Cheers luvs
Scarlet picked up a cup of hot tea offered by Shiyo and took a sip, whole time looking around at room they were in.
Judging from size of it and all the fancy furniture and decorations- whole house was huge and belonged to rich owners. But it was as empty and silent as big it was. Scarlet couldn't help a feeling that they are all alone there, despite some things suggesting more people to live there.
'Say, Shiyo... is this your house?'
'Ah, no... not exactly- it belong to close friends of mine. They left for a travel, about two weeks ago and let me stay here, as I sometimes were living with them anyway.'
Scarlet stared at a man, who was busy now with watching his nails from up close.
'Can you maybe borrow me some shirt or something?' asked fire-nin. 'I left mine there, with guys.'
'Uhmm... sure...' replied Shiyo, with bit of surprise on his face. 'There's wardrobe behind that door- go find yourself something matching.'
Scarlet tilted head but went to search for it.
Wardrobe was actually as big as Scarlet's room at his flat. He whistled seeing all the clothes- there were both for women and men as he could say from first sight. Part of them were lying in a mess on floor. Boy leaned down for one of those- it had nice set of his favourite colors. But then he noticed something on it- small, dark red spots. He stared on it for a moment, frowning and scratching it with nail then went to check other side of the room- more clothes and... spots on wooden hanger.
'Got anything nice?'
Voice of a man, entering room, stopped him from checking all that closely.
'Mhmmm. So many of these, geez...' Scarlet took one, bloody red and dark grey shirt from hanger and put it on. 'You are sure that owners won't mind it? Or are those yours?'
'Nah, it's ok. One less shirt won't make them poor, hehe.'
Scarlet forced a smile in reply.
They went back to the room and Shiyo asked, as soon as they sat down.
'So what would you like to know? Feel free to ask about anything.'
Boy looked at him, with many questions in mind. And many doubts of if he should be talking with him at all.
'You said we are family but why then you don't look anything like that...'
'Hmm... you mean eyes mostly, I guess?' Shiyo face suddenly showed some concern and kind of disappointment. 'Because not all members of the clan had red eyes. I guess you don't know much about Red Lotus, don't you?' he sighed. 'It's really amazing how they made sure for almost all the information to be erased too... it's so sad... Once a great, powerful clan- now even Akiri don't know anything...'
'What is that... akiri?. You said that before- you called me like that when we first met.'
'Akiri was a title given to the "masters" of the clan- those who inherited full potential of Red Lotus blood- and they were actually not so common among our people. But each of them were highly skilled user of all the clan's secret techniques- and many more, very advanced jutsu. But what's most important- Akiri- the ones with blood red eyes- were bearers of potential to use powers as great of that of tailed beasts.' Shiyo paused and looked at Scarlet, frowning at him. ‘that might sound impossible but our clan found a way to use natural possibilities of Akiri, gained by blood, to create ones, which you could call next ninja gods. Through many years of researches, strengthening their ninjutsu, chakra control and learning secrets about things like tailed beasts and using senjutsu without need for mastering it through hard training. And most of knowledge and key for that power is right here.’ he picked up crystal orb and gazed at reflections inside of it. ‘And one of the last 3 Akiri- is you. Other two, well… one is too old for such things and other… didn’t want to help me with this, so I let her be.’
Scarlet was sitting in silence, observing face of Shiyo and noticing that weird shadow in his eyes, when he end talking. Fire-nin was trying to dig through informations, which sounded rather like some made-up story.
‘That’s truth, I don’t know many things but… it really seems rather weird. And there are others… I mean- I heard there were few survivors like me but…’
‘Do you know why our clan got hunted down and almost completely erased?’
Scarlet stared at man, feeling as heavy, dark cloud fills up his chest. he was reminding him about things he rather not bring back… his family, parents… all the nightmares…
He took a deep breath, before speaking.
‘They got into huge conflict with clans from neighbour lands, that lasted many years and eventually got wiped out during attack of united clans of shinobi, in an act of revenge from them. Konoha couldn’t help in time, as nobody had idea of incoming attack and home of our clan was away from village. there were some survivors, like me…’ Scarlet’s voice was getting more quiet with every word, as he spoke and finally he paused, eyes staring blindly at his hands on table.
