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[ Strategy Share ] My Breeze Dancer Formation (Arena and PVP)


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On 2016-09-11 12:23:49Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I will share my formation and strategy for the Breeze Dancer (PVP).

Now, when I mean PVP, I am referring to Sage World Battlefield, Ranked Battles and Arena. (Not Ninja Exams, Main Plot, Quests, Strong Approach, etc)

For a Video Explanation Click Here (In Spanish)
For english here is the explanation:


-Level 45 and up
-Gaara 4-Stars
-Naruto Nine-Tails Chakra
-Guy Sensei

If you don't have these ninjas, I strongly suggest to get it. (You can replace Guy with Iruka but since I don't have him... I am using Guy.)


Naruto Nine-Tails:
You will want Naruto Nine-Tails in front because of his Rage Passive. He increase his Attack everytime he takes damage. Don't worry he won't die that easy since he has Tailed Beast Chakra- Wars Passive which heals him every round and also he is Inmune to any state and also apply Ignition to attackers which makes him a great front line.

We have gaara for few reasons. He is protecting Guy, which is our Interrupt ninja. Also, Gaara is a hard dude to take down. He also buffs our Breeze Dancer and Naruto, Oh, and did I mention the shields?... His Ultimate deals tons of damage and AOE which remove those annoying clones and rear dying healers.

The only reason I throw Guy in this formation is because his ability to stop/interrupt abilities. He is also a good chaser and damage dealer.

Breeze Dancer:
Our main character will be in the back, since she is not an initiator in this formation, we just want her to buff our wind ninjas and deal some extra damage.

Skills & Passives:

Dance of Impetus: Really good Skill for PVP. It remove all debuff of your whole team AND it also reset all the cooldowns. The key is knowing the right time to use this skill. Wait until your team have debuffs and all your other ninja's skills are on CD.

Gust Dance: Meh.. Why not. It has decent damage and prob to cause high combo.

Shoot Down Rasengan: Cool animation and also it chases Naruto Nine-Tails main skill.

Enhancement of Wind Style Ninja: Your main passive. KEEP THIS. This will buff Gaara and Naruto Nine-Tails which are your damage output.

*When you unlock the other passives you c*e either Multi Clones for more defense or Super *y for more damage and CC.

Skill Sequence and Strategy:

Ok, So you have everything set up, now what?

First off you will want to beging with Gaara's Sand Hell . This will buff every Wind Ninja (Main and Naruto)
After you buffed all your ninjas the fun begins. You need to check what the other team is doing. If they have a ninja ready
to cast a powerful skill you should use Guy's interrupt . This will shut down that person in matter of seconds.

You c*e Naruto's Rasengan to any ninja that hasnt Ignite from attacking Naruto. This will apply the debuff
great damage to the enemy and the rear enemy and also a follow up from the Main with another Rasengan. A LOT OF DAMAGE.

Your damage output will come mostly from Naruto Nine-Tails. He will be taking so much damage to feed his Rage passive, also
applying the burn debuff and with Main and Gaara buff...... nuf else to say.. I've one shotted people with Naruto doing this

Remember to use whenever you need a skill that is on CD (Like Guys Interrupt) or to remove some nasty debuff
(Genjutsu, Inmobile, Sleep, etc.)

Stats & Equipments:

Remember to focus on Naruto and Gaara's equipments. Since they are the front line of the team, you will want to equip them the best equipment you have and magatamas. Here is an example of my Equipment Distribution:

As stats goes, each ninja benefits from a certain stats.

