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[ PVP ] Let's talk Decisive Bonds


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-03-06 10:09:07Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Greetings fellow ninjas, today I wanted to open up this can of worms that has been discussed amongst other forum posts so I will make this brief. But considering the new spring event has come in, part of the challenges and one of the medals to reach Six Paths rank in Decisive Bonds and win so many times. So I figured now would be a good time to bring this up now that it has started to gain some traction again because of this. I am going to stress that a lot of these points have already been brought up but they have yet to be fixed so I will touch basis on them briefly.

1) My BIGGEST complaint about mode which ties into point #2 is those who carry lesser powered players on their backs into victory. I'm sure those of you who have played this game mode already have encountered this, but those of you who have not, let me explain. Basically a common issue you might come across is when you fight against a player who lets say has 350k BP and you and your partner have about 170k each. But the 350k has a teammate that has 90k BP and is one a much lower rank th*l 3 of you. You & your partner are Kage rank, 350 big boi is Six Paths, and 90k is maybe jonin/anbu. Naturally, unless you get very lucky or big boi messes up big time, you are going to lose, after which you just lost 13 points that you spent the last hour grinding to get with your partner against equally tough and similar powered players as yourself. This is my biggest issue with this mode, there NEEDS to be a limit on how much of a power difference a person can team up with to do bonds with, because as it stands this makes the game unplayable for me and those I play with. I believe a 50k difference in BP should be the limit that needs to be initiated to counter this problem and make the mode (slightly) more fair. I understand wanting to help out a teammate but when I get put against a 500k+ opponent and someone with 150k and I lose or have to retreat and just lost 10-13 points because of a match I had NO chance against, then there is a major flaw with the mode. Unfortunately this will fall on deaf ears and Oasis/Tencent will never do anything about this because the big wallet warriors are having a great time, so the only thing I can suggest is that any of you who are reading this, please do not carry in this game mode. I understand that anyone below 100k is going to be at a MAJOR disadvantage but you carrying them to a free win means they didn't earn it and you just made life hell for everyone you're beating, so keep that in mind.

2) Matchmaking at its best will put you against some team of similar power. How often does this happen? Not very. Most often then not the matchmaking is unpredictable at best and is just a broken mess that is worst than Matsuri's RNG matchmaking. More often than not you will end up fighting a LOT of the same teams over and over again, including the forementioned problem of #1 above (Fighting blue whales carrying baby belugas multiples times). This needs fixing bad, its just not good. But im not the first or last that will say matchmaking is borked for this mode and I somewhat get that not a lot of people play this mode but if your honestly telling me the big blue whale with the baby beluga is the only one playing when we've faced other teams before then you are straight lying to my face.

3) Edo Hiruzen teams

Thats it, there isn't really anything else that irks me about the game mode besides point 1 and 2, 3 being an annoyance that you should all know of. Let me know your experiences below and if you agree/disagree with what I've said. Thanks for reading and best of luck in your matches.

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On 2019-03-06 10:33:05Show this Author Only

As someone with 80k power with usual teammates of 70-90k, I'd like to not see 100k+ teams and have the retreat function always available. If people believe they have a chance, they wouldn't have the need to press the retreat *on that fast.

Today, out of 14 matches, my 70k teammate and I got 2 wins, both from fast retreats from an 90k-30k and an 80k-40k team. And as much as I'm grateful for those two wins, I understand those teams' frustration. If the game wants to toss in all the servers, then I'd prefer the an arena-type of matching. DB right now just makes people sad.

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On 2019-03-06 16:29:35Show this Author Only


Been talked about this million times. What's point of creating another topic to cry? Nothing changed, and nothing will after another thousand topics about same thing.

This post was last edited by s1volu on 2019-03-06 16:39:25.
  • Registered: 2018-02-14
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On 2019-03-06 16:53:04Show this Author Only
  • s1volu On 2019-03-06 16:29:35
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    Been talked about this million times. What's point of creating another topic to cry? Nothing changed, and nothing will after another thousand topics about same thing.

I think things will change, and the first few who know how to do it properly would of already taken the appropriate lead.

But, that's just my few cents opinion on it.

Irresponsible exploitation will sooner bring ruin than anything.

