Once again, I'm only gonna reply this time. It's impossible for me to have a civil discourse without having ill merit replies that completely derail the conversation.
Mood Scrolls, as even a 2x in Great Plates has been something I've personally pushed before, hasn't happened.
Next core meeting, I'll do it again because frankly, that's something everyone wants.
And no, I will not answer the additional question you added because that's not for me say nor for people to misconstrue.
I've openly answered quite a lot, truthfully in this thread and already people twisted a few of my words.
And here's an example of that.
Let me illustrate,
"And of course, that's why there's a range of team that's suppose to provide different viewpoints of how players view spending on reports received."
I'm only typing in this thread ba
Each staff members focuses on their respective reports, we address and voice our suggestions, so-on.
You don't have to believe anything I'm saying, but I'll state the core obviously.
I see a lot on Discord and on the Forums, as I agree with some
But because I disagree with others, doesn't mean I'm not listening.
The staff (moderators) are Y'all. If they don't listen to the players, then our jobs are useless.
You're not the only voice of the community, there's a multitude of people who express different opinions, and thus allow us to have a dialog within the staff to best course release content. But that's not all. Oasis gets that and pushes upwards, and from there it's a hierarchy of issues with Tencent, and what their vision for certain updates, etc.
If you still refuse to see it in that aspect, then there's absolutely nothing I can help you with.
Just read the whole thread all i have to say is GG Tobei
I just want edo Jin treasures already.... they should be here by now but the edo jins are being milked........... sigh.... patience.... a long, long, journey.....
I just want edo Jin treasures already.... they should be here by now but the edo jins are being milked........... sigh.... patience.... a long, long, journey.....
Edo jinchu's aren't even that good. I'd say Yagura and maybe Han but the rest are meh.
Edo jinchu's aren't even that good. I'd say Yagura and maybe Han but the rest are meh.
Yeah I wanted to go for Edo Yagura.... but they arent realizing the treasure still, imo it shouldve been released 2 months ago but now they are just hoping onto all the 20k ninjas, Ive been stacking seals for a while 267 rn and I can still gather more. Other than that im probably going full into GNW treasure afterwards.
Yeah I wanted to go for Edo Yagura.... but they arent realizing the treasure still, imo it shouldve been released 2 months ago but now they are just hoping onto all the 20k ninjas, Ive been stacking seals for a while 267 rn and I can still gather more. Other than that im probably going full into GNW treasure afterwards.
I predict the treasures will probably be released by the end of this month. We still need Fuu and Han but i think we're getting a new Edo Jinchuuriki next week, most likely Han.
I predict the treasures will probably be released by the end of this month. We still need Fuu and Han but i think we're getting a new Edo Jinchuuriki next week, most likely Han.
The issue people are going to be wondering is if the treasures will be permanent. Since the treasures aren't permanent in China, I highly doubt this server would be better than them and allow it to be.
The issue people are going to be wondering is if the treasures will be permanent. Since the treasures aren't permanent in China, I highly doubt this server would be better than them and allow it to be.
I mean, they didn't reset the treasure counter yet right? That's sort of different from China. Also, we haven't got the upgraded Tendo and Seal treasures yet.
I hope that they'll make the treasures permanent but also increase the pulls needed to get the jinchu's to maybe 400? We'll just have to see.
Edo jinchu's aren't even that good. I'd say Yagura and maybe Han but the rest are meh.
Edo jinchuriki are meant to be second hand choices for f2p that can't afford to get a 20k coupons ninja every month.
they aren't bad at all, just that 15-20k coupons event ninjas are better.
The reason why we don't have them yet implemented in game as super rares of the relative treasures are two and both are li
1) if they implement them common people would be able to piece more free fragments of edo hashirama, making him less appealing than his now.
2) if they implement them f2p would have close to no reason to recharge and become p2p players to get more expensive ninjas because they could run viable lineups that do not require 3 16k+ coupons/super rare ninjas to work decently.
