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[ Events ] Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-06 10:05:26Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2018-10-06 07:00:19
  • I don't think most players are jealous because people got ninjas cheaper, but just angry at how unfairly they are being treated. Imagine going to your favorite store and you heard that they had a deal on an item you wanted, but as soon as it was your turn to get your item the price was no longer a discount. I imagine most people would be angry at that point not at the customer who was in front of them, but how the company handled the sale. I understand mistakes do happen, but this was handled incorrectly. They could of just allowed their mistake to play out the rest of that 24 hour period. Then after that period instead of raising the price of foodsacks why not change the redeem price for the ninja?

    Instead they changed the price of foodsacks, which now overprice adv runes and who know what else (didn't look into pricing). So many ways they could of handled it, but changing the price of foodsacks wasn't the best option.

People do have a right to be angry but the way the majority of people are voicing their thoughts sounds like they are jealous and bitter. There is a difference between how you explained your frustration (which is acceptable) vs. responses like this "oasis you $uck, you scammer, give me compensation, etc." Back to your example of sale at a store, it pretty much looks like a customer that can either try to understand what happened and make an informed decision to proceed their next move vs. a customer that automatically protest.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-10-06 20:54:34.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-07 04:00:18Show All Posts
  • _Light_ On 2018-10-07 03:53:43
  • give exvius a break T_T we all make mistakes so hu*'s not like he was the one who did it, it was the games system which failed to update the price from the beginning ~ so remove ur *ty anger off of him and learn to be patient until the compensation arrives

You're not going to convince them to change their behaviour. They feel wronged and they think they deserve to be rude.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-07 04:56:02Show All Posts
  • NarutoHokageSam On 2018-10-07 04:06:50
  • I am not saying that I am not doing any mistakes. Hell, I even do them on a weekly basis, but the difference is that I own them, I apologize, I repair what I have broken, I do not blame anyone, and try to make it look like that's how it's supposed to be. I own my mistakes, pay the price and move on...But that's not happening here, they simply don't want to pay the price, and that's why this all hate is around, because no one wants to pay the price: - the mods don't want to pay the price; - the community feels like they did nothing wrong so why should they pay the price...This is actually what's all about:

    At the end of this sh*t storm, who's gonna pay the price for those mistakes?

    They are trying to make us pay the price, and we are trying to make them pay the price since they did messed up, not us.
    They are trying a bank-like thinking approach. I don't know how many of you know this: but actually we pay the loans that the bank does not get back.

Then how do you expect Oasis to make amends? A lot of people have different answers to that question and only a little amount of those sounds reasonable. It is expected that not all people are going to like the compensation. I already see the drama going to be dragged either further due to this reason. If that happens, do you still think the community still has no part in the drama? Everybody by now knows what happen and should start begin to move on.

Also don't say "we are trying to make them pay the price" as it sounds like you are endorsing people to be voice their concerns in a rude manner when Oasis already knows people are angry with this mess. No progress will be made from it besides allowing people to vent.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-07 08:40:59Show All Posts
  • hooya92 On 2018-10-07 06:12:42
  • It's moreso how they have been handling the situation. They have gone from clamming it's a bug, to trying to gaslight us and now a forum moderator is using their moderator account to post statements then gone back and said it was personal opinion. We are told to not ask for anything unreasonable like coupons as compensation for an extreme oversight on their part which messed with game balance even if only a bit it still has undeniably. The correct response would have been an apology a specifc date picked an players given notice of that date, with 24 hours to claim items at the same price. Instead they have called us liars, tried to convince us the screenshots we have are either misdated or otherwise incorrect and told us to stop complaining. This is textbook example of what NOT to do when your company has a massive screw up, it's like their pr person gave them advice and they flying rajin teleported in the complete opposite * direction. The reason people won't be satisfied is because the only way to make a person who had enough coupons to buy kakazu when the price was the correct price but now doesn't because of the adjustment is to offer that person the chance to buy it at the same price and it's pretty evident that's not going to be what happens, so ya people are going to be pissed when it's going to be 20 foodsacks, a smattering of dangos and 10 adv refine runes along with a we will work harder to not have this happen in the future.

Based on what I saw, there were more posts about the discrepancy between servers, who got what, and who missed out compared to how Oasis handled the situation. It also doesn't help that the sakura mission was still not fixed from last month. In my opinion, less people would be complaining if they benefited from what happen and then could care less of what happened to the game in-terms of how balanced the game would be.

Also, you might view the price is correct when you don't consider the historical average of the price. If a price drops drastically, you can either think if this is a bug or an intentional move that would be either temporary or permanent. A lot of people quickly assumed it was intentional because of what Tobei said. Honestly, in my opinion, he should not have said anything if he was not 100% sure but of course people want an immediately response. Once they took action on the prices, Oasis was in a terrible position from that point on. They could either left it the way it is and risk ruining game-balance or reversed to get to close to the average price and have players think that was an intentional move to claim it as a "bug", and they chose the later.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-10-07 08:46:12.
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