Sorry for you but i play normal , not cheating staying low abusing of a poor split system and i'm 105. Isn't wrong, if you go on the top 3, maybe with 10 / 15k more difference points from 4° mean that sage isn't for you, so you should be moved on another one, and the fastest way to do that is give exp to remove who isn't suppose to be there, so will end where he should be. You don't wanna level up, fine, don't be top 3 , easy
Once more what you're suggesting is not a solution. Right now my sage is starter lvl to 97-100. Also have tried 105 lvl sage(yesterday for example: finished with 22k pts, 2nd pos 3,5k, 3rd 1,7k,) so it's fair from your point of view?
For god's sake slow down with the power updates that no one asked for or wanted. There's already too much as is, this only benefits the top mega whales. The gap only continues to grow bigger, good job.
Sounds like America's tax breaks... hue hue
None of you have first, so stop that nonsense now.
We finally have something that China doesn't.....and its sole purpose is to milk the biggest spenders even further, LOL
China recently just got them and they also put them in grocery store for 200 sun scrolls each. Lets hope Oasis does the same for us. I do think it's weird that FR got them before CN though. I do agree with most people though this is a bad idea. We are missing so many features and skillbreaks, so why is adding did this need to be released now? We need to catch up to CN and not try to add things they just added to the game.
People arguing over lvl freezing, update and higher rewards for high sage already fixed it.My sage is lvl 50 to 100 with space time number 2 with 450k+ power :V
Im telling u guys for a few months already - this game is dead! They dont care about nothing but milk players before mobile version go worldwide. After that this game will be done, believe me. So if u still enjoy it - play it and stop complaining. If not - better quit right now, cuz this game will not be as good as 1-2 years ago.
This is idiotic, "dont start on the server that was opened 1 or 2 years ago". so you're saying rather than oasis to simply add exp to the top rewards long term players should consider having to start from scratch in brand new servers to work around a company having no clue how to run a game?
I'd argue that even then that wouldnt make much difference there are already enough smaller whales that couldn't * it in their old servers so they jumped ship, joined a new server, spent a ton of money and use their game experience to walk over the new players anyway, all whilst freezing at low enough levels to avoid running into anyone from their original server. So even then your proposal would only work if they jumped ship and spent a f ton regardless.
Events ba
"Simply add exp to the top rewards" will only make situation worse. Tbh i don't see a f2p starting on server opened 2y ago and being competitive without a lot of patience. With spenders it's different situation.
There's no way for f2p to get top ranks in sage where rewards are XP and event is ba
BP ba
At the end that whale will have to fight with tactics and no auto cuz f2p and low spender will quit. as it goes now my sage soon will be starter lvl to 105, and gl to all those low lvls against 400-700k guys.
just BP rankings from my server.
100 lvl and lower are in the same sage.
Again, how exactly become worste ? Whale will still slaughter f2p with or without tactics %, for f2p will be only gold, more power to exam and less curse and swear . Now tell me exactly how the hell is worste ?
% tactics are an ingot ba
Again, how exactly become worste ? Whale will still slaughter f2p with or without tactics %, for f2p will be only gold, more power to exam and less curse and swear . Now tell me exactly how the hell is worste ?
becomes worse because if you own 1 point of initiative over the enemy at comparable power there's no defensive/healing/shielding lineup that matters, you'll be slaughtered by somebody with your SAME power but that owns 1 point of initiative over you in 2 rounds.
Does anyone from oasis actually post/look here or is it just the mods? I have a hard time believing that either a) oasis takes the mods seriously or b) that oasis is actually given the real feedback from us or c) they don't care what we say. It's almost embarrassing at this point how obvious it is that they are only interested in releasing features that will make them more money opposed to having a complete game. The broken translations, the skipped features, the missing skill trials, the increased number of stars to skillbreak on some ninjas (i.e the useful ones).Frankly this will be my last month spending, my little $60 a month is a drop in the bucket to some of these whales but since its evident that either won't see or don't care about what I'm saying here then I have to vote with my wallet. XIV has an expansion dropping soon so it will be a very easy transition to go to a game that isn't about milking every last cent from its playerba
China recently just got them and they also put them in grocery store for 200 sun scrolls each. Lets hope Oasis does the same for us. I do think it's weird that FR got them before CN though. I do agree with most people though this is a bad idea. We are missing so many features and skillbreaks, so why is adding did this need to be released now? We need to catch up to CN and not try to add things they just added to the game.
but since we had 1-2 less years to farm things in comparison with them the consequence should be that if they add something that appeared yesterday in CN then the lower level item since tomorrow should cost 1/4 of what costs in china, otherwise is not possible to catch up.
what do i mean?
fine you add level 11-13 refinements and level 13-14 runes.
but is not fine if level 7-10 refinements from the following second continue to cost as much as they costed up to today.
"Simply add exp to the top rewards" will only make situation worse. Tbh i don't see a f2p starting on server opened 2y ago and being competitive without a lot of patience. With spenders it's different situation.
There's no way for f2p to get top ranks in sage where rewards are XP and event is ba
BP ba
At the end that whale will have to fight with tactics and no auto cuz f2p and low spender will quit. as it goes now my sage soon will be starter lvl to 105, and gl to all those low lvls against 400-700k guys.
just BP rankings from my server.
100 lvl and lower are in the same sage.
Power won't fix it. I remove stuff from my pos 2-4 and get a lower power....and no matter what u gus say they can't change 10 cent coding to alter events that much...waste of time arguing over daily events. Hardly see any f2p benefiting from lvl freezing...only heavy spenders tbh. Some people are busy so they lvl freeze and whale hard so...
I swear these fkin morons makes me sick. Are they low on pocket money or wtf. Fkin idiots missing a bunch of content , nins, BT , SB already from the previous versions but they want to reach up to the chinese servers level? They are fkin insane. Way to kill the game in my opinion. Greedy *s.
I swear these fkin morons makes me sick. Are they low on pocket money or wtf. Fkin idiots missing a bunch of content , nins, BT , SB already from the previous versions but they want to reach up to the chinese servers level? They are fkin insane. Way to kill the game in my opinion. Greedy *s.
They know that if they release useful BT then new ninjas won't sell so delaying it should be ideal eh
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