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[ Events ] Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-06 04:55:53Show All Posts

1) the price of food packs has always been 10cp, i've played this game since it launched day 1, i complained about this event since at 10 cp even with ranking rewards it wasnt worth spending on as a whale(290k power s2 Shadowblaze) originally, when the ranking rewards were changed it became worth spending on only if you could get first for the 1k points, not if you need to get 3k points to beat other whales.

2) daiske said that 20cp was supposed to be the price for packs, he meant for this instance of the event. if you compare the prices of ninjas this time and previous times, the ninjas this time are at lower point requirements for their value. by reducing the point values it makes the event better for f2p since you get the same amount of free points but can buy more frags for those free points, it does make the event worse for people who planned to buy the packs for the normal items tho since their prices remained the same.

So instead of the event being worth buying packs for adv refines while working toward first place, adv refines are worth more from the normal shop even accounting for the first place ranking rewards. It isn't a terrible thing since there are better events for getting stuff this week anyway, so long as you didn't just want that 5 kage summit madara.

tldr: they make an event more f2p friendly and people still complain. LOL

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-06 05:37:05Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2018-10-06 05:08:42
  • Most people are complaining/mad because of the price change yes. Majority are mad that HK had 12 whole hours to get the ninjas half off. Others had an opportunity too, but less time. RIP LA never had a chance. Most people wouldn't be mad if this was avoided in the first place.

people should stop being jealous then, they are mad someone else got something good and they didn't. I'm on the LA servers so sure I could have gotten a cheap 5* 5ksm if we got this, but you want to know what I say to the people who got a chance for cheaper ninjas? I say congrats. Simple as that, I don't care that oasis made a mistake, not surprised by now either. I don't need to be mad that I can't get what others could, that's how life works, don't be jealous of others, be happy for them that they were able to get such a good deal off of the mistake oasis made instead of being mad that you can't abuse that mistake as well.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-06 12:43:55Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2018-10-06 07:00:19
  • I don't think most players are jealous because people got ninjas cheaper, but just angry at how unfairly they are being treated. Imagine going to your favorite store and you heard that they had a deal on an item you wanted, but as soon as it was your turn to get your item the price was no longer a discount. I imagine most people would be angry at that point not at the customer who was in front of them, but how the company handled the sale. I understand mistakes do happen, but this was handled incorrectly. They could of just allowed their mistake to play out the rest of that 24 hour period. Then after that period instead of raising the price of foodsacks why not change the redeem price for the ninja?

    Instead they changed the price of foodsacks, which now overprice adv runes and who know what else (didn't look into pricing). So many ways they could of handled it, but changing the price of foodsacks wasn't the best option.

thats generaly how sales work. they are there for a time and then they are gone. if you have ever tried shopping on black friday that scenario can happen the first person to grab the item gets the sale, the 2nd has to wait for restocking after the sale ends.

the price for the normal items increased, and unless u r a whale u shouldnt be buying the items there even at the normal price, so again, there is no reason for people to complain as if they have half a brain they werent buying those items anyway. 25 points for charms, 2.5 points average per 10cp means 100cp for a charm pack, right now we have an item in the shop that gives 50 packs for 4kcp, so 20% off vs 36% off, so yeah, you shouldnt be uying them even at the normal 10cp per food pack.

and as i said in my previous post, they reduced the cost of the ninjas this week in the event which helps f2p who arent spending in the event.

also your example is bad, its not the first person got a sale and the 2nd one didnt. the first person went to the register and the register bugged out and showed the wrong number, the second person got the right number, why be angry when you are getting something at the normal prices just because someone else got them at lower prices?

no1 is making you angry but yourself, just stop being angry since your anger wont help you at all, it will only make you look like a child whining about not getting what you want.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-07 23:09:29Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2018-10-06 13:06:34
  • Generally sales advertise whats going to be on sale and how long the sale will be. And Sakura's gift is one of the best ways to get cheap ninja's for f2p if they know how to save coupons. Jonin Minato was what little over 5k recently there and if you saved up 9k coupons you could of got a very good deal on 5k Madara. Shusui was like 4.5k and speed of light was like 2k. So yes the event was very good for f2p even if you wanted adv runes considering they were like half off store price.

    'also your example is bad, its not the first person got a sale and the 2nd one didnt. the first person went to the register and the register bugged out and showed the wrong number, the second person got the right number, why be angry when you are getting something at the normal prices just because someone else got them at lower prices?"

    *I am angry at the fact arena and other cross server events are riddled with 5k Madara because no one seems to have looked at the event/rewards before it made it to live servers. And my example wasn't bad. Clearly stated that's not how good businesses works.

    "and as i said in my previous post, they reduced the cost of the ninjas this week in the event which helps f2p who arent spending in the event."

    *Plenty of f2p spend their saved coupons on Sakura's gift. It's one of the best events

    "no1 is making you angry but yourself, just stop being angry since your anger wont help you at all, it will only make you look like a child whining about not getting what you want."

    *Honestly didn't have enough coupons to even get anything there. Mad about the fact how they are handling the situation and if you have been with this game for 2 years+ you will see Oasis's bad track record of handling these types of situations. Remember the promised mood scrolls in group wheel? I do, but that's been over a year now. Are you really saying you 100% agree with how Oasis is handling this issue? If so maybe you should be a GL if you aren't already one.

    EDIT: It would seem that you joined the new forums when they were released and I assume you remember what happened. I just don't think you understand what this will do to the meta? Other regions will now have the upper hand on regions who didn't get the opportunity to get the 5k Madara (who will now be everywhere) and Shusui. After this though I will no longer respond. As stated I am mad about how they are handling the situation not over jealousy. Even if the pricing stayed I still wouldn't be able to get any of the ninja (maybe speed of light). Redeem prices should of been changed not foodsacks. That's all I am saying and yes people do have the right to be mad. This was a pretty big mistake and should've been avoided before it went to live servers. Just the simple fact it took 12 hours to detect (HK servers) is not good. If you are ok with that then good for you. I have a right to be angry (not jealous that will get you no where in this game) and if you aren't angry you are in the minority. As I have said Oasis has a track record of poorly handling situations like this and you should remember.

if you really think this event has ever been good for f2p prior to this 1 small window where they slashed the prices b4 the pack cost increase, then you are insane, plain and simple nothing has ever been cheap from here it has always been more expensive than other events, and im saying this as a whale who can easily drop the money whenever i want to buy the things i desire, this event is not good, the only time it was good was when it paired with fuku deals. if a f2p is spending on sakuras gift, then they r losing out on much better events that would have helped them so much more than this one.

if you're getting mad because oasis isnt acting like a good business than im curious where u have been the past 2 years? this is part and parcel for oasis, if after 2 years you arent used to it and dont accept it, then i would say its your issue not oasis. play their games knowing what they r like, if u dont like what they do dont support them, its that easy speak with your wallet since they dont care what you type. yes i remember all the stuff they have done, ive learned to expect it and assume that they will mess up every week, then i can be happy when they dont, because guess what, they mess up more than they do what every1 wants. how many weeks do u remember seeing bugs or issues that make certain things unusable? there are lots, its expected at this point because thats how oasis runs their games. being mad, being jealous, being sad they dont hurt oasis, it changes nothing for oasis, ur the only one hurt by it.

@UchihaShay - they said the sakura/sasuke pack was going to come back wednesday for narutos birthday at the same price, we probably wont be able to 5* them like people who bought them right away, but who cares, you dont need them 5* anyway they arent good just collectables.

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