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[ Character ] Tiami's corner of randomness~


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On 2018-07-23 00:04:32Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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To take a breath from working on fanfic and next genderbends, I come here today to share some of very random thoughts, memes, headcanons and silly stuff about our beloved mains. Feel free to discuss and share your randomness too


1. Personal Funfact: thanks to discovering Naruto Online and main characters, I got such inspiration, that I got back to actually drawing manga-style pics again- after few long years hiatus of not touching pencil. And still they are my main motivation to create things like this. Talk about Will of Fire~~


2. I find it adorable how Midnight's voice sound when he call summon while chase attack in battle. It goes pretty high I also generally love voices of both Midnight and Scarlet~


3. I got a feeling that Breeze might be hiding some dark secrets- getting Orochimaru vibes from her for some reasons


4. My first main was Breeze- mostly because of a comment from my hubby, telling me that "this girl here looks kinda like you :D ' while pointing at Scarlet and, when I corrected him saying it's a boy- "but still! :D" (R.I.P. victims of Trap-chan btw)


5. My waifu:



6. Waifu of my waifu:



7. Azure is cute and I like her very much- but game makes me hate her. Toxic healers....


8. Fuse Midnight and Scarlet together and you will get 100% Sasuke as result. Skillwise and appearance. Think about it.


9. I soooo wanna know story of how Crimson is able to use Wood release. Another victim of some tests and experiments?


10. "gasps" A D A M!


11. Nr. 10 is most random and nobody knows what it's about. It's not related but juST HAD TO, for reASONS.


12. Now your turn, guys

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On 2018-07-23 01:14:13Show this Author Only

those mine btw ( sorry to steal your meme )


Mei Terumi she have amazing power and she so beautiful as hell and i just fall in love with her

and the second are ( Konan )


for me, she had a beautiful goal, she just wanted peace everywhere, she did not know that Toby was exploiting her and her group, sadly she knew the truth at the last moment of her life, but in fact she had a good intention

(R.I.P) Konan

also i have ( Waifu Harem ) and a lot

This post was last edited by Raizel Di Cadiz on 2018-07-23 01:15:10.
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On 2018-07-23 02:12:24Show this Author Only

So beautful

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On 2018-07-23 05:38:59Show this Author Only
  • Raizel Di Cadiz On 2018-07-23 01:14:13
  • those mine btw ( sorry to steal your meme )


    Mei Terumi she have amazing power and she so beautiful as hell and i just fall in love with her

    and the second are ( Konan )


    for me, she had a beautiful goal, she just wanted peace everywhere, she did not know that Toby was exploiting her and her group, sadly she knew the truth at the last moment of her life, but in fact she had a good intention

    (R.I.P) Konan

    also i have ( Waifu Harem ) and a lot

Ahh yes, our aMEIzing kage with deadly kisses

Konan is dear to my heart also for another reason- paper art- I work A LOT with paper, be it for drawing, origami or many other things~~ So yh- and yeah... whole her story was heartbreaking...

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On 2018-07-24 13:26:55Show this Author Only


Also: YES I LOVE Scarlet's and Midnight's voices! I've tried looking up their voice actors but sadly I have neither the skill nor knowledge in Chinese to find them on the obscure corners of the web

Since that one guy translated some more of the main's lines, I've learned that Midnight is adorably childish. Like, he's super tall and he looks so cool and responsible and then

"Eat this!"

Also, if I could animate, I'd make a video of them fighting to this song:

or maybe this one (not fighting).

This post was last edited by No Way Jose on 2018-07-24 13:28:47.
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On 2018-07-24 15:43:55Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2018-07-24 13:26:55
  • naruto_online_wallpaper__5_by_eveblaze31-d8573cj

    Also: YES I LOVE Scarlet's and Midnight's voices! I've tried looking up their voice actors but sadly I have neither the skill nor knowledge in Chinese to find them on the obscure corners of the web

    Since that one guy translated some more of the main's lines, I've learned that Midnight is adorably childish. Like, he's super tall and he looks so cool and responsible and then

    "Eat this!"

    Also, if I could animate, I'd make a video of them fighting to this song:

    or maybe this one (not fighting).

Midnighty be trying to act so mature and cool~~ because he's youngest and don't wanna be seen as kid?

Trained for professional, cold-blooded shinobi but losing it while dealing with rest of the team- and be it for his good

Arrrrgh first video is blocked in my country

As for second: "But I can't seem to get myself straight" haha naicu

AND OOOOOOFFF did you see trailer for SEASON 7 already???? and all the released info...... I still haven't revive after S6 and now gonna die again....

This post was last edited by Tiami on 2018-07-24 15:50:04.
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On 2018-07-25 08:54:19Show this Author Only

i spy m e m e s O W O

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On 2018-07-25 12:27:16Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2018-07-24 15:43:55
  • Midnighty be trying to act so mature and cool~~ because he's youngest and don't wanna be seen as kid?

    Trained for professional, cold-blooded shinobi but losing it while dealing with rest of the team- and be it for his good

    Arrrrgh first video is blocked in my country

    As for second: "But I can't seem to get myself straight" haha naicu

    AND OOOOOOFFF did you see trailer for SEASON 7 already???? and all the released info...... I still haven't revive after S6 and now gonna die again....

