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[ Azure Fang ] Azure Fang - Strong Approaching Question


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-08 15:34:01Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello people,

May i know the minimum power and level for an azure fang to beat strong approaching? I am from S93 and kinda wondering when should i do it.

Thank you :)
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On 2016-09-08 19:44:35Show this Author Only
Level is 65 to unlock so that's pretty much when you can start doing it. For power, I would say anywhere higher than 14-15k should be good. :) I've seen 12ks do it. It's really about the strategy. Of course more power helps :D
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On 2016-09-08 20:57:24Show this Author Only
Level and power are irrelevant, if you are weak you simply won't get onto rankings since you will take longer, but azure fang has one of the easier times beating it thanks to our heals.
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On 2016-09-09 07:43:36Show this Author Only
  • Apollo123 On 2016-09-08 19:44:35
  • Level is 65 to unlock so that's pretty much when you can start doing it. For power, I would say anywhere higher than 14-15k should be good. :) I've seen 12ks do it. It's really about the strategy. Of course more power helps :D
don't think this info is correct. it's true you unlock "Difficult" mode when you hit 65, but Easy/Medium difficulty should very well be open before 65.
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On 2016-09-09 07:47:22Show this Author Only
I was 70 when we first got it, but I was able to fini* at 100% HP using Tsunade, OTK Naruto and Kakuzu. Use your healing jutsu after AOE poisons and you're good. It's not really about power so much as how high you can combo. Strong Approching has 'Tough' enemies, which means they have two-digit HP but they only take 1 damage from attacks and heal to full every round.

Now to find a team that can kill Karin on normal difficulty...
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On 2016-09-09 07:47:38Show this Author Only
hmmm i'd say as long as you have the necessary heroes like Neji, Sai/Kabuto or similar ninjas, you can go ahead and try. it scales according to your level so level doesn't really matter that much. but having more BP doesn't hurt because it increases your margin or error allowing you to clear the instance even if you screwed up :x

like someone mentioned, it's more about understanding the fight and the strategies involved for each difficulty and how you go about dealing with them with your lineup. i'd say give it a try and you'll have a better sense of how the instance is. in any case, you wouldn't lose stamina when you retreat from the instance, so why not? :x
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On 2016-09-09 07:51:02Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-09 07:47:22
  • I was 70 when we first got it, but I was able to fini* at 100% HP using Tsunade, OTK Naruto and Kakuzu. Use your healing jutsu after AOE poisons and you're good. It's not really about power so much as how high you can combo. Strong Approching has 'Tough' enemies, which means they have two-digit HP but they only take 1 damage from attacks and heal to full every round.

    Now to find a team that can kill Karin on normal difficulty...
hmmm there really isn't any reason why you'd be able to kill Shizune and not Karin in Normal difficulty especially when you're at lv70, i suppose your BP is pretty high already? i cleared normal when i was level 61 or so and went on to clear difficult the moment i hit 65.
Edit: then i realize the only thing BP does in those two fights is to help you withstand hits and poison ticks. my bad there lol.

both Shizune and Karin have very similar mechanics and you should approach them similarly as well, with the only exception that you have to interrupt Karin for sure in the 2nd round.
This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2016-9-9 07:52
This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2016-9-9 07:52
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-09 08:21:45Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-09 07:43:36
  • don't think this info is correct. it's true you unlock "Difficult" mode when you hit 65, but Easy/Medium difficulty should very well be open before 65.
Thought OP was asking about difficult mode XD
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On 2016-09-09 10:26:12Show this Author Only
it unlocks at 43 so as long as you got a good combo you can start there
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