So unless you are a gambler or you are sure enough or having reason enough to lead and bet, you would not.

ps: I haven't read your links since I'm attending to the current thread on the fly, life's busy.

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On 2019-03-06 18:28:49Show this Author Only

About your point 1:

You are right except for two things:

1) 95% of the 300k+ that go in with a low power player just do it not to help the low power but simply to complete fast the 70 kills achievement and 90% of those low powers that go in with them are actually alts of themselves. So if you expect oasis to move an inch against somebodh that paid to win in a game that is p2w, sadly, you are dreaming. Even if you are perfectly right.

2) you are taking for granted to lose but is very possible that two 230ks are able to beat the 350k that go in with a 90k alt (same 460k total power) because is still a match between two op moves ninjas (move 1 and 2 of the 350k and the two move 1 of the two 230ks) and what may make the difference is the fact the two 230ks have 6 move 2-4 ninjas that are able to do something while the 90k is obliterated in 10 seconds simply by standard attacks. But if you expect to win with two 170ks indeed yes this won't happen.

About your point 2: the matching system is horrible but mostly is up on the fact too few people joins. Is like matsuri. Most of the unbalancements come out of the fact a lot of op players hit the 60 seconds queue time.

About your point 3: edo hirzuen hits 9 targets with mystery. Just make the field filled with clones or stack 30k shields and you solved most of the times the issue. After round 1 hiruzen is basically useless.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-03-06 18:37:32.
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On 2019-03-06 21:26:11Show this Author Only

Edo hiruzen teams are weak to sosp teams. 1 sosp in a 250k team usually wins 1v8 vs 2x ~250k if he lives to r2. I've played easily over 50 matchups like this and i could count on fingers on 1 hand how many times we managed to win even fight (us using hiruzens).

Regarding going 2x 250k vs 350+alt- just ask top player in your server to auto with you. There are many that simply stay auto afk and and help once they get their stuff done. For those guys most battles look like either they surrender or somebody surrenders to them. I once got such help and finished all the kill chests while having only 1 normal battle, all the other wins were instant surrenders. Since we all know how bad matchmaking is and how most matchups end nobody wants to waste more time than needed for it. You should try it sometime. There are better modes to have fun than bonds.

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On 2019-03-07 06:49:18Show this Author Only

Glad to see this thread getting some attention guys and just to put things in perspective I am actually the strongest player on my server sitting at around 243k BP on average and I team with the 2nd strongest from my group who's at about 223k on average. So power isn't really a problem for us, neither is synergy we just end up getting paired against a LOT of 350k+ players with their alts or someone low and we end up losing all our points that we spent the past 20 minutes getting. To be specific yesterday we went in and I had about 578 points, only about 11 points off from reaching Six Paths rank, at the end of that day I ended up with 543 points. A lot of it is running in lower powered players who instant retreat and getting 3 points or having a decent even battle and earning the same and then losing it all to the the big bois, and then we get matched against them again, even after waiting a good minute. Its essentially a 1 step forward 2 steps back kind of situation.

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On 2019-03-07 06:59:28Show this Author Only

It's a bit of luck, timing then, since as far as I know, it's hard to stay at sage of six path rank.

and there is no way you can choose your battles, you just get matched, then decided to fight the fun or not.

the rank shouldn't really matter as much thou for those who had got there at least once. correct ?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-03-07 09:05:58Show this Author Only

Correct. Only reason me and my partner are even trying is because of the new Spring Festival put in place in which one of the medals is to reach Six Paths rank at least once. After that it doesn't matter.

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On 2019-03-07 12:10:15Show this Author Only

bonds are not susposed to match on power it randomizses in rank if you were to remove power from bonds then you will lose soley on the ninjas you have my 2 accounts are 160k i lost to a 98k an 120k from thhere ninjas and speed alone

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On 2019-03-08 14:41:25Show this Author Only

maybe make it like normal arena ranking, and once either of the players on the team make 6 paths rank, then you can't be matched with anyone below 6 paths rank.

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On 2019-03-10 06:16:17Show this Author Only

this mode sux ballz nothing more 3pts for winning -9,12 pts from lose and 0 balance

This post was last edited by dziokim on 2019-03-10 06:16:28.
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