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[ Lineup ] Hashirama Senju [Edo Tensei] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-09 05:20:03Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys !

I realized I never actually covered this rare ninja (well not really these days)

So let's finally talk about him a bit



Mystery: this mystery is amazing for interrupting 12 units while being un-dodgeable , but there is a big downside which is 3 round cooldown

Standard Attack: nothing special about it except that it's high combo chance which is nice

Chase: one of best chases in game for sure, full chakra drain + immobile

Chase 2: also another amazing chase, immobile to 2 units but you need 30 combo which not all teams can accomplish

Passive: A strong heal overall + removing debuffs, the downside is that there aren't as many senjutsu users in game as you would wish to utilize this passive to fullest

Overall this ninja is definitely strong, he can work as both pos1 and as a supporting pos2-3-4

Personally his biggest downsides are a lack of passive immunity and 3 round cooldown on mystery

As pos1 ninja he isn't so good for 1v1, you should rather use him in bond arena or GNW as pos1.

Also it's best for him to have support ninjas such as fire main shield/kurenai etc since he doesn't have passive immunity nor super armor and could be in potential danger of immobile/chaos.

I did some teams for both GNW/Bond arena and 1v1 scenarios

Also I made a lot of teams because he works with almost every main character nicely.

1. Water Main



A cancer type of team right of the bat

Nothing much to say here, safe chakra drains + interrupts with a lot of poison and heals

The downside is that you won't have mysteries to use on round 3-4

2. Water Main 2



Everyone knows this type of team by now I think

Of course assist links mystery Jonin Minato should be used.

Hashirama here is good because Jonin Minato is a senjutsu user so he supports him nicely

3. Fire Main



This is the exact same team as above, just fire main version

Personally I prefer the fire main version because of reflect + shield immunity as it makes it a bit safer

4. Fire Main 2



5 kage Madara could also be used here instead of Shark Kisame, or even a buffer if you are more daring

Overall the team is nice with it's leeches and Naruto being able to spam his interrupt mystery + drain chakra with Hashirama chase

5. Fire Main 3



This is a full buff team if you are daring enough :p

Remember that the secret jutsu user buff from Fire Main works on Hashirama and it will allow him to refresh cooldown of his mystery which could make this team very good even in 1v1 situations if you are fighting vs someone who uses clones (for easy cooldown refresh)

6. Wind Main



Again a type of un-safe team but high on damage and can be quite fun

7. Wind Main 2



You could also replace the position of Minato and Hashirama in this team if you like

There is also an option to use Kurama Naruto position 1 and remove Madara from team so you can make full senjutsu team

8. Earth Main



Also works with Madara as pos4 for better chakra gains.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-10 06:12:44Show this Author Only

U have to choose Natural Energy for water main, if you want Hashi to heal her as well, otherwise he won't.

Same goes with Wind Main.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-10 20:09:00Show this Author Only

I know, but there are often better choices than those talents

Though it's all up to your guys to choose talents, these are just suggestions

  • Registered: 2018-03-15
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On 2019-06-09 11:02:38Show this Author Only

does he ever show up as a FULL ninja very late in GNW pulls or is it only frags?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-06-09 15:53:33Show this Author Only
  • ferachio On 2019-06-09 11:02:38
  • does he ever show up as a FULL ninja very late in GNW pulls or is it only frags?

Only ever his fragments, like Itachi [Susanoo].

I do have to say though, this is one of the first Line up suggestions by you that I would not recommend a single one of these lineups without some sort of modification.

Quicky Post

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