And it's quite the group they are.
They're not individually speaking, I have a discord channel especially catered to that center portion of the community that would want to voice concerns and more directly to me,
And "Activity" was quite obvious, in terms of the events that are catered to them, meaning recharging and what they would personally like to see.
And it's absolutely a "capitalistic " viewpoint. There's nothing wrong with it. (Viewpoints differ depending on the person) because since the start of this game, there have been events catered to once section of the population. This game is a business overall, and margin % matters. And I agree with you about server health. However that's far beyond my reach or control of what I'm capable of doing (Moderation team overall)
And in my educated opinion, you're far wrong about the radical portion. I specifically meant the forums and I'll * to that opinion. They're not the major ba
But thank you for the conversation.
Yep. I do know better than you about those set results.
Outfit returned in Lucky Board, success right?
Recharge Ninjas have a high success rate as well.
All these aren't exclusive overall. They eventually come back as a redeemable.
Just as Madara will.
Opinions are a wonderful thing, Keep voicing em.
An active supporter is someone, who recharges for the events catered towards them? What about the people wo recharge for medals and monthly cp packs? Aren't they actively supporting the game?
There are a few problems with a capitalistic view point. We see it everywhere around the world, especially in france nowadays. The problem is, that rebelling in a game is just not as effective. Instead people just quit and quite a lot I'm afraid. Isn't your group of players afraid of losing these players?
It's hard to believe that they will continue to play by themself.
You are right. There were always events catered towards one section of the population. It's just that these events got bigger and more and more stuff, that were in events catered towards a different section like Accessoires, were put into P2W events. Half a year ago they were far far more accessible and didn't appear in P2W events. Nowadays every accessoire is first introduced in a P2W event and later in F2P events for double the usual price.
The radical portion is far bigger then you might realise. The people on the forum are a very small portion of that population, who give it a try. Think about all the people, who once started the game, but quit because of obvious reasons.
Its just like I said. It's easier to just quit then rebelling on the forum against the system. Just look at france. How the radical behaviour of the people is making a lot of problems for the president and people supporting that capitalistic system.
Of course in the end everyone is entitled to his opinion. And I won't try to convince you.
Ps: What is an "educated" opinion?
Here's my viewpoint on Oasis business...it's good in short term, bad in long term(unless their being financed by outside sources). either way yes, the best option if ur not enjoying this game, is to quit, i had my share of disagreements with how this company runs the show, but hey, it's their show they run how they see fit, cuz at the end of the day, u dont have to follow anyone's advice...you can do whatever the * you wanna do.
The Price is " Too Much " But if u can't do that rebate that means this rebate not for you . if you want to quit go ahead but most i see they will come back just to complaint / whine / play again .
The game lacks that and that. Please improve.
Stop whining, just quit.
*People actually quit*
Oasis closing the game, because of more and more people quitting.
You guys:
I won't ever understand people who say "if you don't like it, just quit". So now we can't even give feedback and hope to improve the game? I understand that nobody likes to listen to whiners and salty people, but there are people in this thread (and in these forums in general) that raise valid questions and complains.
I won't ever understand people who say "if you don't like it, just quit". So now we can't even give feedback and hope to improve the game? I understand that nobody likes to listen to whiners and salty people, but there are people in this thread (and in these forums in general) that raise valid questions and complains.
Im going to give u a harsh truth, and this happens in most publishers / developers that are corporate companies nowadays....
Does your feedback / solution gives them money in short term? No, then it's most of the time ignored by the higher ups, even if some of the mods actually agree and present ur idea to the table, look good on paper, but it's not a practical solution to give them money.
Reality of it all, there's been actually really good ideas on how to improve the game, on certain features, and i give the benefit of the doubt that some mods are bringing this up to their meetings with devs or even some tencent people, however, it's up to tencent in the end to give the yes or no decision, so yes, it's a symbiotic relationship between Oasis/Tencent, cuz im fairly sure tencent has something to gain when Oasis has it too(just a hunch, but i could be wrong).
