why does wind main have 2 round immunity but can clear and reset group wide mysteries and debuffs and spawn extra clones that do as much damage and have same combo rate as the main itself
seems a touch unbalanced. can this be explained?
2 round immunity for female character only. Also she can provide that buff to only 1 other female. Can clear mystery yet hers doesn't deal dmg which puts the wind main to a support tole which I think is awesome. The clones usually gets destroyed via standards or mysteries and they are just there for 'meat shield'. About the combo rate and dmg I'm not so sure about. Still I don't think it's unbalanced.
What I think is unballanced the fact that LM main can give 100% resist boost to sword users and therefore the kushimaru teams are really annoying since you can't cc any of those 3 and they can get their mystery off every single round.
RoW is more annoying w/ that immune + 100% resistance
RoW is more annoying that the Wind's Flower Guard .. LM also have this Calm Mind that can give them immunity till the end of the round while having HP/Chakra gain .. Then c*e Clones too .. Watermains is annoying too even i'm a water main user, we can heal while we can give poison and chaos, we can do clones too if we want instead of poison .. Firemains too c*e clones and reduce mystery cools down when the clone is available in the field, we can put enemy at sleep and give immunity and shield to the whole team ..
All mains is created fair and square, they all have their own Ups and Downs, that can be harmonized and synced with other Main Characters so, nothing to worry about this kind of things :D
well basically none of these game logic is perfectly "balance", its pay to win or what not lucky game i think if u draw sage naruto/hasirama/son go kong/han or any on those lines on ur 1st draw. eg: gara on early game, iruka is somewhat broken, no one use shikamaru for years yet he havens receive buff, basically i think lighting main and wind main is just too broken to started with. lets this sink into ur mind, fire main on sub 70ist, with those immunity you simply cant insta kill em(wind and lighting and pretty much earth main since he had me
to sum: this game is far from "balance" never was and still "unbalance"... and i think will never be not until all browsers stop "flash" from being installed. till then just enjoy the unbalance with any ninja and resources u can afford and while this game still exists.
what im thinking was more likely "remove that immunity *"! there are no point adding ignite, acupuncture, poison into the game if the game design applying immunity even before action, and give a free choices std ninja, not a big fan when all main begin with "the most useful and easy to get" is lighting attribute. and for the love of god, nerf lighing and wind main already. its game has already too random on ninja get etc, at least make the main quite equal will be nice and stop this nonsense,
Right now i am a wind main user and ob
Flower guard is nice but the only op ninja you c*e it with right now is konan angel of god and since konan is wind using it means to not use wind enhancement and still any masked man or shisui (and in particular the latter is a plague and is everywhere) makes it useless.
About the clones yes, they are annoying and they have high combo rate but they are made of paper tissue and wind main itself is made of paper tissue (just consider that for example if i swap from water to wind or from earth to wind i lose over 1000 power and this is with +hp mood) and the clones are good if you face some lineups but are very counterproductive if you face other lineups (like for example heavy repulse teams, like ay 3rd, six tails or itachi susano'o ba
Right now i am a wind main user and ob
Flower guard is nice but the only op ninja you c*e it with right now is konan angel of god and since konan is wind using it means to not use wind enhancement and still any masked man or shisui (and in particular the latter is a plague and is everywhere) makes it useless.
About the clones yes, they are annoying and they have high combo rate but they are made of paper tissue and wind main itself is made of paper tissue (just consider that for example if i swap from water to wind or from earth to wind i lose over 1000 power and this is with +hp mood) and the clones are good if you face some lineups but are very counterproductive if you face other lineups (like for example heavy repulse teams, like ay 3rd, six tails or itachi susano'o ba
quite fair. but here's the thing: personally i think wind main alone are not completely broken, but lets say immunity are too BROKEN to begin with. lets strip this argue into tiny pieces so we can ob
- earth : mostly tank/support(with his me
- water : mostly healer/support but with chaos crits and old patch clone acupuncture is too way much, no wonder she get nerfed. i think if the chaos only works on selected unit and her acupuncture only works within 1 round seem fair.but other than that she is just the way she is. poison/healer/ remove debuff is her advantage.she need a good tank, but with specified line up she can cast her mystery on round 1 and chaos people which i think its quite bad since even u make her acupuncture
she can just remove it, it almost broken but nothing compare to the next level broken thing ingame.
