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Response to points from my last thread......


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On 2018-09-18 06:22:35Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Here is a list of points from my last thread for simplicity's sake:

1. guren is don't have to pay a single coupons or ingot to redeem her.

2. the sannin pack might come later, as might all the other things. you might have the distinct impression, but everything is still subject to change.

3. my point about complaining had nothing to do with oasis' explanation to the player base. i was talking about the incessant comparisons to other versions for only some things with a complete disregard for other features, then styling it as a "why aren't we exactly like the other versions" argument

4. your original point wasnt "they don't include the player base and offer no explanation". your original point was "why dont we have the jonin medal discount when china has it"

5. we aren't paying more for madara 5kage.

like, yes, there are a lot of things that can be improved on. i agree that oasis could be more open about their decisions and potential changes to the game, i'm equally concerned about the rushed content. I just don't think scrutinizing versions is a good way to open that topic.



1) Guren is NOT free. It appears that you and I have a difference of opinion of what free means. Here are examples of what I consider free: Monthly Login bonus, personal power gift pack items, etc. When you are handed something that you don't have to exchange resources for, to me, THAT IS FREE. Spending resources (Coupons, Ingots, EVENT Points) to get a ninja when they could have otherwise been spent elsewhere for power or more desired ninjas, that is a COST. Just because it isn't spending coupons or ingots, doesn't mean it doesn't cost. Before you delve into the argument that "it costs you time to get the power gift packs and log in" that would be splitting hairs just to win a point. There is a CLEAR difference in handing out a ninja/items vs spending any resource to acquire said item. Otherwise, you could just argue that even spending coupons doesn't "cost" you anything and that it is free.

2) The Sannin pack may come later, but that is irrelevant at this point. There are people that already paid for all three ninjas. Yes, there may be some that haven't yet, but that does not excuse the fact that each ninja was introduced separately for the sake of getting people to spend their resources. In hindsight, they did practically give away Jiraiya, but this was after the fact....and it still took away the players option to decide for themselves on which they want. Can they add it later? Sure, but let's not argue "what ifs...." since that is just pure speculation.

3) In a way, yes, it does pertain to how Oasis reveals (or doesn't) information and future plans. Why do you think it is that people compare our versions to the others? Because it is essentially a roadmap of what will come to pass. China is ahead of us by over a year and other versions are ahead by just a couple months. Being last in the "update" phase will always have us looking forward towards the other versions. This is plainly unavoidable. It draws people's ire and complaints because we clearly see some of the benefits that other versions get (free events, power items more freely accessable, ninjas given for free, clothing given for free, etc etc) while we don't get those at all.

Is there a reason for this? we know for certain? No. Why? Because it isn't explained to us. Only when people COMPLAIN INCESSANTLY do we get a response....sometimes half explained (an example would be with the outfits that some pointed out other versions got for free....we only got a response because the number of people voicing their concerns were high) So people have learned that complaining is essentially an effective way to get information. Yes, there are those that complain about everything with no real thought behind it. But there are those that give concrete points and vocalize them.

4) My original TOPIC was asking about why we don't get shop discounts when it is clear it was supposed to be part of 5.0. (since it asks in the test question). My point was trying to emphasis that there is little to no talk about plans and the reasons as to why we don't get what we get.

5) Madara 5 Kage Summit was released last month and cost an average of 19k (You needed to do max spins for 4 days minimum on the Lucky Stars wheel). They reintroduced him again this week....and he is priced exactly the same and you need to spin max for 4 straight days to get him. In china, he cost 6-8k when he was released. So YES, we are paying more for him.

Unfortunately, being critical and voicing opinions and concerns are the only way for the community to be heard and listened too. Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn't. I agree with you as well, blitz release of Bee was a little concerning since he was way way WAY too early. Until Oasis staff starts having an open forum/discussion about future updates and possibilities, this will continue. How else are they supposed to get their message across? (Please don't say submitting feedback forms, most people I know already do that).

As the saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

This post was last edited by Shyuko on 2018-09-18 06:22:35.
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On 2018-09-18 07:03:21Show this Author Only

Well, I agreed with all you say except for the outfit. In China, the outfits are mostly used for style and not for power. So because this is different there are surely other features that are different.

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On 2018-09-18 07:25:18Show this Author Only
  • momohiu On 2018-09-18 07:03:21
  • Well, I agreed with all you say except for the outfit. In China, the outfits are mostly used for style and not for power. So because this is different there are surely other features that are different.

