Tails was simply wtf, I think it was 3k or 6k Euro's/USD in real money to get it, I think it was 3k.
Problem lies within people who have money, and who are * enough to not know what to do with it. The gambling in this game with the rigged "RNG" is ridiculous and should be investigated by the Gambling organizations within video games, since not only people who earn and don't know what to do with the money, there are kids whose parents allow them to use the money how they this gambling sh1tshow is influencing children and provoking to gamble.
I have complained many many times about how this whole thing works for Tencent, and OG trying to lick their a$$es by trying to be more greedier and abusing the fan ba
Meanwhile there is a GL, I forgot the full name of it, but it was like someone who observes people within server and has a mettup with moderators/admins of the game and they are telling to them all the daily info, suggestions etc. Meanwhile they are given ingots for their service enough to boost themselves and get premium ninjas. That basically was what initiated the fact that some people started to want to spend money to overtake the GL in the server. The funny thing is which exposes OG and Tencent, is the fact that GL's should remain secret about their status, they had to act as a regular player and not as a GL, it was a secret bs thing that raised su*ion in me when I first time learned about it in depth from one of the GL's later when it was free to tell others that you are a GL. Why otherwise you would have t hide it, right? The reason they were allowed to open about it was the fact that it didn't changed anything anyway, players kept playing etc. Fact remains that it was a shady thing no matter what, and it made me to distrust and view OG as shady company even more.
As time went the * went down more...all the comments being deleted regarding staining OG, they didn't even tried to prove that they are good, they just kept saying it's not true to whoever was saying something bad about them, but that's all, they didn't said anything else nor they even bothered to prove. They are not even transparent about anything. I wonder why.
I am glad this sh1tshow is finally going downhill, glad I never spent anything here, and glad I wont be able to spend anything anyway. I was kind of thinking about someday in future to be able to get 4th Raikage up to 4 stars and then breakthrough him, but I guess I wont even think about it since the day when I will be able to, I will have wasted money in a server and game that will close soon after. P.S. That is the only ninja ever I was willing to spend some money on, but I hope it wont ever happen.
Lack of content has been since 2.0 as well, if not since we still don't have stuff that had to be implemented 3 years ago if not 4.
It started to go downhill since 3.0 or 4.0. Game was out of balance since the start of the game in the west (EU and US). They fuked up the moment they launched Shisui for cheap, and opened GNW Treasure too soon. Before that it was somewhat of a steady ninja introduction etc. SP Naruto was given to us way too soon, and nobody wants to use breakthrough or skillbooked ninjas because they released those too late, since they already released too fast the OP ninjas that everyone uses.
The fact that they introduced Madara 10-Tails was simply wtf, I think it was 3k or 6k Euro's/USD in real money to get it, I think it was 3k.
Problem lies within people who have money, and who are * enough to not know what to do with it. The gambling in this game with the rigged "RNG" is ridiculous and should be investigated by the Gambling organizations within video games, since not only people who earn and don't know what to do with the money, there are kids whose parents allow them to use the money how they this gambling sh1tshow is influencing children and provoking to gamble.
I have complained many many times about how this whole thing works for Tencent, and OG trying to lick their a$$es by trying to be more greedier and abusing the fan ba
Meanwhile there is a GL, I forgot the full name of it, but it was like someone who observes people within server and has a mettup with moderators/admins of the game and they are telling to them all the daily info, suggestions etc. Meanwhile they are given ingots for their service enough to boost themselves and get premium ninjas. That basically was what initiated the fact that some people started to want to spend money to overtake the GL in the server. The funny thing is which exposes OG and Tencent, is the fact that GL's should remain secret about their status, they had to act as a regular player and not as a GL, it was a secret bs thing that raised su*ion in me when I first time learned about it in depth from one of the GL's later when it was free to tell others that you are a GL. Why otherwise you would have t hide it, right? The reason they were allowed to open about it was the fact that it didn't changed anything anyway, players kept playing etc. Fact remains that it was a shady thing no matter what, and it made me to distrust and view OG as shady company even more.
