X Edo hashirama edo minato
Wind main kushina x
X x x
Talents 32114, summon: koh.
Kushina water main x
Edo hashirama edo minato x
X x x
Talents: 22443 or 23443, summon koh.
yep, those two teams are quite op if used correctly (i suppose the kushina you talk about is normal kushina, the one that summons clones, not the habanero version).
u will get regret it if u bought edo minato, unless you are a heavy spenders who has bigger bp, trust me. On top of that u need to win initiative attribute to make full use of him (only whales c*e him, even in arena, he is very very very week)
u better save up for naruto six path or angel konan or even just use jonin minato.
the biggest-smallest damage between 3 kind of minatos are Hokage Minato (the biggest damage), jonin minato with bond mystery, and then edo minato
as rough damage dealt, edo minato has the highest outcome.
the only issue is the 3 rounds cd for the mystery,
that said now we have a good and easy to get ninja that works fine with him and is gakido with his mystery y+2
pair him with wind main and you basically have the mystery every round for the first 5 rounds but round 1 (use a madara 5ks or kisame samehada as the 4th ninja and is done)
For the record, you only need Gakido's Y mystery. His Y+1 just increases the shield from 40% res to 50%. Also, Y+1 is the cap, not Y+2.
Also, I just tested that team out. You c*e Minato's mystery every round but round 1, as far as I can tell (I was only able to put it into practice up through round 5, cuz that's when Kakashi dies). It's pretty crazy. And for every round except round 10, his mystery can be used at the very beginning of the round. However, this requires a LOT of using his mystery the turn before, which is super vulnerable to interrupts and stuff. Generally speaking, doing that is not recommended.
it was a typo XD, anyways yeah even ad y directly it does it.
yep, you need ideal conditions to be able to use it constantly, but that's why kisame or madara are there :-)
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