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[ PVP ] Best SR?


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On 2018-11-02 22:48:06Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Recently I've been thinking that if is it really worth drawing a SR (just for the sake of it ) in Gnw treasure ?? which by all means is considered to be the best treasure.What i really wanted to know your opinion guys is if Kurama/Madara is better than a chance of having a Ay 4th or a Sasuke Sussano in your best ninjas. Ofc if we would discuss about which treasure would benefit the most to a player would be without question the Gnw treasure because of the Rare ninjas which are far better than those classic barrier ninjas that Kage treasure offers...But when it comes to the SR the Ay 4th , Sasuke Sussano with the breakthroughs would definitely better than a low output dmg and squishy ninja like kurama , and a support ninja like madara that honestly is a 50% bet and he isnt really fitted to be a dependable pos 1 that can carry on a team which probably is a thing that every player really needs nowadays.

Let me know your thoughts guys.

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On 2018-11-03 00:59:06Show this Author Only

both ninjas in gnw treasure madara and kirama are good at least i could say there better than any other sr from other tresure

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On 2018-11-03 01:52:20Show this Author Only

I'll be talking in the aspect of a treasure as a whole including Rares and Super Rares. (Not commons)

First we have to define good in a PvP setting and a PvE one.

In terms of Kage PvE

Gaara Kazekage

These ninjas are great for 9tails over all letting you auto 9tails the whole time. Also Gaara Kazekage (and non) can be used for Ninja Exam for majority of 120 - 180. I'll assume the same goes for the other rares as well. These ninjas are also great for TI that can boost you and your teammates.

In terms of Kage PvP

Killer Bee
4th Raikage

Killer Bee buffs every Jinchuriki, common ones you see are Kurama Naruto, Roshi, Kushina [Mad Momma]. To increase their damage and make them a bit tankier. He c*so let them attack 2x for 2 rounds and make their mystery unable to be interrupted.

Mei is a bit harder to run in PvP, she can easily boost the damage of P1 Shark Bombs with barrier. However it requires a lot of initiative to win the barrier fight and you need to hope there is no Shark Kisame/Roshi/Madara 5 Kage. It c*so let you do the generic GNW tenten/Mabui set up which can still be good depending where you're at in the game or where your server is at (GNW Speaking)

Mifune unfortunately, sees a lot less play if none at all, but he can remove buffs and shields on his target while buffing Sword Ninjas. Sadly, there are better ninjas that do it better.

Sasuke the most he can do is deal a lot of damage on mystery, outside of that he is immune to pure ninjutsu, so if Sharkbomb hits him for example, he won't take damage but he can still be Chaos. To really get him to work you'll want Shisui and Itachi Anbu if you really want him as your main damage dealer. Outside of that, he falls flat in a lot of areas.

4th Raikage unfortunately, this ninja requires Samui which is in LoL to actually be effective as she can essentially choose a target and have 4th Raikage blitz them down. This ninja is more of a arena ninja imo just cause how easy it can be for him to kill mains turn 1. Of course, he also needs a lot of buffs to really start wrecking people and as many as possible, so you'll want any ninja that boosts Lightning ninjas on barrier such as Sasuke, Darui, Danzo, Shisui. However, because Samui is mandatory, you'll NEED Darui since he can attack 2x under the barrier and give more chakra. Unfortunately, ninjas like MM can shut 4th Raikage down (Darn those Uchiha!) While he does offer a powerful turn 1, he does fall flat turn 3 if ninjas are still around and able to fight back. It also doesn't help when a lot of ninjas either dodge or are immune or both.


Edo Zabuza

Edo Zabuza inflicts blindness which doesn't matter too much in PvE, however he does gain extra standard attacks, and his chase that is on combos is really nice giving technique points. More of a ninja for Ninja Exam or TI

Kushimaru this ninja is really great for Ninja Exam or TI and able to immobile 2 ninjas can be really powerful in those areas. Some Ninja Exams have easy fodder for him to keep gaining standard attacks (Ninja Exam 207 if I recall). Of course this ninja needs to be buffed by a lot to really abuse him as much as possible.

Jinpachi able to inflict ignition, and give double standard attack and remove 1 layer of debuff to 2 Edo Ninjas is really good. Mostly support and mandatory for nearly any team involving any Edo Ninja.

