Dear Ninja,
We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 04/11/19! Please, have a look below to check the new events!
Sasuke Uchiha [Susano’o]
Itachi Uchiha [Edo Tensei]
Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear]
Naruto [Sage of the Six Paths]
New Time-Limited Treasure I Updated:
Period: April 11th – April 24th
Players must reach Level 55 in order to participate.
1."Platinum Recharge" added.
Get neat items and ninja by continuously recharging! The more you recharge, the more you can obtain!
Period: April 11th – April 17th
How To:
1. Recharge a given amount of Ingots every day to claim prizes (last 6 days)! Prizes can be claimed once daily.
2. Recharge that same amount for given number of days (as long as recharge six days during event period) to claim extra rewards! Prizes can be claimed once during event period.
3. This event refreshes every day at 00:00 (server time).
a) Coupons*50, Deluxe Myoboku Optional Pack*2, Training Potion*2; Seal Scroll*1, Cultivation Pill*3, Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear]*2
b) Coupons*200, Charm Materials Pack*3, Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear]*2, Seal Scroll*4, Advanced Ninja Optional Pack I*2, Contracting Scroll*1
c) Ninja Assist Pack*1, Advance Skill Trial Pack*6, Advanced Ninja Optional Pack I*1, Treasured Tools Rare Essence*3, Advanced Ninja Optional Pack I*8, Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear]*20
Ninja Assist Pack: Training Potion*30
Advanced Ninja Optional Pack I:Itachi Uchiha [Edo Tensi], Sasuke [Rinne sharingan], Kakashi [Susano’o]
2."Break Golden Eggs" added.
Super value rewards in every golden eggs, recharge and get a hammer! Break golden eggs to see what you can get!
Period: April 11th – April 14th
Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Recharge 50 ingots can obtain 1 hammer. Limit of 50 Hammers daily. (50 ingots should be recharged on the same day, if split recharge in different days, you cannot get a hammer.)
b) Consume a hammer and 20 ingots to break a Golden Egg. Hammer won’t be refreshed daily.
c) Rewards in Golden Eggs random drop:
Coupons*20; Coupons*25; Coupons*50; Coupons*60, Coupons*100;; Cave keys*2; Charm Fragment Pack*2, Deidara [Edo Tensei] Fragments*80
3. "Anniversary Red Envelope" added.
Every single recharge can get you an unbelievable rebate! Send or Get Red Envelopes! Celebrate together!
Period: April 15th – April 17th
How To:
a) During the event, obtain a Recharge Rebate and a Red Envelope Rebate for every recharge!
b) Obtain a maximum of 20.000 Coupons as Recharge Rebate and a maximum of 10.000 Coupons to send through Red Envelopes to other members from your Group.
c) Each player can send a maximum of 100 Red Envelopes and can receive a maximum of 5.000 Coupons from other members' Red Envelopes.
d) A Red Envelope which was already sent is valid for 2 hours, after which it will be unclaimable. The value sent inside the Red Envelope will not be returned.
e) Ingots recharged during the period of the event will be ac*ulated to both Recharge Rebate and Red Envelope Rebate.
f) The
Group channel is limited to 70 messages at once. If more than 70 messages are
sent while the li
4."Time-Limited Shop" added.
Get points by Logging in, Clearing Instances and Using Ingots. Rewards are waiting for you!
Period: April 11th – April 17th
Players must reach Level 45 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Players can obtain 1 Point by logging in daily and can obtain more points by completing Plot/Elite Instances.
b) By Spending 10 Ingots daily, you will also get 1 Point.
c) Remember to use the Points before the deadline of the events (which is according to the computers’ time) or it will be reset to 0.
d) Players can redeem the following rewards in this event:
Sasuke Uchiha [Susano’o]’s Fragments
Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear]
Naruto [Sage of the Six Paths]
Summer Break
Seal Scroll
Training Potion*5
5."Crazy Slot Machine" added.
Use Ingots to have a chance at spinning the Slot Machine! Super rare ninja and other rewards are awaiting for you!
Period: April 11th – April 17th
How To:
a) During the event, for each time you spend 100 Ingots in the game, you will get a spin for a chance to get a neat prize! There is no limit to how many times it can be spun daily. "Spins" obtained for this week's events need to be used in time, once the events end, the "Spins" you didn't use will be reset to 0.
b) Every time you spin it, there is a guaranteed prize! Outstanding ninjas and other fantastic prizes can be obtained! The prizes awarded will be in accordance to your matches in the Slot Machine!
