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[ PVP ] Which is the Best Main?


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On 2018-08-05 14:49:27Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello, this happens to be my first post on the NO forums so take this post with a grain of salt and don't get mad at me if your main happens to be below another main. Instead feel free to reply to this post and tell me if I was incorrect about the placement of your main and I'll take all the facts into consideration.

Do note: You can choose whichever main you want, I'm just going to state which is the best in PvP and for lineups.

So now that all of that is out of the way shall we get into the discussion at hand? Which of the 5 Elemental Mains is the best?

I'll be discussing how good they are in general PvP and how good they are for meta lineups or simply old lineups that can still be found annoying.

Let's start off with the worst of the bunch:

5 - Crimson Fist:

Yes, you did in-fact read that correctly. From what I've seen Crimson Fist is possibly the most underused main in NO and rightfully so, Crimson Fist is a defensive, earth-themed main who uses shields and status ailments to fight. Sounds amazing right? It's actually terrible for such a game like this, sure defense is absolutely amazing in the long run and definitely needed to survive immensely annoying teams such as Kakuzu [Earth Grudge] teams or Kushimaru [Edo Tensei] teams but there is one thing that makes Crimson Fist absolutely useless in the long run. Not only can other ninjas provide shield but they can do it better then Crimson Fist in most scenarios, I'd say Scarlet Blaze is probably about 2x better than Crimson Fist on most teams and lineups which is why Scarlet Blaze is used in typically Crimson Fist lineups. Now I'm going to say this right now but I think Crimson Fist has probably the worst chase attacks in the whole game, "Chases and attacks High Floated units, causes Knockdown and Ignition" literally a replica of Guy's and Guy is basically Crimson Fist 2.0 without Shields. I'd have to say that Crimson Fist does one thing good and mainly better than other Mains and some ninjas which is his Chakra Gain, the fact that he can put a really decent shield on someone and gain Chakra from every unit in the line that gets the shield is absolutely amazing. But just because he has one amazing perk about him doesn't make him higher on the list.

4 - Scarlet Blaze

I know this placement is definitely going to trigger some people and trust me, I'd love to put Scarlet Blaze higher because I use him in most of my lineups and he's my most used main. Now I know what I said, Scarlet Blaze is better than Crimson Fist and goes into lineups that would typically require Crimson Fist. Causing him to go into a lot of meta Lineups and possibly being the 3rd most annoying main to deal with... But that just doesn't save him. Now you may be thinking "Woah, hold up a second, shouldn't Breeze Dancer be here?" and I'll be getting to her placement in a second but I feel like Scarlet Blaze cannot compare to how good Breeze Dancer, Azure Fang, and Midnight Blade are. One of his overwhelming weakness is that he's elementally weak to water, which may not sound bad in the long run since there are not many "good water ninjas" but seeing as Azure Fang is I'd say the second most common ninja running a pretty much full water ninja team puts Scarlet Blaze in a major disadvantage. But elemental weaknesses don't really matter if you have higher defense/resistance or have something to combat it which luckily Scarlet has one of his Mysteries to combat it but it just isn't enough. There are only four good passives to Scarlet Blaze which are Death Mirage, Bani Chakra, Oboro Clone, and Genjustu - Mirror Return, now the best out of all these is obviously Genjustu - Mirror Return but that says a lot about why Scarlet is so low. About a good portion of ninjas are either immune to debuffs or have Genjustu - Mirror Return making this passive almost absolutely useless. If someone on the opposite side has Genjustu - Mirror Return then no matter what if they get you into a combo and cause Acupuncture, Immobile, and so on it'll just reflect onto another ninja which can be really bad in most scenarios. It could reflect on a ninja that's currently trying to use a justu and it'll cause them to get interrupted, it could reflect back onto the person that was in the combo and still cause major havoc, and most importantly it could reflect onto a ninja that you're going to use... In the long run, Scarlet Blaze has a lot of good things about him whether it's his chases or his trivial role in a lot of meta Lineups but he just isn't the best out there.

3 - Breeze Dancer

Now this placement is probably not shocking at all especially since I stated I'd get to her placement in a second while talking about Scarlet Blaze. What can I say except she's average. Dance of Impetus is one of the most powerful Mysteries in the game and should definitely not be undermined while talking about how good Breeze Dancer is as a main. But her other Mysteries aren't the greatest, the only other Mystery in her arsenal that could compete with Dance of Impetus is Sage Art: Wind Style - Sand Dust. While her Mystery selection isn't as good as Scarlet Blaze's or Crimson Fist's that isn't the only reason she is below Azure Fang, and Midnight Blade. I'm sorry but I have to say it... Her standards are the worst in the game, the only good standard in her arsenal is obviously the Shadow Clone standard for clone spam but other than that her Rasengan Barrage standard is passable but the other two are absolutely awful. Now again, you may be thinking "Woah, hold up a second, shouldn't Breeze Dancer be below Scarlet Blaze then if Scarlet Blaze has a lot better Standards and Mysteries?" (Scarlet has a really good Standard/Mystery game) to that I reply with... No, her Standards and Mysteries may be awful but her Passives are some of the strongest Passives in the whole game, for example Flower Guard, Wind Dance, Multi Shadow Clone Justu, Queen Momentum, Super Smexy Harem Justu, and Natural Draining. Plus she has some of the best combo potential in the game with Shoot-Down Rasengan, that'll chase and attack repulsed units and cause knockdown which can be triggered twice, and Combo Blade of Wind. Breeze Dancer is definitely a main you shouldn't think of as weak because most teams that have her in them can make a comeback with the amount of Clone Spam she can produce and not to mention how many hits she can pull out. But she isn't the best out of the 5.

