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Final discussion


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  • Registered: 2018-07-28
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On 2018-10-10 21:34:19Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I would like to make this a thread for the discussion about this weeks event cycle and any problems or inconvenience caused by it so that in the near future we could learn from this and probably prevent this from ever happening.

First of all, Respectful Mods and Devs i request that you do not delete or close this thread because this is only going to undermine the 'Right of Free Speech' and aggravate people and might eventually lead to more backlash. Also all the community members please be respectful in this thread and no rude behavior will be tolerated.

Mistakes have been made and so please accept that fact. I'd just like to add that a free 3 star or 5 star is a ninja afterall.

And mostly i think people are just unhappy about how poorly this was managed not about the fact what people got or whatever. So i'd just like to mention that so Oasis could learn and maybe history wont repeat itself.

Okay so it started as Mods responded by saying it was an intended gift when they were clearly informed about the ninja pouches price and etc. So later it was removed. Responded again by saying it was not intended that way cause of higher redeemables. Afterwards a conclusion was reached that it would return again and it did. However this time another bug arrived cause of the purification runes and some people couldnt claim them at all. Before that the mods admitted it was due to some miscommunication and that it was intended to have lower redeemable limit from start but Now they claim that it was never intended in the first place because instead of Ninja pouch there was supposed to be Purification runes which just doesn't add up.

Also for the sakuras gift they said that they returned the foodsack price to the original even after informing them about how it had always been for 10 coupons they still decided to change it anyway.

Not to mention that a player figured this sakura sasuke mission bug in a week which a whole Oasis team couldn't do in a month (P.S: Figured out the bug not fixed i mean since fixing is a whole different story)

Lastly i know some people are still sad about how compensation doesnt make any difference since everyone recieves it.

Hopefully my voice will not go unnoticed and im hopeful that everyone will learn from this so that we can focus on the future instead of the past.

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On 2018-10-10 22:02:22Show this Author Only


For feedback we have special surveys where you can let us know what is good and what is bad. What you like and what you don't like. What you would like to see next etc.

I will keep this open but once it gets out of hand, it will be closed.

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-10-10 22:02:50.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-10 22:09:54Show this Author Only

It was a big letdown for those who couldn"t recruit 5 or even 1 pouch cause the coding, i wouldnt seen anything wrong bringing it back 100 times redeemable instead of 5 cause many people had that option and it was they own choice how many they wanted to spend on it.
Was it bad managing? Clearly. Can it be undone? NO. Can we move on? Yes
But hopefully maybe now they going to respond better i would like to be optimistic
Im looking forward that they bring it back someday with similar price as they say (guessing 60cp worth then)
About Sakura event that was unfortunate cause if it has been stayed 10cp many people would have spent on it i guess and i can hardly see anything worthwhile in an event where you get just frags for normal price without anything to it. And yeah yeah... i got madara 5k in event paying almost 20k but i got a Lot of extra content i wouldnt be bothered if some folk get just the frags to him thats just my opinion in the matter.

  • Registered: 2018-09-14
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On 2018-10-10 22:15:41Show this Author Only

I still don't understand why they did not make the redeem limit of sakura/sasuke packs the same as day 1.

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On 2018-10-10 22:18:39Show this Author Only
  • MrXct On 2018-10-10 22:15:41
  • I still don't understand why they did not make the redeem limit of sakura/sasuke packs the same as day 1.

just confirm you didn´t have neaither of those ninja now you do so shhh and be happy that the tencent mods did this for us

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On 2018-10-10 22:30:06Show this Author Only
  • Buu Z Tier On 2018-10-10 22:18:39
  • just confirm you didn´t have neaither of those ninja now you do so shhh and be happy that the tencent mods did this for us

Haha, well we will see what impact its gonna have

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On 2018-10-10 22:32:58Show this Author Only

I really don't care about madara 5kage and some other expensive stuffs because I don't spend on this game anymore. Plus, this game is a ptw game so there will not be balance in servers. I made my peace with that a long time ago. What it really hurts me is that lucky ninja pouch. Some people get 5 stars on both sasuke suit and sakura clock and enough frags to sb them in the future while I did not get the chance to do so. They took the choices out of my hand. I am still pissed about that. But the mods said that they will give that lucky pouch with similar prices, I will chill for a bit. But I don't want a similar price. I want the exact same price they gave (60 cps per pack) and the exact redeemable time (100) and I want it before or the same time they announce the sb for sasuke and sakura. Everybody likes cheap stuffs. I really hope the mods, the devs will their mistakes and never ever let that happen again.