- wind : high dmg, easy 10-30 hits combo chases with specified line up make some what weak clones like pre-skill book naruto deleted instantly/puppets and maybe bring down some ninjas hp decently(unshield). with it even its only vanilla tenten or sasuke. 1 of her chase can trigger 2x. which is good. ok so her clones are only gain 20 %of hp, but here's the catch high combos on the other word there are high change u can bring 1 ninja down or if not make them suffer just on round 1, or u can wake a clones wall with each clone can trigger chases which is crucial on this game play while nulling fire main and water main clone.yeah but it can easy deleted by lighting main if he choose blood thirsty or AY or any ninja along that line, but i think it will null fire main sleep or what ever his std attack are, his 4 units hit has change to do ignite but mostly in balance match up it doesn't, water main clone attack c*so be null, not to mention earth since his std attack mostly used for shield. but its all still OK. since she is so thin no wonder there. but with immunity pre-battle and give to other 1 female ninja too, well it still tolerated since not much female ninja out there that are broken.
- fire : only 1 attribute that 1k thats his hp, as a nin dmg dealer his nin grow only 700 on sub lv 70 so there are lack of dmg as dmg dealer. not to mention all his skillsets are nin and his nin grow are lame, cant bother with his 1st std attack and its tai i mean no 1 will pick this up, his never miss 10, but the rest of it has no chases.yes it can make ninja sleep.well just look at PVE on lv 55 PVE alone they have so many immunity ninjas not to mention on PVP. he can deflect 1 layer of debuff seem good?heck no.on chases there are so many buffs but thats not the tricky part.its deflect to random, which mean it can deflect to puppets/clones same like the rest of his ignites and if its deflect to wind main or LM that has immunity or sword user that whats that said, maybe whales are favor this main, since all or mostly rare ninja are good with this main, well i guess any main with rare ninja will be awesome not exclusively for this main, so its not even a valid argument. yes he can cast his mystery every round "IF" his clone alive, which are not gonna happen any soon pre lv 70.
- lighting : the most broken logic i ever see. very high attack grow, can have 2 clones that can trigger combos with 40% hp each from original 1. can stand for 4 round with a huge tai dmg even earth main shield cant handle those.and yeah put puppets/weak clone into garbage if he using blood thirst not to mention he can hit your backlines (blood thirst are some what near broken like 80% broken with that high attack grow, and yeah put that mystery paralysis all enemy team also on the chart and hell a good news guess what if can be use on next round too). OK fine... its still CAN be acceptable. whats so broken are root of warrior! not only starter ninjas that are useful are lighting, some basic sword user ninjas also cheap/what not free.this is the invert of fire main. so basically u can give immunity to all your ninjas for 2 rounds and its pre battle, cant be chaos or cancel with acupuncture. in simple words : rip chaos, ignites, imprison,poison and any debuffs. rip water,fire,earth. or maybe wind main if he can run faster than wind and his sword team still on their feet.
you can argue fire main reflect is so good, nope its 1 layer for 1 time per turn its not even close to immunity and if its defect to clones or puppets or worse to immunity ninjas, so scrap this 1 out. you can argue other main AOE is higher dmg than your main but if u are fire/water main that rely on debuff whats the points vs immunity team, maybe most of their(water/fire) dmg are generated from those ignite or poisons, we cant added earth main here but he cant be combo, he had so so mystery dmg but he never made for this type AOE dmg kind of thing.you can argue fire also can give his team immunity well still far ahead bro, its have cast and 1 round and its 70++.you can argue water main can heal. yeah whats the used of heal if she cant chaos or acupuncture you or even better will she alive on round 2? or earth main can stand a change standing still, yeah but the question is what with your other ninjas are they still standing strong? if what not been heavy debuffs or being killed.
so get the big picture here why "immunity" and how this game favor to certain main are "broken". i mean yeah sure the "perfect balance" its not fun and generated no me
don't get me wrong im not saying wind main is too op,she is so good but not as broken as LM,he's are the most broken main i ever see but that's not what im talking about, but the main issue is immunity on early-mid game is. also the stat main are somewhat quite dumb. i mean just look at fire main or water main. 700 ist nin? 1.7k hp grow? the AOE mystery like water main can chaos unselected unit but not as broken as LM paralysis all its too op. i don't hate LM i just think he's over buff if you compare to others.
