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[ Events ] Anyone else disappointed...


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On 2018-11-01 21:00:03Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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... by this?


Let's do some math. In the shop, 10 tactic pages cost 250, which is twice the price of a charm pack. Since a charm pack used to cost 60 points in this event, then the tactics optional gift pack should cost no more than 120 points. But here it is for a freaking 340 points... almost three times what it should have costed.

And there is also the bonds optional pack. In grocery store a pack that gives 2 bonds scrolls costs less than a charm pack, so why is this pack with 1 bonds scroll so expensive here?

So disappointed by these prices. Evens used to be much better. Recently, not only are they replacing power items with random ninja, summons and clothing in events (anyone else sick of seeing the heart explosive gift pack everywhere?), but the prices are also becoming ridiculous.

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On 2018-11-01 21:27:22Show this Author Only

I love the explosive gift pack, a lot of people were requesting Edo Deidara a lot, and since he is a hard ninja to piece the fact they spam him is awesome.

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On 2018-11-01 21:33:25Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-11-01 21:27:22
  • I love the explosive gift pack, a lot of people were requesting Edo Deidara a lot, and since he is a hard ninja to piece the fact they spam him is awesome.

But it is in every other event cycle, while other ninja that people also ask for show up once every few weeks or months. Anyway, my issue with this particular event is not the pack (the pack is more like a general issue), but the fact that they removed the charm pack to replace it with overly expensive, less useful items.

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On 2018-11-01 21:48:44Show this Author Only

i personally was apalled by the sakura gift event. Oasis claimed to have "optimized" the foodsacks, which to be fair, they did increase the average points per pack, but then they also doubled the price of the food sacks and didnt even bother touching the points price in the shop. So instead of giving us an optimized event, they just shoot themselves in the foot and hop all the way back to square negative one. just let me ask: what's the point of improving the points per pack if you're going to make this event even worse than before?

the lack of charms packs in the colourful balloons event. the removal of cave keys from plat recharge. the fact that they're giving us 2 plat recharges in a row. 30 fragments of the new clothes that's apparently ingot exclusive but clearly too exclusive cos you ain't even getting the full set for a recharge of 10k ingots. replacing purification protection runes in sakura's gift with han.

look, i dont have high expectations, but this is really cutting it.

This post was last edited by Kuebiko on 2018-11-01 21:53:52.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-01 21:50:56Show this Author Only

Players: we like charm from balloon
Oasis: we will improve it

"Removed" We did well
We definitely listen to players

  • Registered: 2018-05-04
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On 2018-11-01 22:02:44Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2018-11-01 21:48:44
  • i personally was apalled by the sakura gift event. Oasis claimed to have "optimized" the foodsacks, which to be fair, they did increase the average points per pack, but then they also doubled the price of the food sacks and didnt even bother touching the points price in the shop. So instead of giving us an optimized event, they just shoot themselves in the foot and hop all the way back to square negative one. just let me ask: what's the point of improving the points per pack if you're going to make this event even worse than before?

    the lack of charms packs in the colourful balloons event. the removal of cave keys from plat recharge. the fact that they're giving us 2 plat recharges in a row. 30 fragments of the new clothes that's apparently ingot exclusive but clearly too exclusive cos you ain't even getting the full set for a recharge of 10k ingots. replacing purification protection runes in sakura's gift with han.

    look, i dont have high expectations, but this is really cutting it.

You can get 50 clothing fragments. You can claim first part of plat recharge for 7 days, it's just second part that becomes available after you recharge for 3 days.

I'm not annoyed by Sakura's Gift this week, because that was expected. What annoyed me is removal of charm packs from Froggy. Yeah, Froggy + Colourful baloons is still a good option for anyone who wants to spend money, but why replace the best redeemable choice instead of improving some bad ones (Myoboku Grasp, hello!)? You could have redeemed around 50 charm material packs (~5k coupons) if you bought froggies month ago. Now you can redeem 9-10 tactic packs which is 2.5k coupons max. This event's value was literally halved...

