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[ Help ] POWER over NINJAS or NINJAs over POWEr


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-10 10:46:10Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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What's the best advice you can give me? I am thinking of buying angel konan but I will be left behind in terms of power. My Current team is Bee8tails/Kushina, Shisui, Lightning Main and Kurenai.

Thanks in advance.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-10 11:55:43Show this Author Only

If you just like collecting stuff and don't care about pvp that much, go for ninjas.

If you want to compete, and do spend money, go for OP ninjas.

If you want to compete, but is f2p, go for power, ignore ninjas. You have to live with what ninjas rng bless you with, that is the price of f2p.


OP ninjas will let you beat people of higher power for the time being; but when the meta shifts and the ninjas you have are no longer OP, you'd fall behind. Spenders can simply buy more ninjas, or spend on power to not be behind in power. For a f2p, meta shift means if you focused on ninjas, you are now with low power and no strong ninjas, resulting you becoming irrelevant competitively, and will remain so indefinitely (if you don't convert to a spender.)

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On 2018-09-10 12:21:36Show this Author Only

So nowadays there's so many broken ninja floating around that I'd honestly say, save up for a good ninja.
Way back when I started, Shisuis, Kushimarus & Kushinas weren't a dime a dozen, now they're everywhere and the little nub, Tenten water blitz teams & Ay/Samui teams just don't cut it any more.

Basically you need a foundation to build from and that foundation starts at a Ninja, save up Coupons while spending time thinking up your ideal team in your head, something you want to be using for legit ever, I'd recommend Ninjas that wont fall out of the meta any time soon, so either bond Mystery Minato or Angel Konan- the easiest alternative to this would be to just grab Shisui & use Kurenai & Iruka, that's actually solid enough to get you through most stuff.

Someone here mentioned that the likely hood of your ninja becoming obsolete soon is a possibility- I'd honestly say he's incorrect, if you pick the correct Ninja he'll last a significantly long time- such as the ones I've mentioned, there's a lot of Ninja that are released constantly and the mass majority of them are actually rubbish, a prime example are the Edo Jinjurikis that all got released the past few months yet you see none of them, those are the kinds of Ninja you should avoid.

If you decide you don't want to grab a Ninja first, then your best bet would be Lightning main, you want to pull from the GNW treasure & hope you get lucky enough to pull the best F2P team, Kushimaru, Jinpachi & Sasori, or you could grab Roshi & run a cancer team that never gets old.

There's more I want to add but I have a really bad habit of over detailing my posts & then making them super long, I just want to add though that due to Sun & Moon, a large part of you power isn't heavily restricted to coupon saving any more, I think people are really undervaluing how big Sun/Moon is.

This post was last edited by DigitalRelease on 2018-09-10 12:43:22.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-10 12:41:13Show this Author Only

Most of the F2P players goes for Power but having only Power this days is not good .. There are times where People who have 30k Power than you can knock you down round 1 with just using Event Ninjas while on the other hand, having good Event Ninjas cannot win your battles when you're lacking in Power .. As a F2P, like me, i advice you to choose and pick 1 ninja that you think is worth investing .. I bought Konan [Angel of God], took me 3 to 4 months to complete her, its super worth it as she is one of the most powerful ninja in the game now and probably one of the ninjas that is good for long run .. I'm using her now with just Kazekage Gaara and Gakido, both easy to obtain ninjas from Elite and Ninja Collection System ..

Keep your coupons and spend it wisely, save till you collect 20k coupons and spend it when there's Fukurokumaru's Deals to get something you might needed and get rebates of items and some Ninjas .. Only spend for your target ninja and power items, and do not drop a dime to any fancy stuffs that may come up on the next cycles, such as like this past weeks and this week, F2P getting guren at 2 stars is useless, as she doesn't enough skills at 2 stars yet they complain of being weak or loser in the game .. Other tried and spent their resources for getting Shisui from RNG wheel and complain they didn't get him .. Us F2Ps must make RNG events our greatest enemies, avoid it at all cost .. Except if that RNG event is worth it, like this week's Sakura Event, it got buffed and the prices dropped really good .. Lucky Stars Wheel if you're going for the Redeemable Items, while doing that you will also get a chance of hitting the RNG Ninja in the wheel .. but the rest of RNG events, avoid it ..

In my opinion, the ninjas worth spending as of this days are, Konan [Angel of God], Deidara [Edo Tensei], Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear], Madara Uchiha [Five Kage Conference],Masked Man and Minato Namikaze [Jonin] .. Then the semis are Shisui Uchiha [Kotoamatsukami], Temari [Swimsuit], and Hinata [Summer] ..


