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[ Events ] Event Cycle - 1st November


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On 2018-11-01 18:48:19Show this Author Only
  • Beavis On 2018-11-01 11:21:34
  • I agree, if you poo poo it without providing a realistic alternative, it doesn't help them help us. It is easy to point out what you think is going wrong, the hard part is finding a solution to that.

    Some surely feel they are going unheard. That is part of what brings about the complainers, but as an example of them hearing us out, look at what they did do with the sakura's gift ordeal. They gave out a bunch of stuff based on what people asked for as compensation. While I personally am still a little bitter about it...they did what they were allowed to do for us, and to the fullest. I think they deserve some credit for that. Was easily over 1k coupons worth of stuff (at least on my server).

    I just hope they fixed pricing in the sakura's gift shop so that it is a decent event without fukuro rebate or some other event to support it.

The thing about Sakura is that it is a similar case with great keys. I don't know why people were expecting it would not be the same case. I just saw the improved rates and prices for Sakura as temporary and they would go back to what it used to be just like great keys.

Whether or not Oasis decides to bring in the improved rates in random times like great keys is up to them, but at least it is better than not having it at all.

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On 2018-11-01 18:57:35Show this Author Only

Say hi to Halloween events guys. It's scary af!

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On 2018-11-01 19:34:03Show this Author Only

I just tried 3v3 arena with some of my groupmembers. No complains there. Likely because we matched pretty fast. It was fun. And ninja frags as rewards. Thanks for all that.

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On 2018-11-01 20:08:31Show this Author Only

3 vs 3 arena hey. seems its just going to be like d bond. with the difference being your a team of 3 not 2. so I guess lower level players and people with low bp wont really have much of a chance of winning even if they do manage to get to team up with strong players. Still going to have opponents that are either highest level in the game or level 80-90's with op bp. As well as possible on rare occasions 1 or 2 opps that are level 70-80 but dont seem to barely lose life even when their bp isnt really as high as your team. I have found that these people rarely lose much health and usually actually do better then team mates with higher level and bp. something dont seem right about this. I dont really want to say they are cheating or anything but I cant figure out how this can happen

You do realize that this 3v3 arena thing is just going to be like db where the strongest players are only going to want to team up with each others and those that are level 90 and below wont have anybody except each other to team up with. Which isnt going to be much use because they are most likely going to have to face opps that are around level 100 and those with about 150k+ bp

Its a nice effort to introduce a feature like this into the game and I like you have tried to make game more interesting however expect this to fail to an extent

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On 2018-11-01 20:45:31Show this Author Only
  • random1 On 2018-11-01 20:08:31
  • 3 vs 3 arena hey. seems its just going to be like d bond. with the difference being your a team of 3 not 2. so I guess lower level players and people with low bp wont really have much of a chance of winning even if they do manage to get to team up with strong players. Still going to have opponents that are either highest level in the game or level 80-90's with op bp. As well as possible on rare occasions 1 or 2 opps that are level 70-80 but dont seem to barely lose life even when their bp isnt really as high as your team. I have found that these people rarely lose much health and usually actually do better then team mates with higher level and bp. something dont seem right about this. I dont really want to say they are cheating or anything but I cant figure out how this can happen

    You do realize that this 3v3 arena thing is just going to be like db where the strongest players are only going to want to team up with each others and those that are level 90 and below wont have anybody except each other to team up with. Which isnt going to be much use because they are most likely going to have to face opps that are around level 100 and those with about 150k+ bp

    Its a nice effort to introduce a feature like this into the game and I like you have tried to make game more interesting however expect this to fail to an extent

no its not like this

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On 2018-11-01 20:47:18Show this Author Only

Really? I thought it was like arena, when I played it. All ninjas at 3v3 were at lv100, power around the same numbers. Only difference was ini. Lot better than Bonds in my opinion, since you onnly need 3 fights, when in team with groupmates. Only 2 of them need to be wins.

  • Registered: 2018-10-14
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On 2018-11-01 21:24:25Show this Author Only

We want edo deidara next week but not in an event like colourful balloons.

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On 2018-11-01 22:02:33Show this Author Only
  • F2p4ever On 2018-11-01 21:24:25
  • We want edo deidara next week but not in an event like colourful balloons.