Guy- Life+Atk
Wind Main- Life+Def
Naruto- Life+Nin
Gaara- Life+Nin

Nin. = Ninjutsu

Leave feedbacks and questions :)

This post was last edited by MikuSusa at 2016-9-16 23:44
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-12 23:33:15Show this Author Only
Cool lineup, I will certainly try it when I get to 45 and if I get Guy :)
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On 2016-09-13 00:34:37Show this Author Only
  • Glowing On 2016-09-12 23:33:15
  • Cool lineup, I will certainly try it when I get to 45 and if I get Guy :)
I got Baki last night, so I replaced Guy with him.. if you got Baki you should go for it :)
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On 2016-09-16 01:33:13Show this Author Only
I use 4* Gaara, 3* Kankuro, and 3* Nintendo Pein with my Wind Main. Works like a charm ;P
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On 2016-09-16 01:51:47Show this Author Only
Well I wish I had Nintendo 64 but I don't... I just reached 6 paths today using Gaara 4, Naruto nine tails and kankuro 3.... buffing wind main, impentus for CD reduction and debuff remover.
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On 2016-09-16 09:30:31Show this Author Only
  • MikuSusa On 2016-09-16 01:51:47
  • Well I wish I had Nintendo 64 but I don't... I just reached 6 paths today using Gaara 4, Naruto nine tails and kankuro 3.... buffing wind main, impentus for CD reduction and debuff remover.
Prior to getting Ningendo I actually just ran my main with Kankuro, Gaara, and Kabuto. Nine Tails Naruto worked well at first until I started fighting either control teams of debuff/heal teams. At that point I had to give him up.
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On 2016-09-16 11:53:01Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-16 09:30:31
  • Prior to getting Ningendo I actually just ran my main with Kankuro, Gaara, and Kabuto. Nine Tails Naruto worked well at first until I started fighting either control teams of debuff/heal teams. At that point I had to give him up.
Yeah, Healers totally shut down naruto 9 tails :/ ... Right now I am running Kankuro 3 stars, Gaara *4 and Baki.. What do you think about this comp?
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On 2016-09-16 13:48:07Show this Author Only
  • MikuSusa On 2016-09-16 11:53:01
  • Yeah, Healers totally shut down naruto 9 tails :/ ... Right now I am running Kankuro 3 stars, Gaara *4 and Baki.. What do you think about this comp?
You're gonna run into the same problems as with Nine Tail Naruto, sadly :/

In theory it works well, as you have single-target damage with Baki, AOE with Gaara, and a poisoning AOE with Kankuro. This is assuming you still have Dance of Impetus as the Main's mystery, but running a purely Wind team is dangerous when, for example, you encounter teams that specialize in applying controls faster than you can disperse them, or teams that can dispel debuffs/team heal/* chakra/mirror debuffs/etc. The strategy I'd use, if I was fighting you, would be to take out Main first, then Kankuro/Baki, and Gaara last. With the Main's mystery being essentially a team reset, it's fairly easy to negate the other mysteries of Gaara, Kankuro, and Baki. Of course, BP has something to do with it outside of Arena, but within I've found that a damage-focused team can either do really well or fail really hard because it's all luck of the draw.

I'd say that a full elemental team works best in Nine Tails, as you get Wind ninja buffs all around (though I would replace Kankuro with Temari, as debuffs are useless against Nine Tails). Otherwise, I'd caution against it, as it's easy to counter by many Water/Fire teams if they're around your level. In general, I still say go for a healer like Sakura or Kabuto, and save the main's talent to deal more damage. But in Ranked, look at the team you're fighting and make your choices accordingly. If they're a full lightning team with Sasuke, Hinata, and Kakashi, maybe go with Gaara, Kankuro, and Naruto, as Naruto can punch through Hinata's shield like paper. If you're challenging a Fire control team, maybe a healer would be prudent with the debuff mirroring passive. Not sure about what your total ninja roster looks like, but I never run elemental teams outside of Nine Tails, and I build my teams based on if they can combo to apply control.
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On 2016-09-16 15:24:44Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-16 13:48:07
  • You're gonna run into the same problems as with Nine Tail Naruto, sadly :/

    In theory it works well, as you have single-target damage with Baki, AOE with Gaara, and a poisoning AOE with Kankuro. This is assuming you still have Dance of Impetus as the Main's mystery, but running a purely Wind team is dangerous when, for example, you encounter teams that specialize in applying controls faster than you can disperse them, or teams that can dispel debuffs/team heal/* chakra/mirror debuffs/etc. The strategy I'd use, if I was fighting you, would be to take out Main first, then Kankuro/Baki, and Gaara last. With the Main's mystery being essentially a team reset, it's fairly easy to negate the other mysteries of Gaara, Kankuro, and Baki. Of course, BP has something to do with it outside of Arena, but within I've found that a damage-focused team can either do really well or fail really hard because it's all luck of the draw.