So why is LM broken more than wind? He gives immunity to 3 ninja, she gives immunity to 2 ninja AND clears ALL debuffs and cool down. With so many ninja capable of removing immunity around, LM becomes vulnerable once root is gone. But wind main? She can just remove all debuffs and move on. Her clones are extremely annoying, especially when she is with a dodge ninja (and she often is). I think the most broken main in game is wind main. Not that she is unmanageable.
@tapi77: like jonin jiraiya? and on what round he can use his mystery? and does it remove all sword enemy immunity ninjas? the simple answers to it is no, and no. considering those ninja are rare or uncommon vs free ninjas? its far away from the word of "balance". and if LM choose use his 2nd mystery then ur team are done.rip chases. there are limited option sub lv 70. just to remove 1 immunity ninja while other can still be "immunity". yeah i think WM is way not broken compare to LM, as i said since there are not much female OP ninjas that are "free" or "cheap" and can only apply to 1 other female, but the concept is still broken. there are pointless making overrated type of skills like poisons from karin,wm and 1 other chic i forget her name, and can be stacked but its all pointless if the enemy are getting immunity, the real dmg not upon hits but on the debuff.
- did u have like 10 ninjas battle on your side field except ranked battle? u only fight with 4 ninjas including ur main, so give 3 other ninjas mean= all immunity?even its 2 rounds most of those other main will not survives on 2nd round dude with chunk of tai attack dmg, paralysis either from his chase or his mystery, its mean ur enemy cant do combos. or its a guarantee the enemy ninjas will fight without a full team. its the same result if u scrap this immunity sh1t and use ur crit buffs its mostly guarantee rip 1 of ur enemy ninja on round 1. yeah its seem and sound not "OP" at all.
- plenty ninja can remove immunity on sub lv 70? and with what cost? and what it cost to use root of warrior? does neji can remove the immunity or any basic started ninjas for this matter? does it a passive skill? does it do pre-battle?hell no. even "han" use mystery to remove shields and buffs on both side. don't be a clown dude, beside its not like LM doesn't have "clam mind" on his skill set? don't be a d'bag dude, its remove debuffs, give 20 cakra, life recovery and immunity bro (its all in 1) as freakin std attack, now tell me how its a freakin "balance" while wind main use mystery slot same as fire main. or he can gain buff with clones ninja like naruto with his prowess, while fire get some extra dmg for 9th tails. seem legit useful on PVP.
- dodge ninjas? so mugetsu is lv 70++ its hard to get, dont even try to mention minato's, maybe the basic starter/cheap/free is normal tobi, and guess what his dodge like 5% dodge, like never dodge a things not to mention he's HEAVY nerfed. its so clearly u didn't read carefully strip all of ur line up and focus on the main. dude wind main can only do 1 trick, and only 1 trik, LM can be anything. if u are saying WM is too OP then LM is a god dude.the gap is heaven and earth dude, thats the gap between LM and WM now the rest of mains is a hell compare to this.
for a better picture lets run some scenario. fire vs lighting main, with basic starter ninjas that are mostly are common. sasuke=lighting, hinata=lighting,guy=lighting, kimimaro=lighting, iruka=fire,but not free burn out ingots or coupons on the right event! naruto=wind but nobody care about him if u get hinata, at least not until 3 stars naruto if u are planning build annoying team even so this is a food for LM blood thirst. sakura=water, no body care for her better get kabuto. now run those at lv 65 that almost all skill are open up.
so lets say the line up for fire is main,hinata,sasuke,and kabuto since iruka are not free scrap those up. while lighting run with sasuke=sword,kimimaru=sword,and u can put guy to BOOST ur OP attack grow more. guess what if u use bushin build u can having 2x change to kill kabuto/dealing heavy dmg with only using ur clones alone or at least suffer. thats the dmg from ur main alone, fire main try to sleep ur kimimaru or ur main, hell no its cover up by ur 2x 40% hp bushins that are quite tanky its the same thing as having 1 clone with 80% hp and can attack 2x with ur main count it as 3x or can do RIP all fire main if u used blood thirst. that alone are way too strong. now run the most worse scenario, using root of warrior. sleeping and ignite hell no. use fire main immobile seal jutsu? hell no, its pre battle immunity bro. even u are running faster than LM u still cant do a thing, can't be acupuncture, cant be ignited, nulling imprison that most people said its good(its way overrated), and whats the used of reflect 1 layer per turn if the enemy has immunity?even if he duet chases with sasuke that both are "FREE" it mostly can guaranty to kill 1 enemy ninja like kabuto or sasuke, why? look at sasuke nin grow?look at ur main tai grow? its over 1k. and look at fire main nin grow.its a freakin 700,not to mention ur lighting buffs either from sasuke or ur main, now on fire main team, sasuke only buff he and hinata, if u use fire main buff, he only buff him self. like i explain a couple times and get bored with it. so by this scenario are u now get the clear picture? now explain to me the "balance" of this mains or in this case LM alone? any justified?