U get 11 balloons per day u know? he was in konoha great tree and sakura's event and has been in events for months. Also I am sure some paying people wouldn't mind redeeming his frags instead of some items from balloon event **cough bond scroll optional packs cough charm packs were better cough**

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-11-01 22:04:35.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-01 22:59:43Show this Author Only

new outfit for $500 recharge

removal of charm packs from balloons

overpriced strong ninjas (i.e. 550 cps for 50% chance at edo minato in capsule, which translates to 29.3k cps for 80 frags)

won't even touch on sakuras sushi which was covered last month

just my suggestions oas, don't nerf existing events. only make them better specially in this p2p heavy game

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On 2018-11-01 23:02:49Show this Author Only
  • s177 Kira On 2018-11-01 22:59:43
  • new outfit for $500 recharge

    removal of charm packs from balloons

    overpriced strong ninjas (i.e. 550 cps for 50% chance at edo minato in capsule, which translates to 29.3k cps for 80 frags)

    won't even touch on sakuras sushi which was covered last month

    just my suggestions oas, don't nerf existing events. only make them better specially in this p2p heavy game

Agree but outfit is $200.You need to recharge 3500 ingots for 3 days.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-11-01 23:05:30.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-01 23:17:20Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2018-11-01 23:02:49
  • Agree but outfit is $200.You need to recharge 3500 ingots for 3 days.

No it's 5 frags a day for 7 days = 35 frags

on the 3rd day you get 15 frags which completes the outfit.

so for those of you who don't understand the snake move by oas, you recharge 3 days for 5+5+5+15, and you need to keep recharging 4 more days for 5+5+5+5

that's 3500 * 7 which is $490 recharge, when edo minato + many other good stuff cost $600 2 weeks back? bit broken @oas

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On 2018-11-01 23:22:16Show this Author Only
  • s177 Kira On 2018-11-01 23:17:20
  • No it's 5 frags a day for 7 days = 35 frags

    on the 3rd day you get 15 frags which completes the outfit.

    so for those of you who don't understand the snake move by oas, you recharge 3 days for 5+5+5+15, and you need to keep recharging 4 more days for 5+5+5+5

    that's 3500 * 7 which is $490 recharge, when edo minato + many other good stuff cost $600 2 weeks back? bit broken @oas

Oh wow.

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On 2018-11-01 23:35:15Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2018-11-01 23:22:16
  • Oh wow.

just saying :P

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On 2018-11-01 23:42:22Show this Author Only

Tobei calling on to boykott the recharge on Zamas stream. Kinda shocking.

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On 2018-11-02 00:02:59Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-11-01 18:48:19
  • The thing about Sakura is that it is a similar case with great keys. I don't know why people were expecting it would not be the same case. I just saw the improved rates and prices for Sakura as temporary and they would go back to what it used to be just like great keys.

    Whether or not Oasis decides to bring in the improved rates in random times like great keys is up to them, but at least it is better than not having it at all.

Well....they just made it a lot harder to * up for them.... They destroyed monthly event....took away the only reasonably priced item in baloons....made sakura's gift worthless without fukuro rebate, which lets be real that will probably never even happen..... I mean if you planned to recharge it would be a great week for that....but why would you want to after seeing these types of changes week after week...? F2Ps are going to start quitting...then its downhill from there (like off a cliff)....What a shame. This is the type of stuff that brings out the complainers... and TBH rightfully so....

I mean, just 2 weeks ago we had Great tree with edo hiruzen and susanoo kakashi....and they were quite a bit cheaper than they are currently in this event... plus you get some items and other frags with them in great tree....I can't help but call that what it is....a waste of space...

Might just be time to find something else...getting boring fast between this type of greed, and the already dead servers with even more people quitting in the midst of this... 3rd week with no GNW for my server and that is with the few people that do play trying to make up activity with alts....while the 3v3 arena thing seems cool, it will be slow with players dropping like flies.....I am disgusted...

I'm a little less disgusted now that I've seen 3v3 arena. The 3v3 boxes have anbu yamato, and some edo jinchuriki frags in them, and the wait times thus far are not bad at all. This function is great for F2P in the long run if the boxes don't change every month.

This post was last edited by Beavis on 2018-11-02 02:16:40.
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On 2018-11-02 00:43:46Show this Author Only

*laughs in f2p*

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On 2018-11-02 03:36:30Show this Author Only

$220 usd for 30 frags of clothing, this *s getting ridiculous.

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On 2018-11-02 05:32:05Show this Author Only

No way.. Too many NEW ninjas, clothing per month, but too low NEW really needed features.. We needs new ninja exam pack, full collection, rogue ninja, seasons, labyritnh, Y-skills for realesed ninjas, simple breakthrough for other ninjas, etc. Why you are stopped or very low rate with this, OASIS?

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On 2018-11-02 05:56:35Show this Author Only


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On 2018-11-02 07:09:46Show this Author Only

You want Me to spend how much on these new Clothes? Uhhhh.... NO. Too bad though.... they look pretty cool but no way at that cost. Thanks a lot.

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