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[ Events ] Kid Kakashi is ded


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-21 05:33:59Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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He was in the great plates in the previous event cycles. Why is he gone now?

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On 2018-09-21 05:35:17Show this Author Only

because aside from being used for bond he's entirely useless and the frequency of his frags made it not fun to do great plates if you alreayd have him which honestly should be almost the entire player base at this point

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On 2018-09-21 06:15:17Show this Author Only
  • hooya92 On 2018-09-21 05:35:17
  • because aside from being used for bond he's entirely useless and the frequency of his frags made it not fun to do great plates if you alreayd have him which honestly should be almost the entire player base at this point

Yeah well I still don't have him and I still need him for my jonin minato

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On 2018-09-21 06:16:13Show this Author Only
  • michael34916@ya On 2018-09-21 06:15:17
  • Yeah well I still don't have him and I still need him for my jonin minato

Same for me, I was actually saving coupons for this great plates so I could get him. So sad.

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On 2018-09-21 06:36:47Show this Author Only

well there is always going to be people who miss something but there have been plenty of oppertunities and he will likely be back again at some point. for everyone who does have him landing on his square was a waste of 10 coups. even if you have shisui already unless he's 5 stars which is a much smaller portion of the player base then it's helpful. anything beyond just 0/50 2 star kakashi is a waste because he's not going to be useful outside of bond.

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On 2018-09-21 06:39:23Show this Author Only

Reason he got put up there is because a lot of people asked for it, I'm sure if you guys ask for it again they'll * it back in there.

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On 2018-09-21 07:50:35Show this Author Only

He was there for two weeks. If you didn’t get him it’s kind of your fault. If you wanted him so much you could’ve got him just from free draws and if you were unlucky, you could’ve spent for him. Oasis already put it up two times with one week of free keys enough to get him. Cannot see them putting him in events in the near future, since they practically gave it to everybody for free two times.

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On 2018-09-21 09:23:50Show this Author Only

One thing that u can get him is to get ur server merge. Have a request for server merge and then..... THAT'S IT.... U'LL HAVE HIM FOR FREE! Lol!

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On 2018-09-21 13:02:26Show this Author Only

He is a free ninja on server merge.. they should put him in shop buy-able with coins XD

Or maybe in the "Collect" section in "Ninjas" for a super low price. That would work.

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On 2018-09-21 13:29:57Show this Author Only

rest in governments

on a more serious note it would be nice for him to show up a lil more lollll

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On 2018-09-21 15:08:47Show this Author Only
  • MasahiroTakai On 2018-09-21 07:50:35
  • He was there for two weeks. If you didn’t get him it’s kind of your fault. If you wanted him so much you could’ve got him just from free draws and if you were unlucky, you could’ve spent for him. Oasis already put it up two times with one week of free keys enough to get him. Cannot see them putting him in events in the near future, since they practically gave it to everybody for free two times.

he was in the events twice, each time a month.

free keys are hardly enough to get you to recruit him. hardly anyone in my server was able to get a full 30 frags of him from free keys. you need to spend.

and spending for a ninja that was given free to all the other servers is unfair. events and opportunities to obtain ninjas should be equal across the board.

don't blame the player when this is just a badly designed event. they should have just given him free in the myoboku trial login rewards instead of 80 frags of a useless udon.

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On 2018-09-21 15:32:37Show this Author Only
  • michael34916@ya On 2018-09-21 06:15:17
  • Yeah well I still don't have him and I still need him for my jonin minato


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On 2018-09-21 19:35:37Show this Author Only
  • MasahiroTakai On 2018-09-21 07:50:35
  • He was there for two weeks. If you didn’t get him it’s kind of your fault. If you wanted him so much you could’ve got him just from free draws and if you were unlucky, you could’ve spent for him. Oasis already put it up two times with one week of free keys enough to get him. Cannot see them putting him in events in the near future, since they practically gave it to everybody for free two times.

I understand that having him in great plates would be useless for people who dont need him and waste of spins for them, I think it'd be best to be redeemable for coupons in Konoha Outlets or Konoha gift shop. This way anyone who wants him can get him easily without depending on 'RNG' and who dont want him wont have to suffer i guess.