As time went the * went down more...all the comments being deleted regarding staining OG, they didn't even tried to prove that they are good, they just kept saying it's not true to whoever was saying something bad about them, but that's all, they didn't said anything else nor they even bothered to prove. They are not even transparent about anything. I wonder why.
I am glad this sh1tshow is finally going downhill, glad I never spent anything here, and glad I wont be able to spend anything anyway. I was kind of thinking about someday in future to be able to get 4th Raikage up to 4 stars and then breakthrough him, but I guess I wont even think about it since the day when I will be able to, I will have wasted money in a server and game that will close soon after. P.S. That is the only ninja ever I was willing to spend some money on, but I hope it wont ever happen.
Lack of content has been since 2.0 as well, if not since we still don't have stuff that had to be implemented 3 years ago if not 4.
I agree.... the gambling aspect of this game should seriously be investigated by the government.
I agree.... the gambling aspect of this game should seriously be investigated by the government.
Than go ahead and ring up the government John, this is a "serious" matter after all. It's not like people have rights and they chose to spend, weather the rng is "rigged" or not, they still proceed to do so at their own expense.
It started to go downhill since 3.0 or 4.0. Game was out of balance since the start of the game in the west (EU and US). They fuked up the moment they launched Shisui for cheap, and opened GNW Treasure too soon. Before that it was somewhat of a steady ninja introduction etc. SP Naruto was given to us way too soon, and nobody wants to use breakthrough or skillbooked ninjas because they released those too late, since they already released too fast the OP ninjas that everyone uses.
The fact that they introduced Madara 10-Tails was simply wtf, I think it was 3k or 6k Euro's/USD in real money to get it, I think it was 3k.
Problem lies within people who have money, and who are * enough to not know what to do with it. The gambling in this game with the rigged "RNG" is ridiculous and should be investigated by the Gambling organizations within video games, since not only people who earn and don't know what to do with the money, there are kids whose parents allow them to use the money how they this gambling sh1tshow is influencing children and provoking to gamble.
I have complained many many times about how this whole thing works for Tencent, and OG trying to lick their a$$es by trying to be more greedier and abusing the fan ba
Meanwhile there is a GL, I forgot the full name of it, but it was like someone who observes people within server and has a mettup with moderators/admins of the game and they are telling to them all the daily info, suggestions etc. Meanwhile they are given ingots for their service enough to boost themselves and get premium ninjas. That basically was what initiated the fact that some people started to want to spend money to overtake the GL in the server. The funny thing is which exposes OG and Tencent, is the fact that GL's should remain secret about their status, they had to act as a regular player and not as a GL, it was a secret bs thing that raised su*ion in me when I first time learned about it in depth from one of the GL's later when it was free to tell others that you are a GL. Why otherwise you would have t hide it, right? The reason they were allowed to open about it was the fact that it didn't changed anything anyway, players kept playing etc. Fact remains that it was a shady thing no matter what, and it made me to distrust and view OG as shady company even more.
As time went the * went down more...all the comments being deleted regarding staining OG, they didn't even tried to prove that they are good, they just kept saying it's not true to whoever was saying something bad about them, but that's all, they didn't said anything else nor they even bothered to prove. They are not even transparent about anything. I wonder why.
I am glad this sh1tshow is finally going downhill, glad I never spent anything here, and glad I wont be able to spend anything anyway. I was kind of thinking about someday in future to be able to get 4th Raikage up to 4 stars and then breakthrough him, but I guess I wont even think about it since the day when I will be able to, I will have wasted money in a server and game that will close soon after. P.S. That is the only ninja ever I was willing to spend some money on, but I hope it wont ever happen.
Lack of content has been since 2.0 as well, if not since we still don't have stuff that had to be implemented 3 years ago if not 4.
I thought GLs were only given coupons as a reward, not ingots
I thought GLs were only given coupons as a reward, not ingots
They only get coupons. That guy doesn't know what he's talking about. And all GL's are regular players. Not Oasis employees.
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