While that may be true, they do have a system to upgrade the outfits for power. (Which is probably less than what we have)

But the fact remains that they only addressed that after people started complaining and asking why. That could have been avoided if there was a clear and in depth discussion about these details before hand. Also, by waiting and only responding after the "outrage" made it seem as though it was an afterthought excuse. Definitely not saying this is the case at all, but it does make it appear a weak reason when its said out of response. Keep in mind, we don't know their reasoning or course, but when they do implement it, they do act as if it is common knowledge......which it isn't.

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On 2018-09-18 07:49:14Show this Author Only

Just wanted to correct you on Madara's price in China as it 20k when he came out. Video for proof: Of course that doesn't change the fact that on our server, that price won't ever go below 15k because of the p2ws willingness to spend that high.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-09-18 07:49:31.
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On 2018-09-18 10:21:12Show this Author Only

1. by your definition, guren and the other ninjas aren't free either, because you have to exchange tokens to clap for fragments

2. they didn't take away that option. you still have the option whether you want to spend on them or not. all ninjas ever in this game are given for the sake of players spending resources what are u high on?

3. people keep bringing up the free outfit cos they want free stuff, and their jealously stems from misinformation. if you want something so badly, go check your sources instead of blindly comparing. nobody's stopping you from making a qq account.

also lmao i said in my original reply use the other versions as a guide. you're just paraphasing what i said. what i said not to do was to scrutinize the differences and hold future changes to be certain. understand that oasis and even the german team is allowed to make changes. it's a "oh we might have this ninja/feature in the future at approximately this price" instead of "oh we're definitely going to have this ninja at this time in this exact event at this exact price"'re complaining because you want the good things. i also addressed this. y'all want the benefits, but y'all don't want the bad points, but then you compare this version to the other versions and ask why it isnt the same. so do you want it to be the same do do you just want the benefits? they aren't the same thing.

@mods: i know you addressed this in the reply before you closed OP's thread, but the jonin medal discounts in this topic were referring to the discounts jonin medal players get in the in-game shop in huoying qq. They have discounts for items like magatamas, clothing fragments, refine runes and the other stuff in the shop interface. It's a discount given to jonin medal users.

4. i'm still going to say it's still not necessarily supposed to be part of 5.0. i recognize your point now about the lack of information we're getting on the part of oasis. yes, that has to change

(also hullo mods, we really do need more information about the updates. i can see that they're comparing so much because other versions provide more information about future updates than oasis does at the moment, and this (i've seen) leads to a lot os discontentment and misinformation. i'm not trying to pass the blame, but i feel efforts also need to be made on oasis' part.)

5. im sorry this completely, absolutely reeks of misinformation. he was never, ever 6k when released. he was still 20k around his release in cn, which you can check :) also i'm not allowed to post links here but this picture is from their forum post on 28th september 2017 (Edit: this event is the same event shown in Danzo's video above, i just realized). i've pulled this forum receipt like 5 times... where on earth is this 6k cost information coming from?

*ing bozos

This post was last edited by Kuebiko on 2018-09-18 11:06:18.
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On 2018-09-18 14:19:32Show this Author Only

You guys keep bringing up 5Kage being the same cost, without bringing up their conversion rate, as in how many Ingots get per $ compared to how much we get.
From what I've seen, ours is the most expensive version.

It's not really relevant but you can't sit there & continuously bring it up as if they cost the same when in reality, they don't.

Both versions shouldn't even be compared, they are run by a different team- sure we get updates based on their version but what does & doesn't get put here is based on arbitrary nonsense that I do agree Oasis should be more open & clear with.

The reason why change wont actually happen though is because some of the people with an opinion get censored while the other half of you praise things like it's the coming of Christ.

This post was last edited by DigitalRelease on 2018-09-18 14:23:50.
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On 2018-09-18 15:38:50Show this Author Only
  • DigitalRelease On 2018-09-18 14:19:32
  • You guys keep bringing up 5Kage being the same cost, without bringing up their conversion rate, as in how many Ingots get per $ compared to how much we get.
    From what I've seen, ours is the most expensive version.

    It's not really relevant but you can't sit there & continuously bring it up as if they cost the same when in reality, they don't.

    Both versions shouldn't even be compared, they are run by a different team- sure we get updates based on their version but what does & doesn't get put here is based on arbitrary nonsense that I do agree Oasis should be more open & clear with.

    The reason why change wont actually happen though is because some of the people with an opinion get censored while the other half of you praise things like it's the coming of Christ.