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On 2018-10-11 00:33:58Show this Author Only

Well..for both monthly card packs its 20$ a month. After this ordeal, I opt out. Frankly I just don't see any logical reason to ruin sakura's gift again... Right after they had me thinking they fixed it with the last one that had jonin minato (several posts about his price at the time too)...No one in their right mind will spend on that event as it is now, which just smells fishy IMO... For me and likely many others, as I can't afford to just drop $200-$400 at a time, having the option to buy just the frags without any extras was ideal. You could say it was money, but honestly I think more people would have spent money the way it was the first day, especially with that froggy... Just makes no sense to me. It's not like having that option will magically catch you up to the fact it would benefit them too in the long run... Oh well, its their prerogative to do what they did, just as it is mine to close my wallet.

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On 2018-10-11 00:35:25Show this Author Only
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  • Registered: 2017-10-25
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On 2018-10-11 05:16:59Show this Author Only

How poorly this was managed ? I'm sorry but this whole mess was cleared in a very professional way . Giving us all a voice to express what we wanted as compensation ~ Not only did the mods accept their mistakes they realised where they went wrong , explained and replied to the same multiple complaints and calmed down everyone here. And no I'm not s*cking their d*cks here but rather showing empathy as if everyone was blaming u for a bug within the system you'd crumble under the backlash but our mods fought through it

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On 2018-10-11 07:28:47Show this Author Only
  • _Light_ On 2018-10-11 05:16:59
  • How poorly this was managed ? I'm sorry but this whole mess was cleared in a very professional way . Giving us all a voice to express what we wanted as compensation ~ Not only did the mods accept their mistakes they realised where they went wrong , explained and replied to the same multiple complaints and calmed down everyone here. And no I'm not s*cking their d*cks here but rather showing empathy as if everyone was blaming u for a bug within the system you'd crumble under the backlash but our mods fought through it

Greetings _Light_

I dont know your experience with the event and im not planning to jump to conclusions. Its good ofc they give a voice to us to express what we want as a compensation but getting eye candy items (why? which players dont need more pouches or sakura 10cp packs and ask for extra ,wonder?) .. and they really stated and made they promise come true to bring back the pouches lowered. Unfortunately there was the code error and some people couldn"t even buy 1 pouch not even the heavily lowered 5. Case solved? Yes, In a professional way? No.

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On 2018-10-12 00:24:23Show this Author Only

^ well they lowered the redeemables so ppl wouldn't claim 3k+ frags and the reason why i say professional is because it resulted in the best outcome, if they'd kept 100 redeemables everyone will start to complain how the game is broken but by giving 5 free ninja pouches it calmed down the moaners. those that still couldnt buy the packs on the last day .. well idk abt that :/ maybe dey should report it

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On 2018-10-12 00:32:09Show this Author Only
  • _Light_ On 2018-10-11 05:16:59
  • How poorly this was managed ? I'm sorry but this whole mess was cleared in a very professional way . Giving us all a voice to express what we wanted as compensation ~ Not only did the mods accept their mistakes they realised where they went wrong , explained and replied to the same multiple complaints and calmed down everyone here. And no I'm not s*cking their d*cks here but rather showing empathy as if everyone was blaming u for a bug within the system you'd crumble under the backlash but our mods fought through it

Giving us a voice to express what we wanted?

They deleted 99% of any thread & post made of the subject, they muted people left and right (7 people that I know of, some justified but the majority weren't, which must have been a lot because the majority of people who used to post here no longer post & there's a lot of new accounts posting now)- for things that in no way broke the rules, actual discussions on the topic, they handled the situation terribly.

