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defensive lineups MIA? And the imposition of one single way to play.


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  • Registered: 2018-01-25
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On 2018-12-29 20:41:41Show All Posts

Well believe me 10 round games are common things nowadays because of the overstacked pos 1 which makes a game where in the end 100% you will see just 2 ninjas attacking each other till the round exceed limit.Well defensive lineups arent bad in common use but they definitely arent qualified for your first team.The meta in the end of the day wiill neeed something where you need to finish things FAST.Thats why people are mass using edo hiruzen, especially now that we have the chakra cultivation where basically does much more dmg that it did (which honestly was trrash but now is reallly good),or minato jonin + madara 5k which for me are really teams that are definitely worth to have no matter what direction meta will have from now on.We seen naruto 6p take the spotlight but if you ask me he is good for ''winning matches'' but definitely NOT FAST.He is a beast in arena,,, in matsuri, in daily things where you need to win BUT not for sage and not for training.I really get pissed of when i experience a 10 round match which basically takes half of sage time.or training grounds with people that dont know how things work.In sage/grounds you need to be fast,dont be unreasonable and damage both yourself and your opponent.Thats the same thing with so called defensive line ups.I use them especially in matsuri but nah dont do this dude.Seriously stop using these crap in sage and ground really doesnt make sense except if you have made your mind to piss of guys

This post was last edited by CHROLLOLUCILFER on 2018-12-29 20:42:33.
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