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[ Events ] Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-06 05:45:06Show All Posts

Charm Material boxes put it in perspective better imo....Average of 160-180 (barely over 8 foodsacks at 3 point average) coups from sakura's gift....125 coups from the shop that is always there....

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-08 00:13:40Show All Posts
  • KuroXS On 2018-10-07 23:35:38
  • I dont get what's so hard to grasp here, since the last time when J Minato was on the event the drop rate of better rice went up from before which had a average of 7-9 points per 5 foodsacks to around 17 points i would say, this doubled the amount of points you get per foodsack, but the price of foodsacks didnt change so JMinato became the cheapest he ever was.

    This week they kept the same * because Oasis #shmart and ofc people freaked out when a new ninja that they paid 18k for was half price so they finally changed the foodsack price. Whats the big deal here? People got a super cheap ninja by profiting of oasis *ity great, and those who didnt? Too bad go cry to mama for some money. The End

The point about that going around is that those who paid the 18k didn't get ONLY frags like you would from this event (and I'm saying as a standalone event). That said it does logically make sense for them to be cheaper from this So I'll throw it back at you....what is hard to grasp here?

The other thing I'll point out on top of that, is the rate that they have been releasing new ninjas. It would make sense for prices to drop a little faster over time, but that is just my opinion.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-08 13:21:50Show All Posts
  • KuroXS On 2018-10-08 12:00:23
  • That is beyond absurd what other events give you has never changed the price of anything why should it matter now? Dont justify this action with non-existing facts, getting bonus items for something you want is just smart buying but at the end they are just that, a bonus i didnt ask for them much less pay for them.

Yea you're right its better to just have events that everyone ignores because they are fully worthless...yep totally absurd.....I think ill rest my case there, because if you are gonna sit there and say you don't pay for the extra items then you are delusional. gl with your "smart buying" lol.

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