Jinin mostly a power based ninja, but he can easily rack up technique points if you build around him. He can deal a lot of single target damage.

Madara this ninja CAN replace Asuma in 9tails and probably do really great in all PvE, However, if you run him in 9tails you can only run Konoha Ninjas so you won't be able to auto that much unless you want to use Danzo but there are better ninjas in that case.


Unfortunately the only real PvP ninjas you need are Kushimaru, Jinpachi and Edo Sasori so I'll * to those 3. Sorry Ameyuri Ringo and Zetsu, you both don't do anything.

Kushimaru I already stated what he can do, so it should be obvious why he is good in PvP, especially when Wind Main is a Clone Generator.

Jinpachi, already stated what he can do, so he is thrown into a lot of Edo Teams in general such as Edo Deidara teams and Kushi teams and rarely Jinin teams.

Edo Sasori, buffs all Edo ninjas and gives them a shield, able to resurrect and deal chaos as standard when he is resurrected while able to re apply the buffs, no wonder he is really good for Edo Teams.

Unfortunately Edo Teams fall flat to Madara 5 Kage and friends.

Madara, huge counter to Tai Damage ninjas since he is immune to pure Tai, able to not care about Minato Jonin, Guy Gate of Shock or even Kushimaru. Huge Chakra Generator (kinda) and able to gain up to 3 standard attacks (Anbu Itachi plus standard from Madara's mystery) he can potentially hit really hard if you choose to buff him. Unfortunately, I believe Shisui and Anbu Itachi and mandatory when running him. Still makes him really good over all.

Naruto, I don't know how to start with this one, able to be run with a lot more teams than Madara in general such as Shark Kisame, Jonin Minato, Kushina, Seven Swords Bee, Roshi, way too much to really count. Able to dodge, grant immunity to allied forces for 4 rounds which is insane when combined with Tsunade 5th Hokage, he c*so immobile a ninja through his chase, ignite on standard and if he combos, then reduces his mystery's CD by 1. Unfortunately, the only thing holding him back is the fact he doesn't scale, if he could, he'd be a lot better than he is now. Still a great ninja over all.

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On 2018-11-03 02:34:13Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-11-03 01:52:20
  • I'll be talking in the aspect of a treasure as a whole including Rares and Super Rares. (Not commons)

    First we have to define good in a PvP setting and a PvE one.

    In terms of Kage PvE

    Gaara Kazekage

    These ninjas are great for 9tails over all letting you auto 9tails the whole time. Also Gaara Kazekage (and non) can be used for Ninja Exam for majority of 120 - 180. I'll assume the same goes for the other rares as well. These ninjas are also great for TI that can boost you and your teammates.

    In terms of Kage PvP

    Killer Bee
    4th Raikage

    Killer Bee buffs every Jinchuriki, common ones you see are Kurama Naruto, Roshi, Kushina [Mad Momma]. To increase their damage and make them a bit tankier. He c*so let them attack 2x for 2 rounds and make their mystery unable to be interrupted.

    Mei is a bit harder to run in PvP, she can easily boost the damage of P1 Shark Bombs with barrier. However it requires a lot of initiative to win the barrier fight and you need to hope there is no Shark Kisame/Roshi/Madara 5 Kage. It c*so let you do the generic GNW tenten/Mabui set up which can still be good depending where you're at in the game or where your server is at (GNW Speaking)

    Mifune unfortunately, sees a lot less play if none at all, but he can remove buffs and shields on his target while buffing Sword Ninjas. Sadly, there are better ninjas that do it better.

    Sasuke the most he can do is deal a lot of damage on mystery, outside of that he is immune to pure ninjutsu, so if Sharkbomb hits him for example, he won't take damage but he can still be Chaos. To really get him to work you'll want Shisui and Itachi Anbu if you really want him as your main damage dealer. Outside of that, he falls flat in a lot of areas.

