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[ Lineup ] EARTH MAIN NEED HELP - Lv 45 - F2P


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On 2016-09-12 12:51:34Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hiya.. Im relatively new to the game. I'm currently lv45 and I would like some help with team lineups and such. I've looked at a lot of guides for Crimson Fist on the forum already, but they're all pretty much late game oriented and have squads basing on the assumption you're already beyond lv 55.

I was looking for some info on maybe some nice squads I could use that would tide me over till then. Nothing I've been trying so far seems to net any solid results. This is my current line up here -- It's been doing so so.. but from the guides it still isn't any real good till I'm near end game:

Any and all help is appreciated!
This post was last edited by Tokashiro at 2016-9-12 12:52 This post was last edited by Tokashiro at 2016-9-13 02:46
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-13 02:46:28Show this Author Only
Bumping my post
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On 2016-09-13 05:01:13Show this Author Only
I`m not very pro , but i think is ok your ninja ,
With 2-3-3-2-2 talent you can be more tanky and is good

First make lvl 55 , then you will see what you do , or ask again :D
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-13 05:33:28Show this Author Only
Your lineup lacks a solid tank, everyone in your team is extremely squishy including your main. Earth element prior to level 55 is support.

when I was leveling my earth to 55 I used this team. Also be sure to have ALL gear and characters maxed out before leveling so you can make things easier on yourself.

As far as talents use

Mystery: the interrupt skill or the knock down skill
Standard: The normal or Konoha Senpu
Chase: Primary lotus
Passive: Pose of duel

Gaara should be a regular on your team . as a sustain tank you'll need him to keep you and your teammates safe.

Kabuto is vital as well. His heals will be good to sustain your team and summoning his dead souls will help absorb some damage from the other team.

Kakashi will be a secondary source of damage, mainly to make combos. His waterclone is also good at taking hits and if youre lucky it will be killed the first turn and you cn do gaara's sand hell and kabutos corpse summoning on turn 1.

Lineup should be: Gaara at the middle of the front row, Kakashi directly behind him and Kabuto directly behind kakashi. Your main will be at the top of the middle row.

You could also replace Kakashi with Neji GNW for better combos and for crowd control purposes.

-This advice is pretty much what I did while leveling my earth main. I used the team I ust recommended besides GNW Neji because he wasn't out yet.
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On 2016-09-13 20:09:12Show this Author Only
if you replace kabuto with a karen and use the knockdown mystery skill , standard skill fortification and passive skill bottom force and chase knockdown you can chain some nasty combos plus karens poison stacks are crazy
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-17 11:24:58Show this Author Only
Yeah, but I have to grind up to Karin, and thats going slowly xD

The team Hanzo suggested worked okay, but Im still losing to heavy status comps and just ugh Lol. Thanks for the help though guys.
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