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[ Character ] Red Lotus Clan?


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On 2018-08-10 03:30:56Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Something from today's cat Quiz:


Correct answer was Crystal.

Is that the Red Lotus that we digged info about and being the one who's member is Scarlet?

And I mean his "mirrors" are crystal- can be, right?

I remember finding info about it on those chinesse sites... and I did said then that it has some connections with crystal users... "gasps"


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On 2018-08-10 11:59:20Show this Author Only

i think you'll find that Red Lotus here actually refers to a person, rather than a clan. Her name is Guren, and you might have heard of her in the Sanbi filler arc. in Japanese, her name is written 紅蓮, which is literally translated as 'Red Lotus'.

Cat quiz has an unfortunate way of translating names into english. Future Sarutobi case in point.

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On 2018-08-10 13:03:52Show this Author Only

Yaaaassss pay off for that research

Makes me wonder what his ocular jutsu would look like. Mostly I've been imagining it as a top view black lotus decal-looking thing on red iris background- like, the petals are open at the bases and it's red all around, but the black makes up the lines of the petals.

Or... red mirrors? Hm...

This post was last edited by No Way Jose on 2018-08-10 13:08:54.
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On 2018-08-10 13:41:22Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2018-08-10 13:03:52
  • Yaaaassss pay off for that research

    Makes me wonder what his ocular jutsu would look like. Mostly I've been imagining it as a top view black lotus decal-looking thing on red iris background- like, the petals are open at the bases and it's red all around, but the black makes up the lines of the petals.

    Or... red mirrors? Hm...

somehow...that sounds...a lot like sasuke's mangekyo LOL

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On 2018-08-10 13:52:40Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2018-08-10 13:41:22
  • somehow...that sounds...a lot like sasuke's mangekyo LOL

oh dang, really? *looks it up*

Ah, yeh his kinda looks like a flower... with a shuriken in it?

lol I remember when I didn't watch naruto passing by this video that was like, "TOP 10 ANIME POWERS WE WISH EXISTED IN REAL LIFE" and thinking "What is that? Looks like that biohazardous waste warning sign... dumb, dis is one of the many reasons why I don't watch anime hahaha I look down on weebs" and now


Li'l less heavy on the destroying aspect, though...

XD I looked up "Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan" and every one of the pictures that showed up have him with his eyes really wide and huge so you can get a really good view of his eye*. Guess it loses points in coolness when you can only see about half of it and it just looks like a normal eyeball.

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On 2018-08-10 14:29:02Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2018-08-10 13:52:40
  • oh dang, really? *looks it up*

    Ah, yeh his kinda looks like a flower... with a shuriken in it?

    lol I remember when I didn't watch naruto passing by this video that was like, "TOP 10 ANIME POWERS WE WISH EXISTED IN REAL LIFE" and thinking "What is that? Looks like that biohazardous waste warning sign... dumb, dis is one of the many reasons why I don't watch anime hahaha I look down on weebs" and now


    Li'l less heavy on the destroying aspect, though...

    XD I looked up "Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan" and every one of the pictures that showed up have him with his eyes really wide and huge so you can get a really good view of his eye*. Guess it loses points in coolness when you can only see about half of it and it just looks like a normal eyeball.

oh his mangekyo doesn't have the shuriken ahaha, that's his eternal mangekyo. his regular mangekyo looks like this:

Mangekyō Sharingan Sasuke

LOL the picture XD pfft please i still think mangekyo designs aren't worth watching 700 episode of anime over. the character development (or lack of it) tho, that pulls me in. and the OST. y'all know how many times the s/tupid naruto OSTs made me cry? ugh

somehow sharingans make everyones eyes look really big...even kakashi's eyes. they're normally half-lidded but when he gets his sharingan out suddenly its open like super big lmao. all the better to see you with ~

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On 2018-08-10 14:39:23Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2018-08-10 11:59:20
  • i think you'll find that Red Lotus here actually refers to a person, rather than a clan. Her name is Guren, and you might have heard of her in the Sanbi filler arc. in Japanese, her name is written 紅蓮, which is literally translated as 'Red Lotus'.

    Cat quiz has an unfortunate way of translating names into english. Future Sarutobi case in point.

Ok, yeah- I went to read Guren's info again and in fact it might be about her and her name. Especially how questions in this event are build sometimes...

On other side- there was Red Lotus mentioned in Scarlet's info too- or at least something similar.