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On 2018-11-01 22:05:04Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2018-11-01 21:48:44
  • i personally was apalled by the sakura gift event. Oasis claimed to have "optimized" the foodsacks, which to be fair, they did increase the average points per pack, but then they also doubled the price of the food sacks and didnt even bother touching the points price in the shop. So instead of giving us an optimized event, they just shoot themselves in the foot and hop all the way back to square negative one. just let me ask: what's the point of improving the points per pack if you're going to make this event even worse than before?

    the lack of charms packs in the colourful balloons event. the removal of cave keys from plat recharge. the fact that they're giving us 2 plat recharges in a row. 30 fragments of the new clothes that's apparently ingot exclusive but clearly too exclusive cos you ain't even getting the full set for a recharge of 10k ingots. replacing purification protection runes in sakura's gift with han.

    look, i dont have high expectations, but this is really cutting it.

I didn't talk about Sakura's gift or the new outfit because many people complained about them already, but it is as you said. Sakura's gift is alright with the free food sacks, but it is very bad for spending. As for the new outfit... I will just pretend like it didn't happen. There is also the monthly events which requires us to spend 1k stamina daily... This week there are just too many negatively 'optimized' events. I wonder what events are they going to ruin next?

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On 2018-11-01 22:09:36Show this Author Only
  • Kuro하돌 On 2018-11-01 21:50:56
  • Players: we like charm from balloon
    Oasis: we will improve it

    "Removed" We did well
    We definitely listen to players

lol give that human a medal

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On 2018-11-01 22:10:28Show this Author Only

Tactics kind of make sense,since it was hard to get tactic pages but that bond scroll pack is bad.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-11-01 22:11:21.
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On 2018-11-01 22:10:58Show this Author Only
  • Kuro하돌 On 2018-11-01 21:50:56
  • Players: we like charm from balloon
    Oasis: we will improve it

    "Removed" We did well
    We definitely listen to players

They do listen. That's why every time the players say "this event is good," they change it the following month

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On 2018-11-01 22:16:18Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2018-11-01 22:10:28
  • Tactics kind of make sense,since it was hard to get tactic pages but that bond scroll pack is bad.

Adding tactics as a redeemable item is a good idea, but its price is not.

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On 2018-11-01 22:31:59Show this Author Only

i was expecting the charm pack aswell, at least i could redeem 1 a day, but i wont even be touching events this week, not even activity luck bag(yes for me it's useless, 90% of the items i cant use).

Btw, most of the items in there you can get it for free, even raikage yes, except the Ibuse summon and explosive pack which are event only prizes, rest you can get it for ffree pretty much.

This post was last edited by UchihaShay on 2018-11-01 22:34:03.
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On 2018-11-01 22:46:06Show this Author Only
  • SomeoneRandom On 2018-11-01 22:10:58
  • They do listen. That's why every time the players say "this event is good," they change it the following month

well it is their game so they can do what they like

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On 2018-11-01 23:34:57Show this Author Only
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On 2018-11-01 23:51:31Show this Author Only

I find it hilarious that we have a Charm Rebate, yet Oasis removed it from Colorful Balloons.

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-01 23:55:13Show this Author Only

Balloon has not been good in ages.

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On 2018-11-01 23:56:28Show this Author Only
  • S440-Genesis On 2018-11-01 22:46:06
  • well it is their game so they can do what they like

Perhaps but i did recharge 5k ingot only for froggy when its along with the colorful baloon where i can get a good ammount of charm packs. now that recharge is gone untill it comes back. Cant belive how * they are at oasis.

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On 2018-11-02 00:58:23Show this Author Only

They said improved and optimized. They never said it was done for the player base.

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On 2018-11-02 03:07:38Show this Author Only
  • WhoWhat On 2018-11-02 00:58:23
  • They said improved and optimized. They never said it was done for the player base.


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On 2018-11-02 03:40:38Show this Author Only

Yeah, my eyes danced over the points and whatnot I would need for all the events and I'm not really happy. This is a saving week for me.

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