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Tsunade Breakthrough question


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-08 05:49:38Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Her standard mystery looks like this:

heals 80% of life, cancels all debuffs and she gets her standard attack 2 times.

Cool down time: 4 rounds

Battlefield cool down time: 2 rounds

The second only adds heal 100% but raises cool down up to 9 rounds. 20% more heal but 5 more rounds to cool down and cast again. So that means it takes 9 rounds for her to cast it again? Shouldn't the cool down stay the same? I see this as a downgrade not an upgrade. Maybe I'm missing something...

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-08 07:03:39Show this Author Only

It depends on the situation really. Matches are usually decided in the first couple rounds, so that extra 20% could make the difference in deciding the match, especially since she passive heals your team as long as she's alive. Also, don't forget that she gets 3 attacks instead of 2, so there are extra chances to confuse. You c*so pair with wind main refresh to bypass the cooldown.

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On 2018-08-08 16:44:37Show this Author Only

With breaktroughs the mystery actually let her use permanently 3 standard attacks since round 3 onwards (and not only in round 3...) that is why the cd is 9 rounds because the 3 stardards + 2 passives and + 30% crit is utterly broken for immortal teams.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-08-08 16:45:52.
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On 2018-08-08 21:38:32Show this Author Only


  • Registered: 2018-04-16
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On 2018-08-08 23:07:47Show this Author Only

It's basically a once per fight thing since:

1. If she's full skillbreak it's a huge heal round 3 to revert any enemy progress on killing her + 3x standards (with 2 of them clearing debuffs team-wide thanks to her passive) the rest of the match with her;

2. She almost always will be paired with another healer to stop any controls on her;

3. Raising her base crit + her 30% passive almost always will lock the ninja in front of her AND if she gets a crit on her chase one more will be locked

It's broken and throws salt on the wounds of teams that already couldn't get passed the first 2 rounds of cancer.

Quicky Post

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