1st Prize: Ay [Fourth Raikage] Breakthrough Pack*1
2nd Prize: Hashirama Senju[Edo Tensei]’s fragments’ *1
3rd Prize: Crazy Slot 3rd Prize Pack (Madara Uchiha [Founder of Konoha]*1, Itachi Uchiha [Susano’o]*1, Minato Namikaze [Jonin]*5, Shisui Uchiha [Kotoamatsukami]*5, Cave Key*50, Temari [Swimsuit]*5, Utakata [Edo Tensei]*5, Coupons*300.)
4th Prize: Seal Scroll*1, Level 4 Rainbow Magatama*1, Cultivation Pill*1,
5th Prize: Level 3 Magatama Pack*1, Mount Myoboku’sTraining*1, Charm Materials Fragment*5, Cultivate Scrolls *3, Advanced Refine Rune*1,
6th Prize: Training Potion*2, Unbound Runes Packets*2, Charm Materials Fragment*1, Purification Protection Runes*2, Treasured Tools Common Essence*1
6."Lucky Board" added.
Want to try your luck? Throw your dice to know what rewards wait for you! Extra points can be used to redeem rewards in its Shop!
Period: April 11th – April 17th
How To:
a) Roll the dice to move on the Lucky Board according to the points you obtained in the dice. Players can get the corresponding rewards marked on the grids;
b) Complete Plot/Elite instances or complete Daily Mission to get free dice. You can get a maximum of 2 free dice per day. The dice c*so be bought directly in the Shop;
c) Get 5 points every time you move into a Prop Grid and 10 Points when you move into a Function Grid. After you have left the Start Grid for the first time, each time you pass the Start Grid you will get a Lucky Ninja Pack.
Note: "Dice" obtained for this week's events need to be used this week, once the events end, the "Dice" you didn't use will be reset to 0.
Remark: Rewards Panel Updated.
7. "Dancing Capsule" added.
What surprise will be in your Capsules? Draw them and get powerful item and ninja fragment(s)!
Period: April 11th – April 17th
Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Use 1 Capsule Toy to obtain one of the listed rewards. Capsule Toys can be purchased in the Shop or obtained by exchanging items in the "Ninja School Winter Camp" event.
b) Only 1 Capsule Toy can be used at a time for 1 Draw. Coupons/Ingots can be used to increase the probabilities of obtaining 1 of the rewards, only the probability of 1 reward can be increased at a time (Every time a player uses "Increase Probability", probabilities for a selected reward by the player will be increased by 5%; "Probability +*%" can be increased up to 50%.)
c)The higher the Probability, the more it will cost to increase (5%/10%/15%/20%/25%/30%/35%/40%/45%/50%-10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 Coupons/Ingots).
d) Every time a player clicks on "Draw" and obtains a reward, the Probability will be reset and the player will obtain a random reward from the listed rewards (with an increased Probability of *% of obtaining the desired item if the "Increase Probability" function was used).
e) After every "Draw", the player will need to reselect the desired item that the player wishes to "Increase Probability".
f) Coupons and Ingots can both be used to "Increase Probability" in this event, Coupons will be used first.
8."Konoha's Great Tree" added.
Watch your tree and your server's World Tree grow and get Fortune Coins! Get to the Fortune Shop and exchange them!
Period: April 11th – April 17th
How to:
a) Konoha's Great Tree has an icon in the main HUD; players can click the icon to enter this event.
b) Players can obtain Dew Drops by clearing trials in Survival Trial, participating in the Arena or clearing Team Instances. Buying Daily Packs will also earn players Dew Drops.
c) Bless the Lucky Tree using Dew Drops, Coupons or Ingots to obtain Points and Items or Fortune Coins from the Lucky Tree. Points and Fortune Coins can be redeemed in different shops in the event, both can be found in the event’s interface.
d) The Lucky Tree will level up when a given amount of Points is reached.
e) All players from a given same server can obtain items from the World Tree. Its level is related to the amount of Points of all Players from a single server.
f) Remember to use Dew Drops, Fortune Coins and Konoha’s Great Tree Points before the deadline of the events (which is according to the computers’ time) or it will be reset to 0.
Remark: Daily Purchase Limit was set to all items in the Fortune Store.
9."Konoha Outlets" added.
On Seal, Discount items in Konoha! Come and Participate in Konoha Outlets, gather Scratch Cards and redeem Ninja or Powerful Items!