2 - Midnight Blade

Was this something you weren't expecting? Were you expecting Midnight Blade to be the strongest out of the 5? Well I got news for you buddy, you were wrong. Midnight Blade is regarding as possibly the most annoying main to fight and I agree with that statement. Whether it's due to Acupuncture or Mass Paralysis this guy has it all and not to mention he has possibly the second best Passive in the whole game being "Root of Warrior," causing 3 Sword wielding units to be immune to debuffs for 2 rounds. 2 rounds may not sound like a lot but if it's a battle with multiple people or just overall a battle with a lot of Mysteries popping off, it can feel like decades before they can attract debuffs again. With one of the best Mystery and Standard games out there not to extremely good Passive game you'd think he'd be #1... But his combo potential throws him off. Midnight Blade is the best out of the 5 mains for starting a combo but actually making the combo is hard. It namely depends on the type of player, most F2P players don't have the correct summons for Midnight Blade while a bit of casual P2W players don't have the correct ninjas to make a combo for Midnight Blade and still make his Passive work. Now this isn't the only reason Midnight Blade is lower than Azure Fang, Azure Fang has the same problem but the difference between Azure Fang and Midnight Blade is that... Midnight Blade is a loose cannon, if you can't get your kill within 2 rounds it's possibly game over for you since most sword ninjas are flimsy and will evidently get KO'd on the spot due to Poison, Chaos, Ignite, Immobile, and the list goes on. Midnight Blade is good for rushing but once that rush is over, it'll be the opposite team doing the rushing. Midnight Blade is still a strong foe and almost tied for first place with Azure Fang but just because he's a loose cannon made him lose the fight in the end. Making Midnight Blade not the best out of the 5 mains.

1 - Azure Fang

Listen, put the pitchforks down and listen to me, there are 2 words to describe why this main is mainly in position 1... Shark Bombing. No, but in all seriousness there are some reasons why Azure Fang is the best out of all 5 of the mains. One of those reason is she's a Support and a Healer, there are a bunch of ninjas who can Support like Kurenai but not a lot of ninjas who can Support and Heal which is something Azure Fang is extraordinarily good at. With her Passives being heavily based on status ailments and overtime damage but obviously Root counters this and so does Scarlet Blaze's Mirror Justus so again you may be wondering why Azure Fang is #1. Well I'll tell you right now the best Passive in the game, Neurotoxin. Neurotoxin can Chaos to any ninja (that isn't immune to debuffs) as long as Azure Fang gains a critical to which she has a Chase that can guarantee a free critical and a Mystery that has a high chance of causing critical to a select amount of units. I'll make this short so I don't have to explain why Azure Fang is #1 since you probably get the picture right now. Best Passive in the Game, Really Good Standards, Amazing Mysteries, and Overall Tanky Unit with Good Support Options.

So then, I hope everybody doesn't hate me already since this is my first post ever and I don't want to be known as that one person who's hated by the NO community. I truly love the game and the people inside of it and made this post for fun and to inform people, I guess. Like I said at the beginning, no matter what I said in this post you can be whichever main you want because they're all good but some are just not as good as others.

Well I'll be signing off now, I'll be seeing you all later... Baiiiiiii~ <3

-Fumakato (Fuma)

This post was last edited by Fumakato on 2018-08-05 14:49:27.
  • Registered: 2018-08-05
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On 2018-08-05 14:32:40Show All Posts
  • Luminai On 2018-08-05 14:07:03
  • It's an okay list. While I do agree Earth main has some serious problems, I noticed you didn't really go into what they CAN do and just talked about what they CAN'T do.

    Earth main while tanky, is a glorified support unit that is hard to kill. That's it. They are also the only main in the entire game that can support ANY ninja, regardless of gender or element. Pose of Duel gives 30% atk/nin to any ninja that has a shield currently on them. While yes, the target needs a shield on them, it has no restriction outside of that - and the great thing is that it can't be removed by Han or Wind Main mystery.

    I love Earth main, it's my favorite main. I've actually never changed from Earth main. I haven't even unlocked the other mains to change to. It probably hinders me but I like being loyal. But I do agree that earth main has a lot of draw backs compared to the other mains. Shields keep getting nerfed to the point where most earth mains don't even take it anymore. It has no way to deal with debuffs, super armor was nerfed so badly that it isn't worth using anymore. It's elemental standard deals no damage (For summons), has no chase 10s.

    I think the issue with Earth main is the fact that they tried to model each main after a character "type" in the series - Earth main got stuck with being modeled after Guy. He should have been modeled after Hashirama instead.