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On 2018-09-21 21:03:17Show this Author Only
  • hooya92 On 2018-09-21 05:35:17
  • because aside from being used for bond he's entirely useless and the frequency of his frags made it not fun to do great plates if you alreayd have him which honestly should be almost the entire player base at this point

Because people are waiting desparately for Asuma [Edo Tensei]. Of course.

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On 2018-09-21 21:36:10Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2018-09-21 15:08:47
  • he was in the events twice, each time a month.

    free keys are hardly enough to get you to recruit him. hardly anyone in my server was able to get a full 30 frags of him from free keys. you need to spend.

    and spending for a ninja that was given free to all the other servers is unfair. events and opportunities to obtain ninjas should be equal across the board.

    don't blame the player when this is just a badly designed event. they should have just given him free in the myoboku trial login rewards instead of 80 frags of a useless udon.

Whether or not if he got it from free keys. If he wanted it so bad he should’ve spent for it. Oasis have been ridiculously generous with these Kakashi frags. I can say for sure that a larger majority of the player base will not want Kakashi boy to return to great plates because of people like him. And I c*so say it’s pretty common to get 4 Kakashi frags per 20 keys and idk anybody who didn’t get Kakashi off of the 14 days of free keys.

This post was last edited by MasahiroTakai on 2018-09-21 21:38:36.
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On 2018-09-21 21:43:21Show this Author Only
  • MasahiroTakai On 2018-09-21 21:36:10
  • Whether or not if he got it from free keys. If he wanted it so bad he should’ve spent for it. Oasis have been ridiculously generous with these Kakashi frags. I can say for sure that a larger majority of the player base will not want Kakashi boy to return to great plates because of people like him. And I c*so say it’s pretty common to get 4 Kakashi frags per 20 keys and idk anybody who didn’t get Kakashi off of the 14 days of free keys.

ridiculously generous lmao im out

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On 2018-09-21 21:48:48Show this Author Only
  • michael34916@ya On 2018-09-21 06:15:17
  • Yeah well I still don't have him and I still need him for my jonin minato

then you shouldve gotten him when he was there before? dont make the rest of us lose out on a better rewards because you didnt think ahead.

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On 2018-09-21 22:30:51Show this Author Only
  • EaszyBreezy On 2018-09-21 21:48:48
  • then you shouldve gotten him when he was there before? dont make the rest of us lose out on a better rewards because you didnt think ahead.

Dont just assume things on your own, no one is saying he particularly has to be in great plates. We just want him to appear in events more since its literally impossible to get him without a server merge or for people who were merged that missed a day and couldn't get him. The best thing in my opinion could be as redeemable for coupons in konoha gift shop.

This post was last edited by darkshawdows on 2018-09-21 22:31:21.
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On 2018-09-21 22:34:14Show this Author Only
  • MasahiroTakai On 2018-09-21 21:36:10
  • Whether or not if he got it from free keys. If he wanted it so bad he should’ve spent for it. Oasis have been ridiculously generous with these Kakashi frags. I can say for sure that a larger majority of the player base will not want Kakashi boy to return to great plates because of people like him. And I c*so say it’s pretty common to get 4 Kakashi frags per 20 keys and idk anybody who didn’t get Kakashi off of the 14 days of free keys.

Might i add that its "RNG".

I did all my spins for the two weeks and spent 1k coupons and still didnt him so i shouldn't get him now cause i was just unlucky?

This post was last edited by darkshawdows on 2018-09-22 00:14:02.
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On 2018-09-21 23:30:47Show this Author Only
  • darkshawdows On 2018-09-21 22:34:14
  • Might i add that its "RNG".

    I did all my spins for the two weeks and spent 1k coupons and still didnt him so i shouldn't get him now cause i was just unlucky?

Pretty much this, Oasis should had put him in an event as a Redeemable, so those who wanted him, could get him guaranteed. Not get screwed over by RNG, I'm still like 10 frags short or so on S2. Of course I don't have Jonin Minato there, and on my main server, I already have him so it doesn't matter to me all that much.

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