To all f2p complaining about cloth in recharge event- deal with it and wait. Or pay for early access, because thats exactly what spending is. Every single thing (except ingot only, but those are pretty much non existant) in the game is accessible with time and coupon investment. It's entirely other matter if it takes you month or 200 years to get to that point though. It will be accessible later on, propably cheaper to some degree as everything always is, just a matter of time. Susanoo itachi in direct buy costs 64000 ingots (shinobi feast)- you can get him entirely for free with 5x960 total free pulls from 5 treasures that offer his frags. Dont expect to be treated the same as paying players. If you play this game for a long time and all you do is complain every time, from game perspective you are just leeches. And while you are given opportunity to play a game for free, the way you like it in pve or more tuned pvp activities, you are simultaneously grey mass to be farmed by those go pay in majority of others. Sorry to break it to you, but thats how those games work.
To spenders complaining- you have 2 recharge rebates. If you want cloth sooner, pay more. You get 20% coupons from red envelopes. We dont get 2 recharge events that often. There's also double spending rebate
New arena mode sounds fun, good testing ground for testing gnw lineups with groupmates. And ability to get more moon coins, as well as new ninja is always welcome.
Activity lucky back is a nice mangatama source but it could be updated, since it didnt really get any major changes since it's implementation in 1.0 or 2.0. Perhaps a chance for adv refines/threads/charms (same as seal drop rate)? ;)
Same goes for lucky sntch- some items on the board are worth about 20cp and have higher drop rates than others (2seal frags, myoboku grasp x1, purification rune x2 for example). It might be a good way to increase those ammounts to match spin cost (so 5 seal frags, 5 grasps, 5 runes) or change them. While milestone rewards are mostly tempting its often not enough for people to spend there. Same scenario was with lucky wheel but it became really good in time- every item is worth 20cp+ (spin cost) while it also offers jackpot rewards. Same treatment would really help this event.
And while i understand why most people are upset about sakura gift for 20cp, look at the bright side- since 2 rotations it has increased point drop rate, so free 35packs (+whatever compensation ammount we get due to bugs ^^) offers us more items for free :-)
Regardless of that essay you wrote f2p are nearly as important as paying players (and this is coming from a spender [not a whale]) and unless they preserve that ba
Is this forum super toxic at times with constant complaining? Yes, it is. Does that mean that nothing that they say is valid and that they never get it right? No, its not. Its an aggregate of new ninja, new clothing etc. releasing like crazy. BA Clothing is a high priority for the majority of players so when they come out at the rate they are currently it is upsetting to players. Just because they complain all the time about a variety of different topics doesn't mean they don't get it right sometimes.
Regardless of that essay you wrote f2p are nearly as important as paying players (and this is coming from a spender [not a whale]) and unless they preserve that ba
Is this forum super toxic at times with constant complaining? Yes, it is. Does that mean that nothing that they say is valid and that they never get it right? No, its not. Its an aggregate of new ninja, new clothing etc. releasing like crazy. BA Clothing is a high priority for the majority of players so when they come out at the rate they are currently it is upsetting to players. Just because they complain all the time about a variety of different topics doesn't mean they don't get it right sometimes.
However, it takes people like us to actually voice their concerns in an civilized manner so people can understand rather than something you expect from children that can be viewed as just complaining with little suggestions. I mean you already have one spammer here that isn't offering any good insight and just playing the victim.
It was on the last day of that week event cycle. You could buy 10 of that pack for the same price as the others did. Pay more attention.
It was brought back on the last day of that cycle at 5 packs limit, not 10, which wasn't much of a recompensation as others got up to 100 on the first (varied by server region) hours of day 1. Also he was talking about the post afterwards (PLEASE somebody with that screenshot post it) where @Daiske mentioned to vouch bringing the pack back for the same 60 coupon price in a later event to the developers.
However, it takes people like us to actually voice their concerns in an civilized manner so people can understand rather than something you expect from children that can be viewed as just complaining with little suggestions. I mean you already have one spammer here that isn't offering any good insight and just playing the victim.
I agree, if you poo poo it without providing a realistic alternative, it doesn't help them help us. It is easy to point out what you think is going wrong, the hard part is finding a solution to that.
Some surely feel they are going unheard. That is part of what brings about the complainers, but as an example of them hearing us out, look at what they did do with the sakura's gift ordeal. They gave out a bunch of stuff ba
I just hope they fixed pricing in the sakura's gift shop so that it is a decent event without fukuro rebate or some other event to support it.
15. A new Ninja was added as the reward for November's Daily Sign in: Choza Akimichi
When will ya'll introduce a decent monthly log-in ninja, that people can utilize?
So far only decent Ninja we got all year was Anbu Itachi and that's mainly cause of his passive.
I'm not mad about having new clothing in full recharge rebate. Just worried of how much it will cost when buying with coupons/ingots later on and what it wiil mean. It will either be too expensive for clothing and only a few get it or it is as expensive as rest of the clothings and those who recharged a lot for it will be mad for this. Lose/lose situation at the moment as I see it for Oasis. This may impact the rest of us later on too.
I just looked at monthly missions. They're messed up again. There was already a backlash last time they were like this, because it would take too much from players to do everyhing in them. And you did it again after having them back the right way for many months. Good jod Oasis. Let's hope they're back to normal next month and beyond.
Sorry for complaning again. But this week seems to have lot to complain about.
Good morning.
Daily missions: you need 1000 stamina to do 2 (supposed) free daily missions, everyday.
Last event people complained about events and you put platinum event, this event we have...platinum event again.
Dancing capsule= Lucky Wheel, its a pit where you through away coupons if you are willing to take the bait.
Sakura event still at 20 coupons per foodstack when people have complained since the awfull accident with sailor sakura and sasuke playboy packs.
Even lucky frog wich was an event that i always did, now there is no actual reasonable reward for me to recharge, there is no good combo like crazy slot machine+ froggy, or that lucky wheel that gives "free" draws with recharge ingots, there is only that daily spend event with the oils, where if you are at lv 12, you could recharge 5k ingots for froggy event and you could claim only enough oils to rise 1 lowsy level...5k, wich is some serious recharge.
Charm event: a free event, awsome, but for some reason, the fullest reward was at 500 charms spend, and recently its at 1000, even free events are beeing slowly changed so you need an "extra" (call it recharge if you want) effort to reach that amount.
Lucky sntch: like lucky wheel but worst, its more expensive, you can't redeem points and you dont have free draws.
Colorfull ballons: it was always an awsome event but check the prices and prizes you put now, you can only redeem oil at reasonable price but its worthless when you need over a 100. Where is magatamas or charm items (when this week its charm evnt) at reasonable price?
Only activity bag its cool.
As for the new feature, we had a new one 2 weeks ago, i would prefer more ninja exams, more ultimate training, a new TI.
For the past months this game his changing its course, ofc big whales are cool with it but this don't give me food or a floor on my feet therefore i dont need to keep paying and i stopped last month until i see a good change (wich i know it won't happen).
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