They didn't accept anything, they lied about the price of the Food sacks & insisted we were all wrong- it took me to look up videos a year old to actually bring attention that food sacks have been 10 coupons for an extremely long time, it also took them ages to reply and "Calm" as you put it because the majority of them were on vacation when this all transpired.

On top of that, there's a bunch of people who are now hugely ahead because they have gotten compensation on top of their bug & there's another compensation on the way because a bunch of people ran into ANOTHER bug trying to gain the compensation- amazing.

Lmao, you either don't know what transpired or are actually doing what you say you aren't.

This post was last edited by Isoya on 2018-10-12 00:39:25.
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On 2018-10-12 00:32:20Show this Author Only

Out of curiosity, to those that got purification runes, why? Of course it shouldn't matter and the redeemable count should have reset but why choose something you can get easily when there are other good items that costed less. I can understand if they were the protection runes but I believe they weren't.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-10-12 00:33:32.
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On 2018-10-12 02:05:34Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-10-12 00:32:20
  • Out of curiosity, to those that got purification runes, why? Of course it shouldn't matter and the redeemable count should have reset but why choose something you can get easily when there are other good items that costed less. I can understand if they were the protection runes but I believe they weren't.

I was going to get them too, but I decided to wait for last day. Putting 5 of them in a bundle made them look cheaper than the other items there I guess, lol. Anyway, for newer servers and those that are less that one year old we still don't have 500+ of them stacked like old servers, so we still need to redeem them somewhere and this event looked like a good place to do so.

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On 2018-10-12 04:25:12Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-10-12 00:32:20
  • Out of curiosity, to those that got purification runes, why? Of course it shouldn't matter and the redeemable count should have reset but why choose something you can get easily when there are other good items that costed less. I can understand if they were the protection runes but I believe they weren't.

Because the redeemable limit of advanced refine was low so after maxing that i went for purification runes.

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On 2018-10-12 06:05:08Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2018-10-10 22:02:22
  • Hello.

    For feedback we have special surveys where you can let us know what is good and what is bad. What you like and what you don't like. What you would like to see next etc.

    I will keep this open but once it gets out of hand, it will be closed.

I didn't see one for that set of events. Maybe I missed it?

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On 2018-10-12 17:39:49Show this Author Only
  • darkshawdows On 2018-10-12 04:25:12
  • Because the redeemable limit of advanced refine was low so after maxing that i went for purification runes.

I suppose you own BA rank 9, kushina habanero 5 stars and you also recruited jonin minato, konohamaru and naruto ramen because this is the only situation i see where could be worth to buy purification runes (weren't purification protection runes...)

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-10-12 17:41:53.
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On 2018-10-12 17:44:23Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-10-12 00:32:20
  • Out of curiosity, to those that got purification runes, why? Of course it shouldn't matter and the redeemable count should have reset but why choose something you can get easily when there are other good items that costed less. I can understand if they were the protection runes but I believe they weren't.

My guess is that who got purifications was who had bought the points to get the pouches when they changed the code so they were able to buy 1 pouch and bought by mistake purification runes because they continue to click on 'redeem' without figuring the item changed after the 1st pouch because given how easy is to get them there is literally no reason to buy them (is like buying dangod or shape-shifting cards).

So 99% of them (i won't say 100%) just wanted to abuse the bug but had the unluck to be on when they updated the game object number for that slot.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-10-12 17:47:29.
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On 2018-10-12 18:58:39Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-10-12 17:44:23
  • My guess is that who got purifications was who had bought the points to get the pouches when they changed the code so they were able to buy 1 pouch and bought by mistake purification runes because they continue to click on 'redeem' without figuring the item changed after the 1st pouch because given how easy is to get them there is literally no reason to buy them (is like buying dangod or shape-shifting cards).

    So 99% of them (i won't say 100%) just wanted to abuse the bug but had the unluck to be on when they updated the game object number for that slot.

Even so, you and I pointed out that there were better options instead of runes. So far, these people appear to me are the same people that make rookie mistakes like spending all their coupons/ingots in RNG events, using items outside of rebates, thinking a 5* ninja is stronger than a 3* without comparing kits, etc.

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