    4th Raikage unfortunately, this ninja requires Samui which is in LoL to actually be effective as she can essentially choose a target and have 4th Raikage blitz them down. This ninja is more of a arena ninja imo just cause how easy it can be for him to kill mains turn 1. Of course, he also needs a lot of buffs to really start wrecking people and as many as possible, so you'll want any ninja that boosts Lightning ninjas on barrier such as Sasuke, Darui, Danzo, Shisui. However, because Samui is mandatory, you'll NEED Darui since he can attack 2x under the barrier and give more chakra. Unfortunately, ninjas like MM can shut 4th Raikage down (Darn those Uchiha!) While he does offer a powerful turn 1, he does fall flat turn 3 if ninjas are still around and able to fight back. It also doesn't help when a lot of ninjas either dodge or are immune or both.

    GNW PvE

    Edo Zabuza

    Edo Zabuza inflicts blindness which doesn't matter too much in PvE, however he does gain extra standard attacks, and his chase that is on combos is really nice giving technique points. More of a ninja for Ninja Exam or TI

    Kushimaru this ninja is really great for Ninja Exam or TI and able to immobile 2 ninjas can be really powerful in those areas. Some Ninja Exams have easy fodder for him to keep gaining standard attacks (Ninja Exam 207 if I recall). Of course this ninja needs to be buffed by a lot to really abuse him as much as possible.

    Jinpachi able to inflict ignition, and give double standard attack and remove 1 layer of debuff to 2 Edo Ninjas is really good. Mostly support and mandatory for nearly any team involving any Edo Ninja.

    Jinin mostly a power based ninja, but he can easily rack up technique points if you build around him. He can deal a lot of single target damage.

    Madara this ninja CAN replace Asuma in 9tails and probably do really great in all PvE, However, if you run him in 9tails you can only run Konoha Ninjas so you won't be able to auto that much unless you want to use Danzo but there are better ninjas in that case.

    GNW PvP

    Unfortunately the only real PvP ninjas you need are Kushimaru, Jinpachi and Edo Sasori so I'll * to those 3. Sorry Ameyuri Ringo and Zetsu, you both don't do anything.

    Kushimaru I already stated what he can do, so it should be obvious why he is good in PvP, especially when Wind Main is a Clone Generator.

    Jinpachi, already stated what he can do, so he is thrown into a lot of Edo Teams in general such as Edo Deidara teams and Kushi teams and rarely Jinin teams.

    Edo Sasori, buffs all Edo ninjas and gives them a shield, able to resurrect and deal chaos as standard when he is resurrected while able to re apply the buffs, no wonder he is really good for Edo Teams.

    Unfortunately Edo Teams fall flat to Madara 5 Kage and friends.

    Madara, huge counter to Tai Damage ninjas since he is immune to pure Tai, able to not care about Minato Jonin, Guy Gate of Shock or even Kushimaru. Huge Chakra Generator (kinda) and able to gain up to 3 standard attacks (Anbu Itachi plus standard from Madara's mystery) he can potentially hit really hard if you choose to buff him. Unfortunately, I believe Shisui and Anbu Itachi and mandatory when running him. Still makes him really good over all.

    Naruto, I don't know how to start with this one, able to be run with a lot more teams than Madara in general such as Shark Kisame, Jonin Minato, Kushina, Seven Swords Bee, Roshi, way too much to really count. Able to dodge, grant immunity to allied forces for 4 rounds which is insane when combined with Tsunade 5th Hokage, he c*so immobile a ninja through his chase, ignite on standard and if he combos, then reduces his mystery's CD by 1. Unfortunately, the only thing holding him back is the fact he doesn't scale, if he could, he'd be a lot better than he is now. Still a great ninja over all.


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On 2018-11-03 02:57:35Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-11-03 01:52:20
  • I'll be talking in the aspect of a treasure as a whole including Rares and Super Rares. (Not commons)

    First we have to define good in a PvP setting and a PvE one.

    In terms of Kage PvE

    Gaara Kazekage

    These ninjas are great for 9tails over all letting you auto 9tails the whole time. Also Gaara Kazekage (and non) can be used for Ninja Exam for majority of 120 - 180. I'll assume the same goes for the other rares as well. These ninjas are also great for TI that can boost you and your teammates.

    In terms of Kage PvP

    Killer Bee
    4th Raikage

    Killer Bee buffs every Jinchuriki, common ones you see are Kurama Naruto, Roshi, Kushina [Mad Momma]. To increase their damage and make them a bit tankier. He c*so let them attack 2x for 2 rounds and make their mystery unable to be interrupted.