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On 2018-09-10 13:06:04Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-09-10 12:41:13
  • Most of the F2P players goes for Power but having only Power this days is not good .. There are times where People who have 30k Power than you can knock you down round 1 with just using Event Ninjas while on the other hand, having good Event Ninjas cannot win your battles when you're lacking in Power .. As a F2P, like me, i advice you to choose and pick 1 ninja that you think is worth investing .. I bought Konan [Angel of God], took me 3 to 4 months to complete her, its super worth it as she is one of the most powerful ninja in the game now and probably one of the ninjas that is good for long run .. I'm using her now with just Kazekage Gaara and Gakido, both easy to obtain ninjas from Elite and Ninja Collection System ..

    Keep your coupons and spend it wisely, save till you collect 20k coupons and spend it when there's Fukurokumaru's Deals to get something you might needed and get rebates of items and some Ninjas .. Only spend for your target ninja and power items, and do not drop a dime to any fancy stuffs that may come up on the next cycles, such as like this past weeks and this week, F2P getting guren at 2 stars is useless, as she doesn't enough skills at 2 stars yet they complain of being weak or loser in the game .. Other tried and spent their resources for getting Shisui from RNG wheel and complain they didn't get him .. Us F2Ps must make RNG events our greatest enemies, avoid it at all cost .. Except if that RNG event is worth it, like this week's Sakura Event, it got buffed and the prices dropped really good .. Lucky Stars Wheel if you're going for the Redeemable Items, while doing that you will also get a chance of hitting the RNG Ninja in the wheel .. but the rest of RNG events, avoid it ..

    In my opinion, the ninjas worth spending as of this days are, Konan [Angel of God], Deidara [Edo Tensei], Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear], Madara Uchiha [Five Kage Conference],Masked Man and Minato Namikaze [Jonin] .. Then the semis are Shisui Uchiha [Kotoamatsukami], Temari [Swimsuit], and Hinata [Summer] ..


Thanks.I have jonin, minato, masked man, hokage minato, shisui, kushina hanabanero, and edo deidara as well, I recently bought 8 tails jinchuriki but looks like it was a mistake. :(

I can't find a team to cut it on sage world battle fields. It is hard right now.

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On 2018-09-10 13:15:59Show this Author Only
  • Liez07 On 2018-09-10 13:06:04
  • Thanks.I have jonin, minato, masked man, hokage minato, shisui, kushina hanabanero, and edo deidara as well, I recently bought 8 tails jinchuriki but looks like it was a mistake. :(

    I can't find a team to cut it on sage world battle fields. It is hard right now.

The new Killer Bee [Eight Tails Jinchuriki] is actually not bad, as long as you know how to use him and what team to use with him .. base on my observations to those players who bought him and used him (Created videos in Youtube) and from other people's opinion about bee .. There are two ways to you c*e him .. First is the Edo Hiruzen Style, you must have greater power against your opponent or use other ninjas that can boost Bee's power, explains all .. and the Second one is the long battles or 10 rounder battles, Killer Bee's skills scales and that means he'll be boosted as long as the fight goes on so i guess he's good to use with the basic or classic cancer teams with roshi .. Bee reduces Resistance of opponent, Roshi ignites, Watermain poisons .. By the time the battle reaches round 5 or 6, you can go boom the enemy xD ..

But yeah, 10k coupons is much worth it if you invested it to Konan [Angel of God] or Madara Uchiha [Five Kage Conference]. both of that ninjas are worth 15k to18k so, if you kept your coupons then you should've half way by now ..

This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2018-09-10 13:18:26.
  • Registered: 2018-08-02
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On 2018-09-10 15:28:10Show this Author Only

I'd say, save cps for ninja first (you will gain power on dailies anyway, even though its just a little gain), get the lineup you want, the solid one. After that go for power.

As a F2P and a new player myself, I planned on saving 20k cps first then spend it for cat deals, on what I spend it depends on the events that come together with cat deals (actually I want to get jonin minato, but then I think I dont have to).

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On 2018-09-11 21:13:09Show this Author Only

Angel konan is good for 1v1 and gnw, as long as u got initiative and running wind main and has kisame shark mode.

  • Registered: 2018-03-15
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On 2018-09-12 13:56:42Show this Author Only

Hey! i say you should go for ninja's like AOG konan or madara conference as both of them are highly used in our meta. AOG konan will be in the meta for a very long time before we get SOSP naruto / madara. and madara is a somewhat better version of kisame but without the chakra drain. power is easily obtainable from the sun n moon shop. i say save upto 30k cpns. hope that either AOG konan or madara is in the event cycle and spend for them, also hope that the fukurukomaru deal is up (30k rebate for f2p).

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