@tapi77: like jonin jiraiya? and on what round he can use his mystery? and does it remove all sword enemy immunity ninjas? the simple answers to it is no, and no. considering those ninja are rare or uncommon vs free ninjas? its far away from the word of "balance". and if LM choose use his 2nd mystery then ur team are done.rip chases. there are limited option sub lv 70. just to remove 1 immunity ninja while other can still be "immunity". yeah i think WM is way not broken compare to LM, as i said since there are not much female OP ninjas that are "free" or "cheap" and can only apply to 1 other female, but the concept is still broken. there are pointless making overrated type of skills like poisons from karin,wm and 1 other chic i forget her name, and can be stacked but its all pointless if the enemy are getting immunity, the real dmg not upon hits but on the debuff.
- did u have like 10 ninjas battle on your side field except ranked battle? u only fight with 4 ninjas including ur main, so give 3 other ninjas mean= all immunity?even its 2 rounds most of those other main will not survives on 2nd round dude with chunk of tai attack dmg, paralysis either from his chase or his mystery, its mean ur enemy cant do combos. or its a guarantee the enemy ninjas will fight without a full team. its the same result if u scrap this immunity sh1t and use ur crit buffs its mostly guarantee rip 1 of ur enemy ninja on round 1. yeah its seem and sound not "OP" at all.
- plenty ninja can remove immunity on sub lv 70? and with what cost? and what it cost to use root of warrior? does neji can remove the immunity or any basic started ninjas for this matter? does it a passive skill? does it do pre-battle?hell no. even "han" use mystery to remove shields and buffs on both side. don't be a clown dude, beside its not like LM doesn't have "clam mind" on his skill set? don't be a d'bag dude, its remove debuffs, give 20 cakra, life recovery and immunity bro (its all in 1) as freakin std attack, now tell me how its a freakin "balance" while wind main use mystery slot same as fire main. or he can gain buff with clones ninja like naruto with his prowess, while fire get some extra dmg for 9th tails. seem legit useful on PVP.
- dodge ninjas? so mugetsu is lv 70++ its hard to get, dont even try to mention minato's, maybe the basic starter/cheap/free is normal tobi, and guess what his dodge like 5% dodge, like never dodge a things not to mention he's HEAVY nerfed. its so clearly u didn't read carefully strip all of ur line up and focus on the main. dude wind main can only do 1 trick, and only 1 trik, LM can be anything. if u are saying WM is too OP then LM is a god dude.the gap is heaven and earth dude, thats the gap between LM and WM now the rest of mains is a hell compare to this.
for a better picture lets run some scenario. fire vs lighting main, with basic starter ninjas that are mostly are common. sasuke=lighting, hinata=lighting,guy=lighting, kimimaro=lighting, iruka=fire,but not free burn out ingots or coupons on the right event! naruto=wind but nobody care about him if u get hinata, at least not until 3 stars naruto if u are planning build annoying team even so this is a food for LM blood thirst. sakura=water, no body care for her better get kabuto. now run those at lv 65 that almost all skill are open up.