    Mei is a bit harder to run in PvP, she can easily boost the damage of P1 Shark Bombs with barrier. However it requires a lot of initiative to win the barrier fight and you need to hope there is no Shark Kisame/Roshi/Madara 5 Kage. It c*so let you do the generic GNW tenten/Mabui set up which can still be good depending where you're at in the game or where your server is at (GNW Speaking)

    Mifune unfortunately, sees a lot less play if none at all, but he can remove buffs and shields on his target while buffing Sword Ninjas. Sadly, there are better ninjas that do it better.

    Sasuke the most he can do is deal a lot of damage on mystery, outside of that he is immune to pure ninjutsu, so if Sharkbomb hits him for example, he won't take damage but he can still be Chaos. To really get him to work you'll want Shisui and Itachi Anbu if you really want him as your main damage dealer. Outside of that, he falls flat in a lot of areas.

    4th Raikage unfortunately, this ninja requires Samui which is in LoL to actually be effective as she can essentially choose a target and have 4th Raikage blitz them down. This ninja is more of a arena ninja imo just cause how easy it can be for him to kill mains turn 1. Of course, he also needs a lot of buffs to really start wrecking people and as many as possible, so you'll want any ninja that boosts Lightning ninjas on barrier such as Sasuke, Darui, Danzo, Shisui. However, because Samui is mandatory, you'll NEED Darui since he can attack 2x under the barrier and give more chakra. Unfortunately, ninjas like MM can shut 4th Raikage down (Darn those Uchiha!) While he does offer a powerful turn 1, he does fall flat turn 3 if ninjas are still around and able to fight back. It also doesn't help when a lot of ninjas either dodge or are immune or both.

    GNW PvE

    Edo Zabuza

    Edo Zabuza inflicts blindness which doesn't matter too much in PvE, however he does gain extra standard attacks, and his chase that is on combos is really nice giving technique points. More of a ninja for Ninja Exam or TI

    Kushimaru this ninja is really great for Ninja Exam or TI and able to immobile 2 ninjas can be really powerful in those areas. Some Ninja Exams have easy fodder for him to keep gaining standard attacks (Ninja Exam 207 if I recall). Of course this ninja needs to be buffed by a lot to really abuse him as much as possible.

    Jinpachi able to inflict ignition, and give double standard attack and remove 1 layer of debuff to 2 Edo Ninjas is really good. Mostly support and mandatory for nearly any team involving any Edo Ninja.

    Jinin mostly a power based ninja, but he can easily rack up technique points if you build around him. He can deal a lot of single target damage.

    Madara this ninja CAN replace Asuma in 9tails and probably do really great in all PvE, However, if you run him in 9tails you can only run Konoha Ninjas so you won't be able to auto that much unless you want to use Danzo but there are better ninjas in that case.

    GNW PvP

    Unfortunately the only real PvP ninjas you need are Kushimaru, Jinpachi and Edo Sasori so I'll * to those 3. Sorry Ameyuri Ringo and Zetsu, you both don't do anything.

    Kushimaru I already stated what he can do, so it should be obvious why he is good in PvP, especially when Wind Main is a Clone Generator.

    Jinpachi, already stated what he can do, so he is thrown into a lot of Edo Teams in general such as Edo Deidara teams and Kushi teams and rarely Jinin teams.

    Edo Sasori, buffs all Edo ninjas and gives them a shield, able to resurrect and deal chaos as standard when he is resurrected while able to re apply the buffs, no wonder he is really good for Edo Teams.

    Unfortunately Edo Teams fall flat to Madara 5 Kage and friends.

    Madara, huge counter to Tai Damage ninjas since he is immune to pure Tai, able to not care about Minato Jonin, Guy Gate of Shock or even Kushimaru. Huge Chakra Generator (kinda) and able to gain up to 3 standard attacks (Anbu Itachi plus standard from Madara's mystery) he can potentially hit really hard if you choose to buff him. Unfortunately, I believe Shisui and Anbu Itachi and mandatory when running him. Still makes him really good over all.

