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[ Help ] Tips and Tricks that you learned in this game?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-19 15:06:14Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I haven't seen a thread like this so I was thinking about just posting little list of tips or trick I use daily that may or may not help some of the people playing this game

1. You can speed draw any recruitment Treasure by pressing escape after clicking the draw 1/10 *ons to skip the animation (useful mostly for the mass bond scrolls that you have or you just want to skip the animation)
2. You can access Wanted missions by clicking the mini scroll just right under your mini map to the right of the screen instead of having to go to Guy NPC
3. You can fast sweep the Normal Team Exam (3 People) by canceling it right after clicking the sweep and you'll get all the rewards instantly
4. In Home you can skip the talk chat box with all the ninjas(Lvl 8 and above) by using the One-Click Ask then press escape after about 2-3 seconds (it'll complete after it talks to everyone in the background automatically while you can do other stuff)
5. You can speed up most Rank battles requirements for events such as Mission Mobilization or Monthly event by retreating them right after you enter the battle (it'll still count towards the quota)
6. You can refresh different Ninjas portrait for the Weekend Puzzle by just crossing it out on the top right and go right back in for another ninja portrait

This is all ontop of my head for now Ill add more when I thought of it! if you have any tricks and tips that you learned feel free to share/contribute

This post was last edited by Sphere on 2018-11-19 15:06:14.
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On 2018-11-18 18:41:19Show this Author Only

You can teleport to the mine by clicking on 'mine' in the list to the right then click on a ninja from the ninja list to the left.

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On 2018-11-19 00:33:09Show this Author Only

Most ti/sa ninjas have like 0 initiative. When your second position has over 10k ini, it moves before PC position 1. Cool trick that allows 2 actions (usually chakra+tendo) before AI has the chance to move, which speeds up dailies by a lot.

When you think "After spending X on rng wheel im definitely going to win jackpot prize, I should totally do that", think again. It's not going to happen ^^

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2018-11-19 00:36:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-19 01:15:18Show this Author Only

Never use your coupons if they are under 2k and u can't get a ninja or something else good.

Use 10 scrols everytime instead of 1.

Stack your coins for power up.

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On 2018-11-19 07:49:41Show this Author Only
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On 2018-11-19 07:51:28Show this Author Only
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On 2018-11-19 08:59:29Show this Author Only

I've learned that clicking "Escape" will close an in-game tab.

That includes events whilst their loading, as well as Rich Field when it's rewards are loading.

Clicking escape while they're loading causes a soft lock. Which I've learned isn't fun.

This post was last edited by Resilliance on 2018-11-19 08:59:38.
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On 2018-11-19 13:58:34Show this Author Only

You can get 2 free Ultimate Survival Trials by not completing Friday's and then activate Ultimate mode on Saturday and then complete it, refresh and then you get to complete Saturday's for free too

You can store Ranked/Space time rewards and Rescue Jin rewards indefinentally (well up to 90ish years) in your mailbox and claim them all at once if you need strange scrolls or are maxed

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On 2018-11-19 22:15:45Show this Author Only
  • SSirus On 2018-11-19 13:58:34
  • You can get 2 free Ultimate Survival Trials by not completing Friday's and then activate Ultimate mode on Saturday and then complete it, refresh and then you get to complete Saturday's for free too

    You can store Ranked/Space time rewards and Rescue Jin rewards indefinentally (well up to 90ish years) in your mailbox and claim them all at once if you need strange scrolls or are maxed

There is a time limit there (like 2 weeks or something). It's a lie? :O
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On 2018-11-19 22:51:11Show this Author Only
  • bl0w On 2018-11-19 22:15:45
  • There is a time limit there (like 2 weeks or something). It's a lie? :O

Threre is a 15 days expire time if i remember right, but if you not claim the rewards its not expire unless you dont have any space in your mailbox BUT im not sure becouse myself not tried it yet

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On 2018-11-19 23:36:50Show this Author Only
  • uuugh On 2018-11-19 22:51:11
  • Threre is a 15 days expire time if i remember right, but if you not claim the rewards its not expire unless you dont have any space in your mailbox BUT im not sure becouse myself not tried it yet

Yeah I can confirm this you can still claim it after 15 days and I hope it'll stay this way

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On 2018-11-20 07:55:40Show this Author Only

i learned that if you log into you naruto online account you get to play on your saved account

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On 2018-11-20 07:56:11Show this Author Only

i learned if you be a noob then you be a noob

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On 2018-11-20 20:11:37Show this Author Only

To know who have more initative in each position you pay attention who do basic attacks 1st. Can that be an attack a heal a cleans.

  • Registered: 2018-04-25
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On 2018-11-20 23:37:27Show this Author Only

friend as many ninjas as possible and join a group asap.

this raises the chances of successful team-ups and getting awesome advice from our veteran ninjas.

*thanks Foundation, see you in-game*

*edit: work on getting Iruka. He was my first ninja i actively tried to get. i cleared instances for ninjas that had the most sweeps available. consider keeping your Sasuke frags. i've seen him in action with full skillbreak and i now regret sacrificing so many.

This post was last edited by brensonlee on 2018-11-21 07:17:19.
  • Registered: 2018-11-04
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On 2018-11-21 20:11:04Show this Author Only

i learn to do not spending cp on RnG event

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On 2018-11-21 21:00:22Show this Author Only

Passive barrier is won by TOTAL ini, your postion ini doesnt matter.
Always time your non promt misteries, right before the ninjas that goes before you steps back from atk, makes it nearly promt :D

Dont be a bich, stop asking for free wins in Matsuri, it makes whale even less temted to give you the win.
Person with higher total ini, will have their clones/extras atk last. ( kinda anoying imo)
Use Water main with Shark bomb in Zenith, cuz its faceroll. :D Better nerf Irelia and I am already Tracer.

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On 2018-11-22 01:35:35Show this Author Only

1. Hot Springs give you extra 50 stamina when you reach 00:00:00 if you use mini client.

2. Rewards for Team Instance have been preset for you. Clicking on the cards is actually useless. Speed up your daily team instance by pressing esc key when you are at the cards interface

3. Use scaling power over rounds like fire main and water main in Strong Approaching. Because the Ninjutsu boost carries over

4. Don't spend your group contributions on group skills until the specific week in monthly event. Because Oasis have change the tasks in Monthly event.

5. B3tting is good and fun in Space Time. But is bad in real life

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On 2018-11-22 01:36:41Show this Author Only

And lastly everything we say here will be "fixed" by Oasis in the future. T__T

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On 2018-11-22 05:52:56Show this Author Only

1. If you want to go for Summon Rebate, look at the Monthly Events. Sometimes one of the Monthly Challenges is to draw 10-times twice in Summon Treasure. If you line up the rebate with the time of the Monthly Event you can get yourself free 100 Monthly Tokens.

2. You can create a second account to plunder. Your level of the second account needs to be 15 levels under your first account or higher in order to plunder it. That way you can get free plunders every day. Having a second account is also very useful in Events like the General Mobile Missions Event where you get more rewards if the missions are being sent by someone else.

3. Use weekends to stack up on materials as well as revival potions etc.

4. If you are low on food (which is kinda hard to be low on), just put your ninjas that you want to level up in your team while you use your daily stamina on sweeping instances. You can preemptivly level up all your ninjas this way to save yourself tons of food (if you really care about that)

5. Always spin the Lucky Wheel in your group as much as possible. Alone the fact that it gives you coupons makes it totally worth it, but you also get other neat stuff depending on your Lucky Wheel level.

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