    I'd say that a full elemental team works best in Nine Tails, as you get Wind ninja buffs all around (though I would replace Kankuro with Temari, as debuffs are useless against Nine Tails). Otherwise, I'd caution against it, as it's easy to counter by many Water/Fire teams if they're around your level. In general, I still say go for a healer like Sakura or Kabuto, and save the main's talent to deal more damage. But in Ranked, look at the team you're fighting and make your choices accordingly. If they're a full lightning team with Sasuke, Hinata, and Kakashi, maybe go with Gaara, Kankuro, and Naruto, as Naruto can punch through Hinata's shield like paper. If you're challenging a Fire control team, maybe a healer would be prudent with the debuff mirroring passive. Not sure about what your total ninja roster looks like, but I never run elemental teams outside of Nine Tails, and I build my teams based on if they can combo to apply control.
lol I see.. Maybe I should just * with the regular Empress team haha since it's really complete and versatile
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On 2016-09-16 23:42:35Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-16 13:48:07
  • You're gonna run into the same problems as with Nine Tail Naruto, sadly :/

    In theory it works well, as you have single-target damage with Baki, AOE with Gaara, and a poisoning AOE with Kankuro. This is assuming you still have Dance of Impetus as the Main's mystery, but running a purely Wind team is dangerous when, for example, you encounter teams that specialize in applying controls faster than you can disperse them, or teams that can dispel debuffs/team heal/* chakra/mirror debuffs/etc. The strategy I'd use, if I was fighting you, would be to take out Main first, then Kankuro/Baki, and Gaara last. With the Main's mystery being essentially a team reset, it's fairly easy to negate the other mysteries of Gaara, Kankuro, and Baki. Of course, BP has something to do with it outside of Arena, but within I've found that a damage-focused team can either do really well or fail really hard because it's all luck of the draw.

    I'd say that a full elemental team works best in Nine Tails, as you get Wind ninja buffs all around (though I would replace Kankuro with Temari, as debuffs are useless against Nine Tails). Otherwise, I'd caution against it, as it's easy to counter by many Water/Fire teams if they're around your level. In general, I still say go for a healer like Sakura or Kabuto, and save the main's talent to deal more damage. But in Ranked, look at the team you're fighting and make your choices accordingly. If they're a full lightning team with Sasuke, Hinata, and Kakashi, maybe go with Gaara, Kankuro, and Naruto, as Naruto can punch through Hinata's shield like paper. If you're challenging a Fire control team, maybe a healer would be prudent with the debuff mirroring passive. Not sure about what your total ninja roster looks like, but I never run elemental teams outside of Nine Tails, and I build my teams based on if they can combo to apply control.
I had to make a video for the formation I listed. Check it out although is in Spanish but you will get the idea lol
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On 2016-09-24 22:35:31Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-16 01:33:13
  • I use 4* Gaara, 3* Kankuro, and 3* Nintendo Pein with my Wind Main. Works like a charm ;P
Which line-up, skills and summon do you use? <:2_37:> (from special ones i have Monkey King)
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On 2016-09-24 23:57:57Show this Author Only
  • Minene_Rem On 2016-09-24 22:35:31
  • Which line-up, skills and summon do you use? <:2_37:> (from special ones i have Monkey King)
x Main (Main Clone)
Ningendo Gaara (Main Clone)
Kankuro (Puppet) (Main Clone)

Skills are 23231:
Giant Rasengan
Wind Style: Gale Fan
Wind Style: *ing
Enhancement of Wind Style ninja
Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu

I use the Bull (purple) for the summon. Rhino (gold) works better, but I don't have it yet.
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On 2016-09-25 08:03:49Show this Author Only
thank you very much c: i'm gonna try that ^^
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