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On 2018-09-19 00:43:22Show this Author Only
  • DigitalRelease On 2018-09-18 14:19:32
  • You guys keep bringing up 5Kage being the same cost, without bringing up their conversion rate, as in how many Ingots get per $ compared to how much we get.
    From what I've seen, ours is the most expensive version.

    It's not really relevant but you can't sit there & continuously bring it up as if they cost the same when in reality, they don't.

    Both versions shouldn't even be compared, they are run by a different team- sure we get updates based on their version but what does & doesn't get put here is based on arbitrary nonsense that I do agree Oasis should be more open & clear with.

    The reason why change wont actually happen though is because some of the people with an opinion get censored while the other half of you praise things like it's the coming of Christ.

All I'm saying is the price of Madara listed in-game not the real price between the conversion of in-game and real currency. Without context, if OP refers the real price as 6k-8k then it can be viewed as correct if the conversions calculated is correct as well. However, if OP referred the 6k-8k as the listed price then it is incorrect and I feel the need to correct it.

Also, the listed price does matter for f2ps since of course they are not willing to pay real currency and need to know how much coupons they are willing to save.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-09-19 00:53:28.
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On 2018-09-19 00:44:04Show this Author Only
  • DigitalRelease On 2018-09-18 14:19:32
  • You guys keep bringing up 5Kage being the same cost, without bringing up their conversion rate, as in how many Ingots get per $ compared to how much we get.
    From what I've seen, ours is the most expensive version.

    It's not really relevant but you can't sit there & continuously bring it up as if they cost the same when in reality, they don't.

    Both versions shouldn't even be compared, they are run by a different team- sure we get updates based on their version but what does & doesn't get put here is based on arbitrary nonsense that I do agree Oasis should be more open & clear with.

    The reason why change wont actually happen though is because some of the people with an opinion get censored while the other half of you praise things like it's the coming of Christ.


This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-09-19 00:44:36.
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On 2018-09-19 03:05:01Show this Author Only

i agree with everything else except madara wasnt 6-8k he was actually around the 20k range

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On 2018-09-19 05:31:26Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2018-09-18 10:21:12
  • 1. by your definition, guren and the other ninjas aren't free either, because you have to exchange tokens to clap for fragments

    2. they didn't take away that option. you still have the option whether you want to spend on them or not. all ninjas ever in this game are given for the sake of players spending resources what are u high on?

    3. people keep bringing up the free outfit cos they want free stuff, and their jealously stems from misinformation. if you want something so badly, go check your sources instead of blindly comparing. nobody's stopping you from making a qq account.

    also lmao i said in my original reply use the other versions as a guide. you're just paraphasing what i said. what i said not to do was to scrutinize the differences and hold future changes to be certain. understand that oasis and even the german team is allowed to make changes. it's a "oh we might have this ninja/feature in the future at approximately this price" instead of "oh we're definitely going to have this ninja at this time in this exact event at this exact price"'re complaining because you want the good things. i also addressed this. y'all want the benefits, but y'all don't want the bad points, but then you compare this version to the other versions and ask why it isnt the same. so do you want it to be the same do do you just want the benefits? they aren't the same thing.

    @mods: i know you addressed this in the reply before you closed OP's thread, but the jonin medal discounts in this topic were referring to the discounts jonin medal players get in the in-game shop in huoying qq. They have discounts for items like magatamas, clothing fragments, refine runes and the other stuff in the shop interface. It's a discount given to jonin medal users.

    4. i'm still going to say it's still not necessarily supposed to be part of 5.0. i recognize your point now about the lack of information we're getting on the part of oasis. yes, that has to change

    (also hullo mods, we really do need more information about the updates. i can see that they're comparing so much because other versions provide more information about future updates than oasis does at the moment, and this (i've seen) leads to a lot os discontentment and misinformation. i'm not trying to pass the blame, but i feel efforts also need to be made on oasis' part.)

    5. im sorry this completely, absolutely reeks of misinformation. he was never, ever 6k when released. he was still 20k around his release in cn, which you can check :) also i'm not allowed to post links here but this picture is from their forum post on 28th september 2017 (Edit: this event is the same event shown in Danzo's video above, i just realized). i've pulled this forum receipt like 5 times... where on earth is this 6k cost information coming from?

    *ing bozos

1) It is clear that you know precisely what my point was, but instead of acknowledging it, you chose to argue semantics. The point remains, Guren was not given for free. We were denied the Sannin event where we got to CHOOSE which one to get for free. Period. You may feel the need to argue the definition of FREE from every angle to win the point, but it is clear that we (our servers) pay more on average.

2) Yes, that DID take away that option. Did you see the Sannin event that introduced all three of them at once?? I surely didn't. Did you get to choose one between the three to recruit? I must have missed that week. Simple answer: No.

