I currently have 25 fragments of Iruka by buying ingots. I need 10 more fragments. I get 5 Fragments everytime I purchase 500 ingots (9.99$). So it will be a total of 20$ dollards to complete the fragments needed.
My question is.... Is it really worth it to acquire this mysterious character that everyone keep talking about it?...
I mean... I have Gaara 4 Stars, Naruto Nine Tails Chakra and Guy in my current formation with Wind Main.
So, will I benefit better if I get this character? or should I just save my money for something batter in the long run...?
I am currently Level 47 in server S81-Pein-Tendo. I am #6 in Breeze Dancer Power Ranking.
This is my current formation and ninjas:

Please let me know as soon as possible since the event will be over on Sept 15.