With the new version 6.0 of Naruto Online coming up this Thursday, it's time for a contest!
Naruto Online is requesting everyone's help to find and defeat as many Bugs as possible. The new version has been tested thoroughly, but we are aware that Bugs are always waiting to show up when we less expect it!
1. The first 100 players to report us DIFFERENT Bugs will be the winners of this contest!
1.Cave keys*10
2.Seal Fragment*1
Please report bugs by using following form:
Character Name:
Location of Bug: (where bug was met)
Bug Print Screen (most important):
Naruto Online Operation Team
UID: 200000105090556
ServerID: UK S861
Character Name: Levi
Location of Bug: (where bug was met) Assist li
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important): http://prntscr.com/ndota2
UID: 200000084417196
ServerID: S33:Kurenai
Character Name: ☣️Dragan☣️
Location of Bug: Redemption Merchant - Group Shop
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen http://prntscr.com/ndovh4
UID: 200000084144986
ServerID: S27: Hashirama
Character Name: Pervysage
Location of Bug: Every time you gain/claim coupons or coins the number will change into a bizarre amount for a second
Bug Desc
UID: 300037149626744
ServerID: S913
Character Name: Madara
Location of Bug: (where bug was met): Opening pm's with messages from 2 different people
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
UID: 300047490181660
ServerID: S688
Character Name: DoubleG7
Location of Bug: in hot springs
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen: can't really take a screenshot of that
UID: 200000082932403
ServerID: S1
Character Name: edge
Location of Bug: (where bug was met): Konoha
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/431540512311214080/568437206985998376/bug.png
UID: 200000081651646
ServerID: S911
Character Name: SirFaffyBear / SirDrewyBear
Location of Bug: (where bug was met) : There are 2 bugs one in private chat function and one we were in party our characters got Visual bugs
1.When we type something in private chat most of time that got some free space before or after that words/emoticons
2.When we did Wanted as duo our characters got Visual for example my friend character was outside of map
Bug Print
Screen (most important)
UID: 200000107455023
ServerID: S560 - Blue Bee
Name: LeviAckermann
Location of
Bug: (where bug was met) Hot Springs(Home)
Bug Print Screen (most important):
UID: 200000084990779
ServerID: S41 : Tayuya
Character Name: Raizel
Location of Bug: (where bug was met): at Strong Approach
Bug Desc
Bug Print Screen (most important):
UID: 200000103126124
ServerID: S456: Tale of Gallant
Name: StarCrap01
Location of
Bug: (where bug was met): Land of Wind desert
Bug Print
Screen (most important):
UID: 200000085267797
ServerID: UK S49 Kakuzu
Name: AshCrowKyojin
Location of
Bug: Benefit Hall, Daily Benefits
Bug Print
Screen (most important):
UID: 200000103126124
ServerID: S456: Tale of Gallant
Character Name: StarCrap01
Location of
Bug: (where bug was met): Message box
Bug Print
Screen (most important):
UID : 300001717779800
ServerID: S1100:Two as One | UK
Character Name: Zaazai
Location of Bug: Coin and Cupon
Bug Desc
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