And am I only one thinking that Scarlet, with crystal mirrors, would be matching too much to be... fire version of Haku. I mean, how many thought he's a girl too

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On 2018-08-10 15:06:37Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2018-08-10 13:03:52
  • Yaaaassss pay off for that research

    Makes me wonder what his ocular jutsu would look like. Mostly I've been imagining it as a top view black lotus decal-looking thing on red iris background- like, the petals are open at the bases and it's red all around, but the black makes up the lines of the petals.

    Or... red mirrors? Hm...

Well there's one thing that I saw that could be linked to actual dojutsu- tho, it's a gif so won't work in here- but catch a link. Maybe some already remember it- was once on forum too.

So that flame around eye~~ it might be this? All info we got some far about his skills is that he can "see' through opponent ninjutsu- weaken it and strenghten his own- and when you look on his passives in game- the one which buffs secret jutsu users has flame on icon. Why would it be fire actualy and nothing else? Maybe because of how he does it?

Someone once said that his kekkai genkai is just translation issue- and it should be secret jutsu user- but don't he has both? And yeah he's using those seal stuff from Blood Prison movie- and there was theory that it's about this. But as Kuebiko translated- there's actual info of mysterious dojutsu.

Thing that he uses that are quite unique are those mirrors too- as shield and kind of genjutsu I guess- reflecting debuffs at opponent- or like making him cast it on his own team kind-of.

Also, he's saying at one point, something like: "With those eyes I will turn illusions into reality". Not to mention his "For the honor of our clan." when you are awakening this character in game. So, he's from actual clan, with kekkai genkai being yet another dojutsu and of course we're lacking so many info about him and all rest because why not

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On 2018-08-10 15:37:57Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2018-08-10 14:39:23
  • Ok, yeah- I went to read Guren's info again and in fact it might be about her and her name. Especially how questions in this event are build sometimes...

    On other side- there was Red Lotus mentioned in Scarlet's info too- or at least something similar.

    And am I only one thinking that Scarlet, with crystal mirrors, would be matching too much to be... fire version of Haku. I mean, how many thought he's a girl too

I have no doubt it's about her name. In the Cat Quiz and throughout the EN Naruto Online game, we've never had anything remotely related to the main characters backstories.

But you're right, the baidu character page did mention Red Lotus. It said that scarlet blaze was from the 'Red Lotus Clan' and that it was a clan closely related to the Uchiha clan. It's also explicitly stated that he has a doujutsu. I'm very sure that his doujutsu is related to his affinity for visual genjutsu., scarlet blaze and crystal mirrors do sound like a great concept tho...even if it's not quite game canon...

i also really just like the idea of scarlet blaze with a red lotus motif. red lotuses are very pretty :3

The mirrors you mention. Status transfer/genjutsu reflect. Kurenai and Ningendo also use this. I think it's not really that deep, just a type of passive they give to genjutsu users (other genjutsu-type passives include: ability to cause chaos). both passives are effects of genjutsu in the anime: the ability to trick your opponents into attacking something else.

This post was last edited by Kuebiko on 2018-08-10 15:47:29.
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On 2018-08-10 20:25:19Show this Author Only

"The mirrors you mention. Status transfer/genjutsu reflect. Kurenai and Ningendo also use this. I think it's not really that deep, just a type of passive they give to genjutsu users (other genjutsu-type passives include: ability to cause chaos). both passives are effects of genjutsu in the anime: the ability to trick your opponents into attacking something else."

I know that- but I think it could be a part of his dojutsu, as a genjutsu-oriented kekkai genkai maybe? And the way he cast it as mystery skill- inverting colors of everything for a moment- was there anything like this in anime? I mean Itachi's tsukuyoki for example was similar but not exactly the same- it was just black/white/red while Scarlet inverts all the colors. When Kurenai cast her shield to protect ninja from lienup- it's simple skill, without any "flashing" effects.

It somehow reminds me of Tobirama's skill to- when he cast "darkness" to blind opponents.

Not to mention, Tobirama also had red eyes~~ Scarlet might be created as a link between Uchiha and Senju clans?

And yeah I know- I'm thinking too much and getting all silly ideas that are prolly all wrong xD But such lose ideas are a nice inspiration to create other things :)

Honestly i would trade whole Boruto series and movie for one, single movie or something with our mains- explaining who they are or just showing something like alternate naruto reality with them? I mean we got movie like that already, Kishimoto-sensei please.... you created them... those are not just some off-brand OC- based by OC of fans but still... give us some more

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