    Naruto, I don't know how to start with this one, able to be run with a lot more teams than Madara in general such as Shark Kisame, Jonin Minato, Kushina, Seven Swords Bee, Roshi, way too much to really count. Able to dodge, grant immunity to allied forces for 4 rounds which is insane when combined with Tsunade 5th Hokage, he c*so immobile a ninja through his chase, ignite on standard and if he combos, then reduces his mystery's CD by 1. Unfortunately, the only thing holding him back is the fact he doesn't scale, if he could, he'd be a lot better than he is now. Still a great ninja over all.

I feel the need to defend Ameyuri here. She is a good ninja for early game when people still use LM as their pos 1 damage dealer (may work with Kushina too, but I haven't tried). She works especially well against teams with 2-3 healers, as she can immobile up to 4 ninja on round 2 and 4 with some luck, and one ninja every round through chase.

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On 2018-11-03 03:29:41Show this Author Only

in CN best SR is Skillbreak Ay and Skillbreak susanoo sasuke

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On 2018-11-03 04:31:04Show this Author Only
  • SomeoneRandom On 2018-11-03 02:57:35
  • I feel the need to defend Ameyuri here. She is a good ninja for early game when people still use LM as their pos 1 damage dealer (may work with Kushina too, but I haven't tried). She works especially well against teams with 2-3 healers, as she can immobile up to 4 ninja on round 2 and 4 with some luck, and one ninja every round through chase.

if id say a weak point of ameyuri would be that she cant recover her technique points making her unable to use mystery after 2 uses

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On 2018-11-03 04:47:03Show this Author Only
  • CHROLLOLUCILFER On 2018-11-03 04:31:04
  • if id say a weak point of ameyuri would be that she cant recover her technique points making her unable to use mystery after 2 uses

She can recover but you have to use Mangetsu. But that's really limiting so most people don't unless they have no other ninja options yet.

This post was last edited by takosabi on 2018-11-03 04:47:28.
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On 2018-11-03 04:59:57Show this Author Only
  • CHROLLOLUCILFER On 2018-11-03 04:31:04
  • if id say a weak point of ameyuri would be that she cant recover her technique points making her unable to use mystery after 2 uses

That's true, but most fights would finish by round 5-6, so I don't think it is that big of a problem.

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On 2018-11-03 07:39:22Show this Author Only
  • SomeoneRandom On 2018-11-03 02:57:35
  • I feel the need to defend Ameyuri here. She is a good ninja for early game when people still use LM as their pos 1 damage dealer (may work with Kushina too, but I haven't tried). She works especially well against teams with 2-3 healers, as she can immobile up to 4 ninja on round 2 and 4 with some luck, and one ninja every round through chase.

I can't honestly defend Ameyuri tbh. Most ninjas are Dodge/Immune, because of this she doesn't see too much play. I mean some can say the same about Kushimaru, but he can attack multiple times if he kills a unit and his damage output is a lot bigger than Ameyuri, though since he can gain Technique Points is even a better option to run him over Ameyuri

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On 2018-11-03 07:43:25Show this Author Only

Lets not discuss whether we (normal folks who simply drew SR and dont have frags/resources to 4* and buy frags books) will be even possible to obtain skillbooks or not.

In terms of current usefulness gnw super rares are superior to kage super rares. Ay is 1 round wonder designed to kill pretty much 1 key unit, while sasuke is just heavy nuke with a kit that resembles defense (even though he has pure nin immunity and super armor, hes actually squishy). Downside of sasuke is that he hits only 1 team without books.

I'm a big fan of sasuke and tried using him, i really did but kurama actually outperforms him in most of scenarios. Ay with current dodge/immune/no buffs meta has a hard time doing something and it's just 1 time thing for whole battle. Madara is good for konoha r2 burst that requires lots of chakra. While we can compare sasuke to naruto to some extent, we cant compare ay to madara because of 2 different roles in a team.

After necessary skillbooks Ay and Sasuke start to shine in 1v1 and 3v3 pvp respectively due to insane damage and scaling (1st with chakra, while 2nd with kills). Madara still retains his value as a chakra battery and kurama... hes just your generic move1 ninja that spams mysteries with immobile- in time his value will decrease as we get more and more overloaded kits that offer almost the same but are superior at something (guaranteed hit/additional effect), but he will get better once we get bond with edo minato.