Period: April 11th – April 17th
Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.
How To:
“Konoha Outlets” event is divided into three tabs.
a) Each Store will be opening at the specific time. The detailed time will show up in the Discount Store Interface.
b) Every Store has the fixed closed time, once closing time reached, the specific Store will be closed that players cannot buy anything in this Store.
c) All Stores are on seal!
a) Consume the required amount of Coupons or Ingots in Konoha Outlets event to get Scratch Card.
b) Moving your mouse to scratch the card to get different Word Plates. The Word Plate you obtained can be used in Reward Center to redeem rewards.
c) Remark: If you don’t obtain the Word Card after scratching, please cle*l shadow region.
10."Recruitment Feedback" added.
Draw from specific Treasures to get more rewards in this event! Make the best use out of your Seal Scrolls!
Period: April 11th – April 17th
Players must reach Level 50 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Draw Five Kage Treasure, Jinchuriki Treasure I, Jinchuriki Treasure II,Great Ninja War Treasure, Time-Limited Treasure I to claim rewards! (“Free Draw” is not accountable)
11."Time Limited Charm Rebate" added.
Want to be more powerful? Upgrade your Charms and get Points! Use those Points to exchange for rewards to fasten your Power enhancement!
Period: April 11th – April 17th
Players must reach Level 60 in order to participate.
How To:
a) Obtain 1 Point for each time you use Charms materials.
b) Reach a given amount of Points to get the corresponding rewards during the event’s period.
12."Goldfish Fishing" added!
Take some time, relax and go fishing for new fish that might be exchanged for ninjas' fragments and other rewards!
Period: April 11th – April 17th
Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.
How To:
1. Complete Plot/Elite Instances, draw in the Treasures (Seal treasure and above) to obtain paper nets.
2. Use paper nets to catch goldfish and earn credits, which can be used to redeem amazing rewards.
Remark: Event’s rewards have been updated.
13."Everlasting Bonds" added!
To better develop and protect konoha village! It's time to call back all your friends! Claim rewards and fight together!
Period: April 11th – April 24th
Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.
How To:
a) During the event, players who meet the requirements in the “Manage Friends” interface and “Group Members” list, will have a special *on displayed “Call Back to Konoha”(the requirement: Players who didn’t login since January 1st and thier level is above 30)
b) All players that “Call Back to Konoha”, will be able to meet the requirements of given tasks and get the rewards!
c) Daily Sign-In: Can be claimed every day when you login during event period.
d) Everlasting Bonds: Can select one of your friend and invite him or her get Bond Rewards together. Can only be claimed once during event period.
e) Brothers in Arms. Every day, create a Team with your returned friend and get a Victory in a Team Instance or in Decisive Bonds, both of you can claim the rewards. The rewards can be claimed once per day.
f) Back to Konoha. Can claim rewards when your Group has 3 or more players with “Call Back to Konoha” icon on the Group Members.
g) Two Minds One Will: Have 3 or more players with “Call Back to Konoha” *on on the Group Member list and get a victory in Great Ninja War, then you can claim the rewards.
14.New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.
15.Last, but not least, "Dew Drop, Fortune Coins", "Dice", "Hammer", "Capsule", "Paper Net" obtained for this week's events need to be spent this week, once the events end, the "Dew Drop, Fortune Coins", "Dice", "Hammer", "Capsule", "Paper Net" you didn't use will be reset to 0. Remember to use them in time!
Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!
All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise.
Thank you for all your support to us,
Naruto Online Operation Team
overall events look meh and saving-like, but I said that last week and was wrong( last week turned out good with a flag and some trainpotions) so I hope I am wrong again, we gotta see what's in the events and the pricings... Also judging by the rewards in platinum recharge, you nibas are changing the 50 ingots one, and making it bigger? not cool.
At the moment weeks events seem to lack something to make us recharge or spend. Let's see do we get a pleasent surprise tomorrow, when plans go into action. At least there seems to be some freebies, even if next week ends up being a savings week.
Edit: Nothing new either. But I guess it would be too entitled to ask new things for every week. There's only so much content, before we have catched up to China.
Still the most handsome player in HK servers.
I only ask that you release more skill trials just to match with how frequent six path naruto is coming it's to keep the mix up so that it doesn't become all six path online
Ranked Arena is pure Kakuzu yeah, isntead of Skill Trial give out some more Ay 4th so we can go from Kakuzu online to Ay4th and forever
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