While I do agree I was mostly negative on this list showing the bad sides of the mains instead of the good, well mainly for Scarlet and Crimson, I feel like this was extremely honest and that the results are to be expected.

I genuinely feel like Scarlet and Crimson aren't the best mains out there and Breeze is average while on the other-hand Midnight and Azure are absolutely god-tier.

But this was not a biased list, I tried to put facts into it and I do agree with you that Crimson is tanky but so is Azure and she is a tanky ninja done right.

-Fumakato <3

This post was last edited by Fumakato on 2018-08-05 14:41:04.
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On 2018-08-05 14:36:25Show All Posts
  • Kuebiko On 2018-08-05 14:16:00
  • 1. i think we should be considering mains in the context of the ninjas that can be used with them also. shisui, edo hiruzen, madara, susanoo itachi, agk... most p2w meta teams nowadays work best with CF or SB

    2. is this talking about late game, mid game? i can see why AF would be a good choice mid game, but when you're in higher level swb facing down shisui's ignite, koh poison, edo hiruzen's massive blast, agk's tag and immune, sometimes heals can only get you so far.

    3. not every team is about survival. sometimes we just want to blitz lol. that said, take buffs into consideration also.

    in conclusion, there needs to be context for your comparison, and definitely some mains work better than others in various situations, but comparing mains alone to each other is poor representation of what each one is good for, and the ninjas that work with them as a whole team.

    i find it's quite rare to choose the main before the other ninjas in the lineup. most take the ninjas they want to be damage dealers before slotting in the mains based on buffs and chases

    (btw as we're slowly adapting to the chinese version of the game, and it's somewhat considered the "ideal" version of the long run of this game, i'll just let you know that the strongest earth main in my cn server is almost twice the power of the strongest water main; 300k vs 170k, and the strongest light main is stuck at 120k.)

First of all, I'm reviewing the mains individually and seeing how good they can be in lineups and how individually strong they are.

Basically, let's say that you had a 1v1v1v1v1 between each main, which main do you think would win? If your answer was Azure Fang then you'd understand why I made her #1

Second of all, I'm talking about any type of late/early/mid game... Though heals can "only get you so far" so can Neurotoxin Shark Bomb Initiative Blitz... You're forgetting that not only is AF a Healer and Support but she's also a Blitzer.

Edit: Also I did say people could choose their main, I'm just stating which out of all the mains are factually better when individually pit against each other and how well they can work in lineups. AF is easily adaptable and can work with a lot of lineups, you could replace her in SOME meta Lineups and they'd feel almost the same but with a Healer Support Ninja in the mix now.

-Fumakato <3

This post was last edited by Fumakato on 2018-08-05 14:40:51.
  • Registered: 2018-08-05
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On 2018-08-05 14:58:25Show All Posts
  • Kuebiko On 2018-08-05 14:43:36
  • but what's the point of doing a 1v1 with mains tho? everyone uses a whole team to fight.

    there's actually only 1 fairly meta team that uses AF as a chaos blitz, and it's kure/gakido/af/sailor, and u don't see much of it nowadays. and the fact that it's falling out of popularity at the moment means that there are better teams for you to build. (y'know, immunity)

    althought tbh if you made your argument with poitai i'd be more inclined to care. poitai is a whole different story compared to chaos. a lot more troublesome when paired with a ninja that can remove immunity (*cough* Kushina *cough*). where were you when the entire game collectively declared poitai as the most broken passive ever lol

    list the teams we can discuss those

    + adding a healer doesnt necessarily make things better also. it takes away damage via standard and mystery, makes you dependent on a pos 3/4 standard/mystery to clear debuffs, which personally i don't feel comfortable with. i'd take immunity or reflect which is less dependent on when my main moves.

At the beginning of the post I clearly stated that I would be reviewing the main and seeing which is the best for general PvP and lineups, though you are correct in the aspect of "it'll get rid of a free attack and mystery due to her being a healer in the team" but her Passives make up for it.

Poison Tai dealing overtime damage and can be stacked is a really good passive for AOE Units and not to mention she has a Chase so she can still run that deadly Neurotoxin. Water Clone is the second best clone right next to Oboro, since Acupuncture is a really great status to put on an opponent but since it's only a chance and Oboro gives guaranteed 2nd attack (unless Immobile) it makes Oboro a slight bit better, not to mention Water Clone is really good for setting up combos. Healing Tips is extremely good if you can't fit Chakra Dissection Blade into your combo or don't run a team fit for crowd control. Nature Energy Gathering is meh but it's pretty alright. Experimental Ninjustu... Do I really need to tell you why this Passive is really good or do you understand? Reverse Seal... Again, do I really need to tell you why this is good?

Her Passives alone make her an extremely good ninja.

Edit: Also most people say Neurotoxin is the best passive in the game due to Shark Bombing, even heavy P2W players agree with this statement that shark bombing is a problem and can cause Azure Fang to be absurdly hard to fight if you're running low on RNG.

-Fumakato <3

This post was last edited by Fumakato on 2018-08-05 15:03:55.
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