Pretty certain that PURCHASING (read: spending resources: Event points, Coupons, Ingots, Shop Points) which Sannin (or any ninja for that matter) you wanted wasn't the issue raised here. Be careful here, you accusing me of being "high" is showing that you are losing ground in this "debate." I would refrain from the insults and insinuations.

3) Everyone wants free stuff. Everyone. To scoff or be surprised by that would be a waste of energy. No one is complaining that they want the good things and not the bad ones (and as in life, everyone wants to be rich and not work, that is just human nature to want all the good things). I pretty much laid out the reasons as to why people complain, which I will do again just in case you forgot: We aren't given explanations to the decisions that are made. Only after people complain do they show us their thinking.....AFTER the fact. As a direct result of this, the community has acquired a "learned behavior" to complain in order to get information. EXAMPLE:

"Why did we have to pay for an outfit that China got for free?" <---- This was asked Numerous times in the event week thread. After the upteenth time it was asked, Daiske came in and explained why. That was actually cool of him to do so....and I wish they would preemptively do that in the future. It would save alot of people headaches I'm sure.

I never implied that you, specifically, were telling people to use other versions as a guide. I never got that indication. I just rationally explained that since we are the last to get updates, it is inevitable that we look at other versions to see what we will get. This was how we were able to predict when certain treasures were released, because a version that we are roughly two months behind got it. You know what happened two months later? Wow, the new treasure was released! Amazing, I know.

4) I can honestly say that I have no idea when or where this shop discount was supposed to be implemented. I do recall hearing talk about it as early as 3.0. Speculation or not, if this is a feature that can be in here now, why isn't it? I see no reason as to not reward and encourage people to get the medal. It would clearly give more value to the "Temporary 3 day Medal" in the Strange Stone shop! The only reason I can think of not doing this is greed.....which reinforces my earlier points that we pay more, on average, for everything when compared to the other versions.

5) I will have to retract my statement here as I appear to be wrong. I may have gotten this either confused with a later event or a different ninja altogether. I am not beyond admitting it.


What we DO agree on is the fact that we should have more clarity as to the decisions that are being made for our version.......I would even be happy if those reasons were giving on the same day as the events are announced! This would greatly clear up any confusion or misconceptions that players might get. Heck, it could only do more good or the game and community overall! Best case I wish we could ask for is an AMA live chat with the staff, but that will never happen.

As for the Shop Discount for having a Medal (NOT THE PRICE OF THE MEDAL ITSELF....SHEESH) we should have a direct answer to that. I know personally that I would probably spend more at a discount. The real life logic goes as follows:

I won't buy a $5 item that I need, but I will buy a $6 item at $3 that I don't need.

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On 2018-09-19 16:40:37Show this Author Only


I am not going to reply with the same thing to you again, it would be spamming. I am just going to let you know that answer to your questions (most of them, if I missed something I am sorry) can be found in your previous thread: Click here

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On 2018-09-20 04:04:43Show this Author Only

you guys do realize that cn didn't start getting so much for free until they were 3 years in right? we are barely over 2 years in, so i don't know why you are complaining because if you compare us to them at the same timeframe we have more for free.

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On 2018-09-20 13:55:31Show this Author Only

Guys, I suggest you just relax and enjoy the game and just wait. Remember "Patience is a Virtue". If you have suggestions or queries then suggest it, just don't argue with each other. What will you get on arguing? are they the one who's running this game? As I say, just relax, enjoy and wait :D :D

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On 2018-09-21 01:20:32Show this Author Only
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On 2018-09-22 05:05:18Show this Author Only
  • joshgalig@yahoo On 2018-09-20 13:55:31
  • Guys, I suggest you just relax and enjoy the game and just wait. Remember "Patience is a Virtue". If you have suggestions or queries then suggest it, just don't argue with each other. What will you get on arguing? are they the one who's running this game? As I say, just relax, enjoy and wait :D :D

I disagree. Complaining and outcry have been the only things that have successfully gotten things done within this community. If I had not created this thread and kept the topic/issue going, there is the huge possibility that I wouldn't have gotten Daiske's attention. I appreciate his input and thank him for that.

Being complacent or telling people not to voice their complaints, concerns, etc does absolutely NOTHING to help anyone. Same thing goes for praise. I have yet to condemn someone praising Oasis and staff, so why do people feel it necessary to tell those who voice complaints/concerns to? Can't have it both ways, and I choose to always push the envelope.....albeit in a respectful manner as always.

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