Ay [Fourth Raikage]: Unlock: 21600 points (3086 - 3600 Shurikens) [30857 - 36000 Ingots] 3 --> 4: 27000 points (3857 - 4500 Shurikens) [38571 - 45000 Ingots] 4 --> 5: 54000 points (7714 - 9000 Shurikens) [77143 - 90000 Ingots] Total redeemable: 200 {386 - 450 Ingots per frag}
Explosive Heart Gift Pack: Unlock: 10000 points (1429 - 1667 Shurikens) [14286 - 16667 Ingots] 3 --> 4: 12500 points (1786 - 2083 Shurikens) [17857 - 20833 Ingots] 4 --> 5: 25000 points (3571 - 4167 Shurikens) [35714 - 41667 Ingots] Total redeemable: 200 {179 - 208 Ingots per frag}
Ibuse, The Salamander: Total redeemable: 80, 11200 points (1600 - 1867 Shurikens) [16000 - 18667 Ingots] {200 - 234 = 1 Ibuse, The Salamander}
Mount Myoboku’s Grasp: Total redeemable: 200, 3000 points (429 - 500 Shurikens) [4286 - 5000 Ingots]) {22 - 25 = 1 Mount Myoboku’s Grasp} Tactics Optional Gift Pack: Total redeemable: 200, 68000 points (9714 - 11333 Shurikens) [97143 - 113333 Ingots] {486 - 567 = 1 Tactics Optional Gift Pack}
Bonds Optional Pack:
Total redeemable: 80, 6800 points (971 - 1133 Shurikens) [9714 - 11333 Ingots] {121 - 142 = 1 Bonds Optional Pack}
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