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[ PVP ] Let's talk Decisive Bonds


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-03-06 21:26:11Show All Posts

Edo hiruzen teams are weak to sosp teams. 1 sosp in a 250k team usually wins 1v8 vs 2x ~250k if he lives to r2. I've played easily over 50 matchups like this and i could count on fingers on 1 hand how many times we managed to win even fight (us using hiruzens).

Regarding going 2x 250k vs 350+alt- just ask top player in your server to auto with you. There are many that simply stay auto afk and and help once they get their stuff done. For those guys most battles look like either they surrender or somebody surrenders to them. I once got such help and finished all the kill chests while having only 1 normal battle, all the other wins were instant surrenders. Since we all know how bad matchmaking is and how most matchups end nobody wants to waste more time than needed for it. You should try it sometime. There are better modes to have fun than bonds.

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