Important thing is also looking at super rares. Hashirama is harder to obtain because you get free frags from 1 treasure unlike kage, where you get Itachi frags from 5. Hashirama is vastly superior to Itachi in 2v2 or 3v3 simply because of aoe undodgeable interrupt, strong cc, chakra drain and cross team heal for sages (all minatos, 2 of 5 mains) which always will be useful. Itachi on the other hand offers tankiness, 2x 2round chaos and strong standard. Chases are cool but nothing special. While in 1v1 it heavily depends on the team you use- both are really useful but hashirama simply offers more options.

So now that we know hashirama is better than itachi (in most cases), pulling gnw is for a long run better, since you get more useful super rare faster, ninja that retains his use (madara) and good frontline ninja with interruption (naruto+bond). And once you get hashirama, you c*e scrolls on kage, since you should be at least halfway to Itachi at this point.

Personally after GNW release i used about 1200 seals on kage to get sasuke and itachi and i consider it a big mistake. His skillbooks arent there yet, hes simply a dead ninja. Itachi is quite useful, but I'd much rather have hashirama and if I pulled from gnw back then, I'd have him. All what would be left is to use ~1000 seals to get sasuke and missing itachi frags. And now to have everything I need over 1500 seals given my current seal/hashi frag ratio. 500 seals make a difference.

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2018-11-03 07:48:01.
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On 2018-11-03 20:21:47Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2018-11-03 07:43:25
  • Lets not discuss whether we (normal folks who simply drew SR and dont have frags/resources to 4* and buy frags books) will be even possible to obtain skillbooks or not.

    In terms of current usefulness gnw super rares are superior to kage super rares. Ay is 1 round wonder designed to kill pretty much 1 key unit, while sasuke is just heavy nuke with a kit that resembles defense (even though he has pure nin immunity and super armor, hes actually squishy). Downside of sasuke is that he hits only 1 team without books.

    I'm a big fan of sasuke and tried using him, i really did but kurama actually outperforms him in most of scenarios. Ay with current dodge/immune/no buffs meta has a hard time doing something and it's just 1 time thing for whole battle. Madara is good for konoha r2 burst that requires lots of chakra. While we can compare sasuke to naruto to some extent, we cant compare ay to madara because of 2 different roles in a team.

    After necessary skillbooks Ay and Sasuke start to shine in 1v1 and 3v3 pvp respectively due to insane damage and scaling (1st with chakra, while 2nd with kills). Madara still retains his value as a chakra battery and kurama... hes just your generic move1 ninja that spams mysteries with immobile- in time his value will decrease as we get more and more overloaded kits that offer almost the same but are superior at something (guaranteed hit/additional effect), but he will get better once we get bond with edo minato.

    Important thing is also looking at super rares. Hashirama is harder to obtain because you get free frags from 1 treasure unlike kage, where you get Itachi frags from 5. Hashirama is vastly superior to Itachi in 2v2 or 3v3 simply because of aoe undodgeable interrupt, strong cc, chakra drain and cross team heal for sages (all minatos, 2 of 5 mains) which always will be useful. Itachi on the other hand offers tankiness, 2x 2round chaos and strong standard. Chases are cool but nothing special. While in 1v1 it heavily depends on the team you use- both are really useful but hashirama simply offers more options.

    So now that we know hashirama is better than itachi (in most cases), pulling gnw is for a long run better, since you get more useful super rare faster, ninja that retains his use (madara) and good frontline ninja with interruption (naruto+bond). And once you get hashirama, you c*e scrolls on kage, since you should be at least halfway to Itachi at this point.

    Personally after GNW release i used about 1200 seals on kage to get sasuke and itachi and i consider it a big mistake. His skillbooks arent there yet, hes simply a dead ninja. Itachi is quite useful, but I'd much rather have hashirama and if I pulled from gnw back then, I'd have him. All what would be left is to use ~1000 seals to get sasuke and missing itachi frags. And now to have everything I need over 1500 seals given my current seal/hashi frag ratio. 500 seals make a difference.

true. but i hope we can get y skill for kage super rare soon

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