Im going to give u a harsh truth, and this happens in most publishers / developers that are corporate companies nowadays....
Does your feedback / solution gives them money in short term? No, then it's most of the time ignored by the higher ups, even if some of the mods actually agree and present ur idea to the table, look good on paper, but it's not a practical solution to give them money.
Reality of it all, there's been actually really good ideas on how to improve the game, on certain features, and i give the benefit of the doubt that some mods are bringing this up to their meetings with devs or even some tencent people, however, it's up to tencent in the end to give the yes or no decision, so yes, it's a symbiotic relationship between Oasis/Tencent, cuz im fairly sure tencent has something to gain when Oasis has it too(just a hunch, but i could be wrong).
And what says we can't try to change that?
Why do you think I'm still writing Dosu papers? Just because the stakes are bleak and the wall looks too high to climb doesn't mean it's impossible.
Hell, that's what the first part of Naruto even was about – surpassing one's own limits and achieving the impossible, no matter how impossible it looks.
The Price is " Too Much " But if u can't do that rebate that means this rebate not for you . if you want to quit go ahead but most i see they will come back just to complaint / whine / play again .
Honestly speaking i don't understand why they do not reduce overtime the price of old features while adding new features. This make no sense from my point of view.
Why the battle armor panic buy event still is ingots only and why the discount for advanced threads still is only 40% when this feature is wholly outdated and totally unwroth the investment?
Personally speaking if they added coupons too in while making 1 thread cost 7 coupons/ingots (this is how is right now in china) i would actually think about recharging once 5k ingots while spending also 10k coupons to get rank 9 ba.
But they do not do it, so people like me do not invest a single cent there, nor whales do for the simple reason that not only the event is not worth it, but also the rebate rewards are horrible.
After 3and half months of playing , i would like to say a bit. ( BP 47k lvl 70 freezing, soon reach 50k by monday )
Firstly , i only play competitive games like dota and do it almost everyday . I used to play naruto arena way back and was searching for it . But it was closed and some how found this game 3 monts earlier.
First impression- it was really welcoming , and i do enjoy it a lot . After cross server started , it was a nightmare xD. No more seal scrolls in matsuri lol. and swb was gg. Even arena (not ranked) was a bit difficult @ start & ranked arena is not for new players i guess coz every time i find itachi ss or other nightmares. Fortunately , training grounds saved the day for the sun scrolls for me to farm adv refines . Player ba
This is the first ever browser game i played apart from naruto arena . Honestly, i had no idea that browser games were so * expensive.
1$ in my country is Rs 73. its like paying 70 times more. and madara ten tails 3000$=more than 2 lakhs which is nonsense.
Yet, i am not a f2p player . i do both monthly cards/month and i can afford to do 5000 ingots froggy/month. I want this game to not die as i see ppl telling and even the players leaving from servers speaks for itself.
About the community , its good ( SEA dota community is a nightmare ) , i find it okay since the mods & ppl are helpful and answer any question i pm them.
Well for the event managers or who ever is responsible for the events i dnt like them at all.
During that sasuke/sakura bug . i was one of the first to ask whether it was bug or intended. and it was replied it was intended .. After this information, many of our server's f2p were waiting to collect it in the week. (i got it both 5 stars that instant). And later it was removed. They even said to bring back,still waiting.
The sakura food event sudden price increase without notice was another flaw. I mean like seriously WTF. Before players i asked, got shisui & minato for less than 5k cps form here and now its gg.
Price for Madara tt, well i cant say much here since its my 1st browser game (i already find it * expensive , I think i may get Edo hashirama after 2years but never madara, and i am not upset as there are other good alternatives).
Well , its true you cant satisfy all kinds of gamers in Weekly events. I would suggest to increase the pages of reward per event and think about both f2p/p2p.
I dnt trust the game event managers any more after this experience , they dnt * to their words . False promises.
Edit: this is just my experience, Thank you.
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