- water : mostly healer/support but with chaos crits and old patch clone acupuncture is too way much, no wonder she get nerfed. i think if the chaos only works on selected unit and her acupuncture only works within 1 round seem fair.but other than that she is just the way she is. poison/healer/ remove debuff is her advantage.she need a good tank, but with specified line up she can cast her mystery on round 1 and chaos people which i think its quite bad since even u make her acupuncture.
i don't understand this part. When was she nerfed? Next patch she will be buffed and by far with shark bomb that steals chakra and reserve seal that becomes a 40% chance twice per round to evade something (same passive the annoying healers in BF TI owns right now).
anyways no, she doesn't need a tank at all for the neurotoxin version, it's more than enough a cleaner like kurenai or gakido and the only situation where you use water style flowing whip is in world boss battles, in pvp is always better to use taijutsu attack (since has +15-20% increased critical chance, don't be carried on by the bad translation...) or healing jutsu (removing debuffs is always good).
@some1random: u are not talking about sub lv 70, so are we all started with a lv 75 char? nope, far from it. we started with lv 1 so its does matter sub 70. as u said its take maybe 7 weeks into lv 72 so why is this matter. then on what level wind get her immunity, oke fine on early game maybe she give those buff to sakura only which are not a game breaker, compare to other, in this case its totally fine. and when LM get his immunity? and how long does its standing for. its from lv 55 to 72 dude, that's almost full 4 weeks given or taken if u are not regular topup. beside its pre battle.
did u get any idea ? i said "Kushina Habanero, Shisui, Han, Itachi Anbu... even cheap ninja like Cee, GNW Temari" there are cost in there or not every one can get those.its cheap if u are playing like already months or regular top up, and whats cost or the LM? free, and what cost of sword ninjas(mostly free with basic ninjas). so 1 side its cost u a lot (seals or ingots/pure heavy luck to draw those/or whatever it may be), even kakuzu are not given to everyone (u can farm it in elite) unlike kimimaru,sasuke etc. still losing the picture bro? if that so than its pointless to go any further since ur term of "balance" are off all over the place. even if u got those ninja for example beheaded kakashi or jonin jiraiya. it can only target 1, and it can be cancel or the lower possible u will not have chases since ur all team being paralysis vs pre-battle. if u go along with temari which i think so hard to get, maybe most of the time u will get hinata instead so how much seals we need to burn vs 0 seals? sound perfectly equal?
and LM vs WM.i mean its a war of initiative whats the used of her chases if all her team are being paralysis by your and u can wreak her clone with 1 hit from your std attack if ur bp gap is somewhat equal.
and 1 more time dodge ninjas are not cheap. and we are not playing this game started with lv 72. its a freakin lv 1. hope it can sink in.
@tapi: yes its true the game only provide us with that to counter, but as a counter its not a counter at all,why:
1. its a single target. idk aboout temari since i never get her, but i do have jiraiya and bheaded kakakshi, so i know its used their mystery on round 2 vs pre-battle.
2. its cost u vs normal quest u get kimimaru and sasuke.
i hope those 2 reasons alone can enlightening things.
@garv: yeah sorry i think i was miss thinking about earth main shield nerf. some what true that's she doesn't a tank on mid game or if ur bp is way over ur enemy. but on equal battle or at least until u get ur clone(early game) or there are better ninjas eg han,roshi etc. but it may vary as u compile ur line up and strategy. but in my humble opinion the clone whip is too much, and chaos to unselected units is a bit OP. but i guess u were talking mostly lv 70 or more. but thx m8 for clearing something up.
if you talk about skewering (you said that azure fang removes immunity) then you are talking about level 80+ since skewering unlocks at level 80.
I do not say other main are not viable. I'm saying TONS OF BUNSHINS + OP reset mysteries skill combo is just ABSURDLY OP. It make the windmain an annoying support and as someone said , in couple with kurenai it's just annoying and frustrating. And btw, sharkbomb builds can be annoying, but you see it 1/15 fights.
But wind main is EVERYWHERE, i meet her 8 fights/10. You think people play her for his FUN GAMEPLAY? :)
Please, stop eyes wide shut wind mains :)
actually using clones could be extremely counterproductive if the enemy uses an heavy repulse team (like for example ay 3rd me
believe me, i've used for long time water main, then i went to earth main and now to wind main. It's all up on what you run and on what you meet.
Wind main is really tanky too considering people run her with a life mood and flower guard is gives her protection from cc. The most successful main in Arena is probably wind main, and the only people who win with a water main these days (in Arena Atleast) are people who run the heal cancer with her. IMO, none of the mains are balanced, and maybe it was meant that way to give people an inherent advantage in battle or give an extra layer to make battles more exciting. Arguing over who is more broken is never gonna give you a concrete answer, every main has its goods that can be easily countered by the other main.
i've use to hit 6 paths the team scarletblue talks about for over 5 months.
The only main that gets nuked round 1 by the combo started by gengetsu is wind main. Even fire main if you do not crit on the mystery itself often is left at 5-10% hp, but wind main dies even if shielded by flower guard.
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