Also: YES I LOVE Scarlet's and Midnight's voices! I've tried looking up their voice actors but sadly I have neither the skill nor knowledge in Chinese to find them on the obscure corners of the web
Since that one guy translated some more of the main's lines, I've learned that Midnight is adorably childish. Like, he's super tall and he looks so cool and responsible and then
"Eat this!"
Also, if I could animate, I'd make a video of them fighting to this song:
or maybe this one (not fighting).
Midnighty be trying to act so mature and cool~~ because he's youngest and don't wanna be seen as kid?
Trained for professional, cold-blooded shinobi but losing it while dealing with rest of the team- and be it for his good
Arrrrgh first video is blocked in my country
As for second: "But I can't seem to get myself straight" haha naicu
AND OOOOOOFFF did you see trailer for SEASON 7 already???? and all the released info...... I still haven't revive after S6 and now gonna die again....
Voltron: "Adam"
Also, well, this is actually the original video I heard the song from, maybe it won't be blocked? It's called "My way" by the royal republic.
idk I can just see paneled mains sliding in with the initial beat, and then like fighting and running around... lol it looks way better in my head.
Also, just so I won't get deleted for irrelevancy, here's some stuff I found on huoying:
And so, randomness continue.
Next idea: What if Main Characters had Theme Songs. Choice made by my overall impression about them, their style of fight, skills and little back info that we have.
I feel these songs might give out the "vibe" of every char~~
1. Tsundere Princess, aka Midnighty-chan. Heard this one and immadietely thought about that char, soo~~ And there's video with matching pic, woohoo :D
2. Scarlet, the Trap Princess. Song about flames, yh yh- but lyrics play other role here too- "we will be last one standing"- when you find info that his clan met end similar as Uchiha. And just that vibe of song~~
3. Azure, the New, Better Sakura. Aurora~~Azure, nice vibe but then goes lyrics at 0:50 . In game stuff u.u
4. Breezy, The Queen. This song would go for all, I think? But sounds good for her, mhhhhmmmmm~~
5. Crimson, Fist-san the Ginger Beast of Konoha. He rocks' and he's a star- lyrics shows what I think - and he would make better thunder witha punch than Middy-chan with wittle stiick~~
Yo, cheers!
You have great taste in music!! :D
From the ones I haven't heard before (so like, not thunder or elements) I'd have to say that Azure's is my favourite! Super upbeat tune!
I tried picking out songs too, but I just couldn't choose! I kept picking songs I liked that wouldn't actually fit the mains
But here's my pick! (Like three of them are just from Yuri!!! On Ice)
Breeze, the elegance of a lady:
Midnight, angry stomping:
Scarlet, flitting like a smol happy bird:
Azure, mellow happiness tinged with nostalgia for those days far gone:
Crimson, You know, I was having so much trouble finding a song for him but I think this really works well:
Alternate song for Scarlet:
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