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Azure Fang's Substitution


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-01 14:54:55Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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It says:

Increase Evasion Rate by 40%. Up to 2 enemy attacks may be evaded per round.

So I am wondering how it works.

First of all, Is it 40% for every possible combos attacks? For example Kisame Samehada Fusion with 10 combos standard attack, will it means there are 10 times "chances of 40% probability evading" the attack? Or,

Second, is it 40% for every possible skills attacks? (e. g. Mystery is counted as 1 attack, Standard is 1 attack, Chase is 1 attack; regardless of the combos). Or,

Third, is it 40% for every "first" attacks received (either Mystery, Standard, or Chase) and if the first attacks is successful, then the next attack (if the first attack triggers combo) will NOT be evadable?

Or HOW? Can someone please explain to me? For me 40% is high enough, like 4 of 10 attacks is evaded, or to make it into a smaller scale, Azure Fang probably will evade 1 per 3 attacks (2.5 actually, but just let's just say it's 3). But after doing some tests, it turns out that the dodge probability isn't that high. My Azure Fang often ended up killed after combo-ed (because she didn't evade the first attack that triggers the combo). I don't think the 40% rate is correct.

This post was last edited by King engine on 2018-11-01 14:54:55.
  • Registered: 2018-09-14
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On 2018-11-01 14:50:16Show this Author Only

10 combos standard attack is 1 attack.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-01 15:27:53Show this Author Only

Look at brother's farewell team instance. Water's dodge is similar to the one of medical ninjas there. Same as iruka's dodge (although he can dodge only once). You will notice that at certain point your attacks always hit or almost always miss the target, which indicates that some stat (combo rate? There's no stat directly responsible for "hit rate") influences whether you will dodge or not. When I was doing brothers farewell TI around 80-100k bp medics could dodge hits, nowadays it literally never happens. Same with iruka, iruka roughly on my power dodges, while ~30-40k weaker one almost never dodges.

Ah, and no matter what you cant dodge undodgeable mysteries/standards.

So once we have a rough idea how it works, it can trigger with standards, mysteries and aoe chases (in all cases thats the first damaging effect that hits main). Not sure if it can trigger in the middle of chase chain, but such mechanic was already in the game in 2.0 (old kage minato dodge), you might want to do some tests with friends like main vs main on similar power just to see what happens.

tl;dr it seems to be 40% to dodge any incoming damage/effect and can be triggered up to 2 times. It doesnt neccessarily have to be 1st and 2nd attack.

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2018-11-01 15:30:16.
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On 2018-11-01 21:01:55Show this Author Only

I've already had a little fun with Azure's dodges and yeah, can confirm she can dodge any kind of attack. For example if u start combo on her and succeed, she still might dodge chase that comes afterwards, but indeed, would say it's quite random when she decided to dodge - might as well be the last chase from combo sadly.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-02 10:50:56Show this Author Only

she works exactly as brother's farewell healers.

you have a 40% chance to avoid any effect (mysteries, standard attacks, chases) up to twice per round.

Quicky Post

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