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[ Strategy Share ] After 30 Something Runs fo SA Easy Here's What I Know


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On 2016-09-03 11:34:30Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Please reply if possible to keep in the first few pages so that information can be spread.
Runs are for Easy only.
Runs were done as teams of 2 or 3.
Unless tated otherwise all statements apply to both teams of 2 or 3
Statement are merely observations of the author in his 30 something runs.
The author makes no claim that things to the contrary are impossible even if it really sounds like I'm implying that it is.

Level Gap doesn't matter as much as people think/say.
I got through quite a few runs with Lv 50 sometthings as a Lv 69.

Changes are as follows:
Karin and 3 Giants - HP and Offensive Power follows highest BP in team
Shizune and Hanzo - Offensive Power follows highest BP in team

Despite this:
Damage was heavier for lower level but nothing fatal except to clones/puppets/summons.
The number of turns consumed only increased by at most one more during giants and average of one more during Hanzo fight.
To simplify, the turns don't necessarily increase. Even if they do it's one or two rounds more at worst.

Giants Rounds:
All teams must have a way to interupt giants poison turn 1.
Giants will most likely dies by turn 2 if there is a turn 2.
This leaves you with only being hit by their basic attack which again doesn't rise to fatal amounts except to clones etc.
You will at most get 2 layers of posion for attacking each giant to kill it.

Shizune Rounds:
Shizune's poison attack can and should be interupted but the heal cannot.
Interupt it if possible every bit towards survivablity helps.
Shizune can be killed on the first turn before she can heal.
If she goes down to 20 it's possible if the combos of at least two people are long enough.

Hanzo Rounds:
Karin and Hanzo can and should be interupted.
Hanzo's physical attacks can and should be blocked by Kimimarro in front column of the middle team or 2 Hinatas.
In the case of two Hinatas the flow is as follows
Turn 1 - Hinata 1 Mystery activates and blocks Hanzo
Turn 2 - Hinata 2 Mystery activates and blocks Hanzo
Turn 3 - Interupt Hanzo's Mystery
Return to Turn 1
Karin does not need to be targeted by myteries.
In a two person run scenario she is in front of Hanzo so she will take on most of your basic attacks and some combos.
Work in an ignite or and a poison or two and she will go down only sometimes being able to heal Hanzo but not by much.
In three person scenario she is behinnd and above Hanzo and will take the basic attacks and some combos of team above and first ro of mid team.
Same principles with ignite and posion apply.
AOE myteries help greatl in both cases.

With above conditions:
Shizune and Hanzo's and offense is neutralized making power gap irrelevant.
Giants and Karin's offense are kept to a minimum but the amount left is non-lethal to anyone other than clones.

Team 7 is a good team but not the only team.
THe author mostly uses this team:
X Kakashi Clone Moegi
X Konohamaru Corps Hinata
Kakashi Fire Main Udon

Talents being Fire Dragon, Feather Illusion, Celestial Prison, Genjutsu Mirror, Death Mirage, Small Katusuyu Summon
Use Fire Main and Kakashi Mystery to bring 20 something HP Shizune to 5 ish.

Ye's it's not for soloing.
This team can work with at least one other person who can interupt myteries.

The point is other combos are possible.
You can work with what you have that's durable.

What is important?
Someone who can cleanse at least 1 debuff per round for each player.
2 people on the team with long combos to take out shizune from 20 HP.
1 person whho can interupt lock Hanzo's skill.

Confirmed Interuptors:
Lightning Main
Earrth Main

Incomplete but ended for now. To be updated/edited later.
Please reply if possible to keep in the first few pages so that information can be spread.

This post was last edited by BlackDrakeX at 2016-9-3 11:34 This post was last edited by BlackDrakeX at 2016-9-4 04:46
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-03 11:34:55Show this Author Only
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On 2016-09-03 11:35:17Show this Author Only
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On 2016-09-03 11:46:57Show this Author Only
Thanks for posting this - it's really helpful ^_^

I beat Shizune twice at levels 57 and 58, I think, but by then the poison was really bad...

So - next time, 2 person teams, interrupters, etc. Yup!

1 up this post~
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On 2016-09-03 13:08:10Show this Author Only
A lot of the same strategies apply when fighting in normal or difficult mode. I just got through difficult mode tonight with two other teammates (I'm LV67 Wind, my teammates were LV69 Fire and LV66 Water), and the only differences across modes is the addition of more rounds to fight. We ran with clone spammers to serve as extra hits and as hit absorbers for Giants/Jiraiya/Hanzo, and it worked out well because we got better combos.

Round one is the Giants, and round two is Shizune with ~56hp. Round three is Karin, with 56 hp as well, and you approach her the same way you'd approach Shizune. If you're in difficult mode you have to fight Sage Jiraiya (who puts the Ignite debuff on all ninja who attack him) and this is where most people fall because they don't have a decent healer who can negate debuffs or heal the poison + ignition stack damage. If you have Sakura, Tsunade, Kabuto, Water Main, etc. this can be avoided easy, as his hp is scaled like normal battles. And Hanzo is the last round, by his lonesome and also with normal hp.

Normal and difficult mode is all about combos and timing, same as easy mode, but you have to be precise about everything otherwise it won't work.
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On 2016-09-03 14:59:27Show this Author Only
eh i solo it.
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On 2016-09-04 04:43:33Show this Author Only
For Temari. I haven't done medium and hard yet but I've heard pretty much the same as what you said. I might update the info here after testing myself some time in the coming week or weeks.

As for the guy who can solo it. Good for you. Totally not sarcasm by the way. I wrote this because some people for whatever reason just don't have the right ninjas to go at it solo. There's also the people who would really rather just do it as team. This is to help those people.
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