Voltron: "Adam"


who is

Also, well, this is actually the original video I heard the song from, maybe it won't be blocked? It's called "My way" by the royal republic.

idk I can just see paneled mains sliding in with the initial beat, and then like fighting and running around... lol it looks way better in my head.

Also, just so I won't get deleted for irrelevancy, here's some stuff I found on huoying:



This post was last edited by No Way Jose on 2018-07-25 12:32:04.
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On 2018-07-25 15:37:37Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2018-07-25 12:27:16
  • Voltron: "Adam"


    who is

    Also, well, this is actually the original video I heard the song from, maybe it won't be blocked? It's called "My way" by the royal republic.

    idk I can just see paneled mains sliding in with the initial beat, and then like fighting and running around... lol it looks way better in my head.

    Also, just so I won't get deleted for irrelevancy, here's some stuff I found on huoying:



Oh my gosh just look at them xD

You know what- we need some chibis of them or so as "reaction pics" for forum (I'm abusing Keith too much ). Need to think about it, hmm~~

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On 2018-07-25 15:38:12Show this Author Only
  • a derps life 2 On 2018-07-25 08:54:19
  • i spy m e m e s O W O

Drop some memes too O W O

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On 2018-07-26 06:55:24Show this Author Only

well, if you insist *brushes hands off* im a bit rusty with the meme making

dis thread in a nutshell:

Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 3

Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 3

Dosu is so memeable lol

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On 2018-07-26 06:56:39Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2018-07-25 15:37:37
  • Oh my gosh just look at them xD

    You know what- we need some chibis of them or so as "reaction pics" for forum (I'm abusing Keith too much ). Need to think about it, hmm~~

owo eyes up crimson, eyes up boyo

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On 2018-07-26 15:35:15Show this Author Only
  • a derps life 2 On 2018-07-26 06:56:39
  • owo eyes up crimson, eyes up boyo


btw, you messed first meme- ingots? oh please... Dango and Chiyo posters are only great stuff, please....

Good job anyway

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On 2018-07-26 15:53:04Show this Author Only

And so, randomness continue.

Next idea: What if Main Characters had Theme Songs. Choice made by my overall impression about them, their style of fight, skills and little back info that we have.

I feel these songs might give out the "vibe" of every char~~

1. Tsundere Princess, aka Midnighty-chan. Heard this one and immadietely thought about that char, soo~~ And there's video with matching pic, woohoo :D

2. Scarlet, the Trap Princess. Song about flames, yh yh- but lyrics play other role here too- "we will be last one standing"- when you find info that his clan met end similar as Uchiha. And just that vibe of song~~

3. Azure, the New, Better Sakura. Aurora~~Azure, nice vibe but then goes lyrics at 0:50 . In game stuff u.u

4. Breezy, The Queen. This song would go for all, I think? But sounds good for her, mhhhhmmmmm~~

5. Crimson, Fist-san the Ginger Beast of Konoha. He rocks' and he's a star- lyrics shows what I think - and he would make better thunder witha punch than Middy-chan with wittle stiick~~

Yo, cheers!

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On 2018-07-31 12:26:52Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2018-07-26 15:53:04
  • And so, randomness continue.

    Next idea: What if Main Characters had Theme Songs. Choice made by my overall impression about them, their style of fight, skills and little back info that we have.

    I feel these songs might give out the "vibe" of every char~~

    1. Tsundere Princess, aka Midnighty-chan. Heard this one and immadietely thought about that char, soo~~ And there's video with matching pic, woohoo :D

    2. Scarlet, the Trap Princess. Song about flames, yh yh- but lyrics play other role here too- "we will be last one standing"- when you find info that his clan met end similar as Uchiha. And just that vibe of song~~

    3. Azure, the New, Better Sakura. Aurora~~Azure, nice vibe but then goes lyrics at 0:50 . In game stuff u.u

    4. Breezy, The Queen. This song would go for all, I think? But sounds good for her, mhhhhmmmmm~~

    5. Crimson, Fist-san the Ginger Beast of Konoha. He rocks' and he's a star- lyrics shows what I think - and he would make better thunder witha punch than Middy-chan with wittle stiick~~

    Yo, cheers!

You have great taste in music!! :D

From the ones I haven't heard before (so like, not thunder or elements) I'd have to say that Azure's is my favourite! Super upbeat tune!

I tried picking out songs too, but I just couldn't choose! I kept picking songs I liked that wouldn't actually fit the mains

But here's my pick! (Like three of them are just from Yuri!!! On Ice)

Breeze, the elegance of a lady:

Midnight, angry stomping:

Scarlet, flitting like a smol happy bird:

Azure, mellow happiness tinged with nostalgia for those days far gone:

Crimson, You know, I was having so much trouble finding a song for him but I think this really works well:

Alternate song for Scarlet:

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On 2018-07-31 12:53:16Show this Author Only

I listen to almost everything- from classics to thingies like Combichrist and such :P

And about your picks- Breeze- agreeeee...yesss...

Midnight- I see him in this with that Yes master outfit :P ,

Scarlet- the very start of it could work as theme for all sort of his wild ideas for making group "bit more happy and entertained",

Azure- it somehow does have the water vibe to it, so matching pretty cool,

And crimson- mhm choosing something for him is not easy... maybe some from those "BEST WORKOUT MUSIC 2019!!!" :P

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