Hello community. Around a year ago we were presented with the options of adding percentage tactics, yet with our *ulative effort we managed to reject this feature. Or as it turns out, the feature might just have been postponed. Today on discord Tobei added a li
Because its multiplicative value, it benefits players who are already high BP(higher stats) more, than those who have lower bp (lower stats).
Quick example (values are made up, just to make you notice how huge the difference is):
Player A has 25k attack and gets 50% bonus. He ends up with 37.5k attack
Player B has 10k attack and gets 50% bonus. He ends up with 15k attack.
The difference between those two players went from 15k attack to 22.5k. You might as well assume, that because player A recharge alot and player B is just a small spender, player B propably wont even reach 50% boost. Which makes that difference even bigger.
You know what happens when you see fully stacked edo hiruzen in SWB- if you are slightly lower power than him, you start with 30% of your initial hitpoints. Now with such power boost from tactics, you die. Simple as that, ninja that moves first, wins. If currently you have (almost) even match versus someone, and that someone ends up having better tactics page, you will not have even fight anymore.
This is general look of how this works. This feature doesn't benefit FTP players, small and medium spenders. It only benefits heavy spenders, as long as they move first. And those already have no competition, it just makes the game harder for everybody else for no reason. Doesn't matter if you play on old or new server, this feature scales too hard for vast majority of playerba
Ps. If anyone from CN or DE version has access to math related to % tactics, please add detailed desc
For those who doesn't have Discord Accounts yet, please click HERE for direct invitation li
I strongly support the idea of saying NO for this feature .. Think before you click everyone ..
If Oasis are asking for opinions about an update that the players rejected before, they should make a poll, not a survey. That is if they plan to be completely honest with us about the result.
Well, google form has a lot of other things inside, looks like general survey about state of the game. It's not just a yes/no for tactic.I dont really know why survey with something as impactful hasnt been officially posted here yet (5h between discord post and this one). And at this moment I have to believe they are asking for an opinion and wont fix the results, otherwise why even post such a thing in the first place. It backfired hard earlier. I think the general disappointment with cross swb implementation taught them a lesson, so hopefully this survey is in good faith.
If Oasis are asking for opinions about an update that the players rejected before, they should make a poll, not a survey. That is if they plan to be completely honest with us about the result.
You mean just like when Oasis asked about X-Server and with the majority of people saying they don't want it, only thing Oasis did was postpone it and implemented it anyways against player's wishes?
Oasis has shown they don't actually care about the viewpoints of the players the moment they did that.
Well, google form has a lot of other things inside, looks like general survey about state of the game. It's not just a yes/no for tactic.I dont really know why survey with something as impactful hasnt been officially posted here yet (5h between discord post and this one). And at this moment I have to believe they are asking for an opinion and wont fix the results, otherwise why even post such a thing in the first place. It backfired hard earlier. I think the general disappointment with cross swb implementation taught them a lesson, so hopefully this survey is in good faith.
Nothing is stopping them from implementing % tactics then saying that in the survey most people answered with "yes" if they wanted, that's why I think a poll where everybody can see the result is necessary for something that the players have strong opinions about. But well, let's wait and see what happens.
@ RenjiAsuka
I wasn't playing back then so I don't really know what happened :<
Nothing is stopping them from implementing % tactics then saying that in the survey most people answered with "yes" if they wanted, that's why I think a poll where everybody can see the result is necessary for something that the players have strong opinions about. But well, let's wait and see what happens.
@ RenjiAsuka
I wasn't playing back then so I don't really know what happened :<
Let's put it this way, everyone didn't want X-Server SWB and Matsuri if I recall. However, Oasis already had it it ready to go and was hoping that the players would be OK with it. They were wrong, so they only held off on it for a month then released it anyways. A poll doesn't do anything.
I wonder why they call it %tactics if this feature has nothing to do with tactics.
Personally speaking i would not be against a similar feature IF INTERESTED ONLY DEFENSIVE STATS, because would make p3netrations really useful (if they worked as intended), but i am strongly against this feature if we talk about the ATK and NIN multiplier side of it.
If they implement a boost of 10/20/30/40% of defense and resistance, while fixing p3netrations effects, then the feature would be fine and i would welcome it.
If they implement also the same kind of boost to attack and ninjutsu then the feature is not fine at all and i would be one of the first low/mid casher to quit 1 second after the announcement of its implementation is made official.
Let's put it this way, everyone didn't want X-Server SWB and Matsuri if I recall. However, Oasis already had it it ready to go and was hoping that the players would be OK with it. They were wrong, so they only held off on it for a month then released it anyways. A poll doesn't do anything.
I was in a dead server at that time. I was not against it at all because made possible for me to get free advanced refinements without the fear to lose gnw packs and coupons from plundering/convoys.
But i was strongly against the fact also not dead servers were compelled to take part in it.
They could easily solve the issue, making everybody happy, by adding a condition that a player would be added to the xserver field only if the server he was in was not able to make start its single server swb.
How the hell is oasis comes up with this plan? I never saw a player who want %tactics, any mention of it was always that the players never want it to be implemented.
same old story if oasis has made its mind to implement it a few poll results wont do much...
well what we gonna do is wait and see what OASIS WILL VOTE FOR LOL
I think this feature can come if they can implement the materials needed to increase % is given from in game features ba
I think this feature can come if they can implement the materials needed to increase % is given from in game features ba
Last time they proposed it we didn't like it and they didn't add it.
I don't see what changed.
That said, maybe you didn't understand how it works.
A flat % boost to all the primary stats means that atk and ninjutsu will be the only stats that matter and that initiative will be mandatory for everything.
Why? Because the damage we land depends more or less linearly on atk/nin and goes more or less with the square root of defense/resistance.
The very very basic formula is something like A*D^0.5.
So what happens if both A and D gets a boost of 50%? That the damage you suffer, by fighting a copy of yourself, is 22% higher.
And if the boost is 150%?
That the damage you suffer is 60% higher.
Did you get it now?
And this is a problem not only for f2p and low powers.
Whale vs whale, same power, same level of tactics%. One slightly faster.
Result: right now the battle goes to round 5+ and maybe who is slower may win thanks to supports and better skill. After this is implemented the faster one wins round 1/2 regardless everything else.
No defense, no support, no cc, no shield works.
So, you don't wanna end 6path me
And you want that an hiruzen with 1 single point of initiative higher than your hiruzen flat out nukes you even if you have the same power with no hopes to try to run other lineups to hope to beat it because nothing else works?
And you want that an hiruzen with 1 single point of initiative higher than your hiruzen flat out nukes you even if you have the same power with no hopes to try to run other lineups to hope to beat it because nothing else works?
We will just introduce Kakuzu Online to the game in order to balance it.
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