so lets say the line up for fire is main,hinata,sasuke,and kabuto since iruka are not free scrap those up. while lighting run with sasuke=sword,kimimaru=sword,and u can put guy to BOOST ur OP attack grow more. guess what if u use bushin build u can having 2x change to kill kabuto/dealing heavy dmg with only using ur clones alone or at least suffer. thats the dmg from ur main alone, fire main try to sleep ur kimimaru or ur main, hell no its cover up by ur 2x 40% hp bushins that are quite tanky its the same thing as having 1 clone with 80% hp and can attack 2x with ur main count it as 3x or can do RIP all fire main if u used blood thirst. that alone are way too strong. now run the most worse scenario, using root of warrior. sleeping and ignite hell no. use fire main immobile seal jutsu? hell no, its pre battle immunity bro. even u are running faster than LM u still cant do a thing, can't be acupuncture, cant be ignited, nulling imprison that most people said its good(its way overrated), and whats the used of reflect 1 layer per turn if the enemy has immunity?even if he duet chases with sasuke that both are "FREE" it mostly can guaranty to kill 1 enemy ninja like kabuto or sasuke, why? look at sasuke nin grow?look at ur main tai grow? its over 1k. and look at fire main nin grow.its a freakin 700,not to mention ur lighting buffs either from sasuke or ur main, now on fire main team, sasuke only buff he and hinata, if u use fire main buff, he only buff him self. like i explain a couple times and get bored with it. so by this scenario are u now get the clear picture? now explain to me the "balance" of this mains or in this case LM alone? any justified?
I'm not talking about sub level 70 though, but throughout the game. Wind and Water mains have mystery that remove immunity, Kushina Habanero, Shisui, Han, Itachi Anbu... even cheap ninja like Cee, GNW Temari and one version of Kakashi I forgot its name can remove immunity. That people choose to not use these ninja is not LM's fault. I don't know why your whole post is about sub level 70, when that is like only 4-6 weeks of gaming.
I don't know about you but 3 immune ninja is clearly inferior to 2 immune ninja and debuff and cool down clear on round 2. And while WM uses a mystery space to do that, she can cast twice as many mysteries in round 1, 2, 3 than any other main. Sure, LM c*so reset mysteries, but that requires dead units. WM mystery reset comes with no condition.
Btw, last time i checked prowess works on dead ninja, not dead clones.
About the dodge ninja, again I'm not talking about sub 70 but the whole game. With clones everywhere preventing you from baiting dodge of Minato or Shisui... well that Minato or Shisui will destroy you, if not on turn 2 they will do it on turn 3.
Anyway I'm not going to read your walls of text, or bother replying again to someone who is being rude for no reason when I was not even replying to you in my previous comment. Have a good day!
@tapi77: like jonin jiraiya? and on what round he c*e his mystery? and does it remove all sword enemy immunity ninjas? the simple answers to it is no, and no. considering those ninja are rare or uncommon vs free ninjas? its far away from the word of "balance". and if LM choose use his 2nd mystery then ur team are done.rip chases. there are limited option sub lv 70. just to remove 1 immunity ninja while other can still be "immunity". yeah i think WM is way not broken compare to LM, as i said since there are not much female OP ninjas that are "free" or "cheap" and can only apply to 1 other female, but the concept is still broken. there are pointless making overrated type of skills like poisons from karin,wm and 1 other chic i forget her name, and can be stacked but its all pointless if the enemy are getting immunity, the real dmg not upon hits but on the debuff.
@Unoob Just 3 ninjas that comes in mind: The basic kakuzu, you can get him very early in the game, his mystery removes buff and shield from a single target. There is Han which is only 200 seals into that treasure. That is cheap compared to other rare ninjas. There is GNW Temari which removes every single buff,debuff,and shields from the ENTIRE enemy team. Also this game isn't really about low level pvp. Meaning the higher your level is the more likely you have rarer ninjas.
- water : mostly healer/support but with chaos crits and old patch clone acupuncture is too way much, no wonder she get nerfed. i think if the chaos only works on selected unit and her acupuncture only works within 1 round seem fair.but other than that she is just the way she is. poison/healer/ remove debuff is her advantage.she need a good tank, but with specified line up she can cast her mystery on round 1 and chaos people which i think its quite bad since even u make her acupuncture.
i don't understand this part. When was she nerfed? Next patch she will be buffed and by far with shark bomb that steals chakra and reserve seal that becomes a 40% chance twice per round to evade something (same passive the annoying healers in BF TI owns right now).
anyways no, she doesn't need a tank at all for the neurotoxin version, it's more than enough a cleaner like kurenai or gakido and the only situation where you use water style flowing whip is in world boss battles, in pvp is always better to use taijutsu attack (since has +15-20% increased critical chance, don't be carried on by the bad translation...) or healing jutsu (removing debuffs is always good).
