Hey everyone , so i want to know, ask you guys doing db everyday till 10 wins? The problem i cant team up to do it, so i do not know how much loss in terms of scrolls. Of course everyone can reply but i would like to know f2p what think about this. My language is not english so dont blame me please and thank you in advance.
I'm a F2P player, playing Decisive Bonds is kinda struggle since most of the time, you'll be matched with random super-high-power enemies .. If you have a bad power or team, you need someone to carry you at least to win some battles .. But if you thing your power and team is decent then its not bad to try, you only need to have patience .. For the lost of resources from not doing this, is the gain of Moon and Sun Scrolls .. Doing this DB can give you thousands of Moon Scrolls as rewards with some Sun Scrolls .. You c*so get Ninja Fragments Packs which gives random ninja frags, and in the higher ranks you have a chance of getting this Red Ninja Frag Packs which gives Super Rare Fragments .. Aside from that, the DB now is dropping Kyushoku Deer - Contracting Scroll which we all know that is only obtainable by buying it using coupons or ingots .. and lastly, the lost of points for your Reputation Hall which gives you additional Atts when you reach a certain point in that feature ..
As Qv said, the event itself is heavily unbalanced & can lead to a terrible headache if you let it but if you are able to do it with some one at your own power or higher to carry you, it's definitely worth the effort, before the update it wasn't the most essential thing & the headache of doing it wasn't worth the reward- that said, it is now 100% worth doing due to the amount of Sun & Moon coins you can obtain through it each week, especially if your group has done the R&D research to reduce the time it take for victory boxes to renew.
So I'm doing this from memory but I believe each box gives roughly 25-35 Sun Coins & about 250 or 450 Moon coins, each box resets every 12 hours? Which might change due to R&D research.
I guess that would mean doing it daily & completing the requirements you could roughly earn about 500~ or so Sun coins & about 5000 to 10000 Moon coins a week- obviously this isn't 100% accurate, DB is closed now & I'm just guessing the numbers but they're roughly accurate, this doesn't count in the different boxes you can get at different ranks for Ninja Fragments.
bonds is a great and beautiful event IF AND ONLY IF you can win XD
i do bonds with someone around my power range (cos he's the only one willing to do bonds with me haha) and we can take down people 30/40k above us just cos we have good synergy in teams.
prizes are as follows:
treasure boxes: 30-80 sun coins, possibly more the higher the rank you are, but i've only gotten 80 as my highest. also 200-500 moon scrolls per box. on occasion, you still get the ninja fragments packs, and some people have gotten kyushoku deer contracting scrolls.
kill rewards (the 0/10/20/40/70 boxes): so far i've only been getting 500 moons per box but i heard it could go up to like 800+
so yea, i'd say you're missing out on a decent amount of moon coins. suns,,,not so much. get a whale to carry you would be my advice, and get a team to complement your partner's team. communicate in team chat, make friends with your partner so they'll be more inclined to do bonds with you in the future. and just keep queueing, even if you've lost like 5 times in a row. i'll be honest if you're just doing bonds to rank up you're gonna get discouraged quickly.
First of all thank you the replies. It seems i need to be a bit more "aggressive" to ask group for db if i not want to miss resources , queing not working i tried it. It looks players not really usiing the search function.
ohmygod is that what you're doing. no one uses the search function. grab a player and drag them to bonds you'll get results faster
Yes .. Like kuebiko said, searching players will not work because .. that thing only works if you and someone in your server search for players too, then you 2 will be teamed-up .. but if you're the only one who searches players then .. you will be not paired forever xD ..
ohmygod is that what you're doing. no one uses the search function. grab a player and drag them to bonds you'll get results faster
No , im not doing that i just gave it to a try but that function literally useless. Maybe i wasnt so clear before but thats my problem i cant grab a player or get a partner thats my biggest issue. Im often asking my group to do the event and no response, i do not know the exact reason why ,maybe they are busy , simply ignoring the event or already doing whit others and some of them has their "fix" partners, again dont know the reason. However my server is really active and populated thats the funny part.
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