((THIS IS A PERSONAL EXAMPLE NOT TO BE SEEN AS HARD FACTS))I'm looking to get verification from the community.
According to the "Get Shuriken" tab in game on the Colorful Balloons event line #2: You can get 4-10 points by popping a balloon with a chance of a fireworks balloon for more points.
Going off the point value NOT including the fireworks bonus the average is 7 points for a balloon. Which means with 10 balloons popped the value should be something like 70 points +/- 10 as an average. max potential 100 points least potential 40. 40+100=140, 140/2=70, give a bonus and negative of 1 per balloon for variance on averages.
After talking with 15 other players the average point value seemed to be more accurately depicted at around 5.5 points per balloon. 1.5 points lower that stated in the event desc
I"m wondering if the community could check into this as well and give clarity on if the value is stated correctly or if there is an issue with the event that should be looked into.I just want to make sure the game is working as intended.
Hi! On average, it should be around 6-7 points per Shuriken. This has not changed.
You can find additional information regarding event and prices here in the "event-information" section found on our Discord Channel, courtesy of the Community Helpers in charge of Event Information.
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