‘That’s what they told everyone- “oficial version”.’ said Shiyo, making Scarlet rise sight on him again. ‘Truth is that they didn’t get help because higher ups of Konoha wanted them to disappear. or more like- problem found solution on his own. Red Lotus- once a big and esteemed clan- taking place equal to that of uchiha- started to an issue for them. People were sharing rumors of demon-like members of clan, pointing out “shady” practises and forcing biggest part of it to move outside the village. Nobody seemed to remember how many good things were coming from activity of this clan- there were truly great ninjas among them. Conflicts with other clans were just a cover, that allowed someone up there to destroy red Lotus.’ Shiyo stood up and walked to the big window, with view for forest and lake nearby. ‘How old were you when that happened? Three? Four?’
“Four…’ replied Scarlet, with pale face turned to the crystal orb lying on table.
He reminded himself all of the scraps of informations he could find about the clan in past. And some sort of feelings and ideas that weren’t a part of his memory- but now that he was thinking about them- it all came to him at the moment of activating that crystal seal.
‘Scarlet, our clan wasn’t a victim of a foreign ninjas but of Konoha. Village who got their Fire from us, turned its back and let them all die. then erased many things about it. All the unique jutsu and knowledge- it all was to vanish. But few survivors managed to save part of it- and most importantly- save one of the “Seeds”- unfinished seal needed for release of greatest art of Lotus Clan and what can let Akiri easy achieve power of advanced senjutsu-like techniques.’ Shiyo turned face to the boy. ‘Now look at us and all what’s left from this clan’s greatness- it’s like a withered, colorless flower, stomped on and destroyed by people who once called us their friends. And maybe still are doing that to some…’ he gazed at Scarlet, being completely messed and lost in thoughts. ‘One of your friends… that blondie girl. She reminds me of that clan who helped with all this. She could really be daughter of one of them.’
Scarlet jolted internally.
Don’t listen, you know them well…
‘You forced me to attack them… was that because of what you’re telling me now?... You want revenge on Konoha for what happened?’
‘Wrong.’ Shiyo crossed arms on chest. ‘First of all- I didn’t force you to anything. Seal released your deep-rooted will for punishing those responsible for death of your family. And because Seed contain knowledge and will of its creators- members of Lotus- it showed you “true face” of ninjas from Konoha. Your instincts took control and well… I wasn’t really expecting such turn of events… all I wanted at first was your help with unsealing and activating Seed- because only Akiri could do that.’
‘And Akiri are only one who c*e this power too, right?’
‘No, no- it can be used by others too, with worse effects but still good enough- but for that, it need to be finished. this seal here is not. And this is another job for Akiri.’
‘So…’ Scarlet changed position on chair, feeling as his body gets too heavy after all what happened during day. ‘You want my help with finishing this thing so you c*e it to destroy Konoha?’ he rose eyebrow at man.
‘No. Who said anything about destroying.’ Shiyo groaned. ‘I’m not some barbarian to use such methods. All I want is to show them- remind them all that we exist and how great power and help we can offer for the village. of everything they destroyed. And to make this clan regain its position and be a flame of Konoha again.’
Scarlet was sitting in silence, with closed eyes, letting words of his cousin to ac*ulate in his mind. Maybe he really was wrong about this man… He opened eyes, stood up and walked slowly to Shiyo, picking up crystal orb from table on the way. he stared at it for a moment and reflections of light inside it danced on his face and in blood-red eyes like a tiny flames.
‘Wouldn’t it be great to rebuild this clan. To have real family. To make them all acknowledge it again. To prove that fire of Red Lotus wasn’t *n away.’ Shiyo whispered, when Scarlet stood beside him, in front of the window.
Boy focused and channeled some of his chakra into ball in his hands. it was like if crystal flower inside it came back to life- lotus petals slowly formed and opened, with pulsing red lights filling up the seal.
Scarlet closed eyes, as he felt that again- informations hidden deep inside of it… power coming from it… visions and thoughts- he saw it, a little of this all, when he touched it for the first time… Now it was more intense and vivid… chakra flowing through his body was like a warm, soothing light.
He opened eyes and gazed at crystal lotus in his hands. He slowly opened mouth, as he made decision.
‘Tell me, what do you want me to do. I will help you.’
He continued staring at seal, with blood-red lotus flower inside.
He couldn’t see that wide, pleased smile on man’s face. Smile filled with poison and making his face gain some shadows of menace.
‘Good boy.’ Shiyo whispered, wrapping arm around Scarlet’s shoulder.
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