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[ Suggestions ] Shisui in one of the following :Great tree,lucky board,missions


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-19 10:13:42Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Shisui has been out for more than a year and he is a very popular ninja , like Jonin Minato, Edo Deidara and Angel Konan . But the ninjas that i've mentioned have been in the f2p friendly events (Tree,board and missions) countless times. And i know that firsthand cause i was able to recruit Jonin Minato and even 4 star Edo Deidara without even spending a single coupon , just sacrificed power i guess (sob , other f2p's gonna scold me) . I normaly wouldn't mind not having Shisui , but after drawing Madara(Founder) from the GNW treasure , and not having any other Uchihas except for the free ones (normal Sasuke, suit Sasuke , Itachi anbu) , Madara is a meme tier ninja in my hands . And i am asking you . Am i asking too much , Shisui being in one event where i actualy can know exactly how much he will cost me , with zero RNG ?

My history with Shisui since he got released (37/80 frags now)

1.He is out in lucky wheel - i spend 3k , no luck , at least i maxed refines/charms

2.Lucky board (1st time)- i spend some , getting some frags

3.Wheel of fortune - i spend around 4k , literaly half the playerbase gets him , ofc no luck

4.Lucky board(2nd time)-i spend some , getting some frags (glimpse of hope there , i tell myself , yay , i will recruit him someday)

5.He appears in treasure of the sage for a cheap price , i spend 1k for him to appear - i buy some frags with my remaining cp

6.He appears in great plates (1st time) - got like 8 frags

7.And here we come to the drama 2 weeks ago ... he appears in Sakura's event for a 8k starting price which got doubled later . I would have bought like 50+ of his frags and recruited him if the price stayed that way .I was offline at work when the foodsack price was 10cp (and got punished for that) With the free foodsacks + the compensation my frag count raises to 34 . i have around 6k cp remaining at that moment . But knowing that this amount would not be enough , i don't buy anymore foodsacks . Instead i decide to go for the puppy cloth that was announced for the next (now previous) event cycle . Bad move , sad mistake , cause yeah , if you want something you gotta hunt it .

8.Last and final event , this event cycle , great plates (2nd time) . Funny RNG . First 20 free keys , 2 frags . I use my remaining 1500 cp for ........1 whole frag , summing up to the current 37/80 i have

So , for the last 10months all my cp have gone to outfits(Yeah i have all of them) and a sad attempt to get Shisui . Have i done a bad resource management ?Yeah , i know that and i don't want any critisism over that . But as i said , patience got me a 4 star Edo Dei and Jonin Minato without spending anything , just cause they are popular ninjas , the have appeared a lot in events , and around 80% of the time their frags were redeemable.

So Oasis , please , i don't care if it takes another 6 months , but please put Shisui in one of the following events: Konoha's Great tree,lucky board,missions general mobilisation. Even the time-limited-recruitment (the one with the keys , not seal scroll rebate) or Sakura's (yeah , again) can do the job . We got a promise on discord that he would be redeemable again after what happened with the foodsack nonsense . And we got lucky eggs(ingot event) and great plates (i repeat , 150 keys for 1 frag) in return . This is a reason to feel played

  • Registered: 2018-06-07
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On 2018-10-24 15:18:39Show this Author Only


  • Registered: 2018-06-07
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On 2018-10-24 15:19:23Show this Author Only
  • Indra and Ashur On 2018-10-24 15:18:39


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