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[ Lineup ] Sasuke [Suit] Breakthrough Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-23 08:21:25Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!



Since he is mostly a pos3-4 support ninja, this mystery upgrade isn't such a big deal since you aren't getting many chances to use his mystery

I wouldn't really recommend forcing to upgrade this


Same comment as the mystery, although this could be useful if you have bonus chakra to use his mystery in all rounds (well if you are using Dance of Impetus it's kinda useless except for later rounds)


This is interesting because it kinda changes to another buff , since it goes from a 3 round buff to a 5 round buff, so be careful when it comes to stacking it with other 5 round buffs (this upgrade means that he will stack with other 3 round buffs, however won't stack with 5 round buffs e.g. hashirama, tobirama, mifune)

In general it's a good thing because most of the buffers are 3 rounds, which means that the will stack with them and be much more useful for bonds/gnw etc


Nothing special of an upgrade, it's just a bit of extra damage


Same, a bit of extra damage

Overall the most important thing here is his buff change, which will be much more useful in events such as bonds/gnw

I'd recommend using him just as a support ninja, especially together with strong female pos1 ninjas such as God Angel Konan and Swimsuit Temari

1. Wind Main



The famous God Angel Konan team

It has immunities, super armors, good chakra gain-buffs-shields, protection thru Sharki Kisame

2. Wind Main 2



Pretty much the same team as above, just a bit cheaper version with Swimsuit Temari

Safer cooldown refresh and more tanky however smaller damage and lack of super armor

3. Wind Main 3



Even cheaper version

Lacks protection in round 1 because Shark Kisame isn't there

4. Earth Main



Full buff damage team

If you manage to use your Earth Main mystery this team will be quite deadly

Sadly it has many counters

5. Water Main



A bit more on the healer/cancer side with decent amount of damage and control

  • Registered: 2017-09-20
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On 2019-02-27 21:26:31Show this Author Only

In Skill Breakthrough translations(by OppaiPaizuri and Pingu Senpai) and also Konoha Proxy it says Sasuke Suit mystery skill +2 does:

Opera Snapshot_2019-02-27_185719_docs

but in our version it says suppress Super armor. I'd be grateful if i get some clarification regarding this.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-28 05:32:34Show this Author Only

Do you know the total fragments cost?

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On 2023-08-18 10:05:08Show this Author Only
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