@some1random: u are not talking about sub lv 70, so are we all started with a lv 75 char? nope, far from it. we started with lv 1 so its does matter sub 70. as u said its take maybe 7 weeks into lv 72 so why is this matter. then on what level wind get her immunity, oke fine on early game maybe she give those buff to sakura only which are not a game breaker, compare to other, in this case its totally fine. and when LM get his immunity? and how long does its standing for. its from lv 55 to 72 dude, that's almost full 4 weeks given or taken if u are not regular topup. beside its pre battle.
did u get any idea ? i said "Kushina Habanero, Shisui, Han, Itachi Anbu... even cheap ninja like Cee, GNW Temari" there are cost in there or not every one can get those.its cheap if u are playing like already months or regular top up, and whats cost or the LM? free, and what cost of sword ninjas(mostly free with basic ninjas). so 1 side its cost u a lot (seals or ingots/pure heavy luck to draw those/or whatever it may be), even kakuzu are not given to everyone (u can farm it in elite) unlike kimimaru,sasuke etc. still losing the picture bro? if that so than its pointless to go any further since ur term of "balance" are off all over the place. even if u got those ninja for example beheaded kakashi or jonin jiraiya. it can only target 1, and it can be cancel or the lower possible u will not have chases since ur all team being paralysis vs pre-battle. if u go along with temari which i think so hard to get, maybe most of the time u will get hinata instead so how much seals we need to burn vs 0 seals? sound perfectly equal?
and LM vs WM.i mean its a war of initiative whats the used of her chases if all her team are being paralysis by your and u can wreak her clone with 1 hit from your std attack if ur bp gap is somewhat equal.
and 1 more time dodge ninjas are not cheap. and we are not playing this game started with lv 72. its a freakin lv 1. hope it can sink in.
@tapi: yes its true the game only provide us with that to counter, but as a counter its not a counter at all,why:
1. its a single target. idk aboout temari since i never get her, but i do have jiraiya and bheaded kakakshi, so i know its used their mystery on round 2 vs pre-battle.
2. its cost u vs normal quest u get kimimaru and sasuke.
i hope those 2 reasons alone can enlightening things.
@garv: yeah sorry i think i was miss thinking about earth main shield nerf. some what true that's she doesn't a tank on mid game or if ur bp is way over ur enemy. but on equal battle or at least until u get ur clone(early game) or there are better ninjas eg han,roshi etc. but it may vary as u compile ur line up and strategy. but in my humble opinion the clone whip is too much, and chaos to unselected units is a bit OP. but i guess u were talking mostly lv 70 or more. but thx m8 for clearing something up.
@some1random: u are not talking about sub lv 70, so are we all started with a lv 75 char? nope, far from it. we started with lv 1 so its does matter sub 70. as u said its take maybe 7 weeks into lv 72 so why is this matter. then on what level wind get her immunity, oke fine on early game maybe she give those buff to sakura only which are not a game breaker, compare to other, in this case its totally fine. and when LM get his immunity? and how long does its standing for. its from lv 55 to 72 dude, that's almost full 4 weeks given or taken if u are not regular topup. beside its pre battle.
did u get any idea ? i said "Kushina Habanero, Shisui, Han, Itachi Anbu... even cheap ninja like Cee, GNW Temari" there are cost in there or not every one can get those.its cheap if u are playing like already months or regular top up, and whats cost or the LM? free, and what cost of sword ninjas(mostly free with basic ninjas). so 1 side its cost u a lot (seals or ingots/pure heavy luck to draw those/or whatever it may be), even kakuzu are not given to everyone (u can farm it in elite) unlike kimimaru,sasuke etc. still losing the picture bro? if that so than its pointless to go any further since ur term of "balance" are off all over the place. even if u got those ninja for example beheaded kakashi or jonin jiraiya. it can only target 1, and it can be cancel or the lower possible u will not have chases since ur all team being paralysis vs pre-battle. if u go along with temari which i think so hard to get, maybe most of the time u will get hinata instead so how much seals we need to burn vs 0 seals? sound perfectly equal?
and LM vs WM.i mean its a war of initiative whats the used of her chases if all her team are being paralysis by your and u can wreak her clone with 1 hit from your std attack if ur bp gap is somewhat equal.
and 1 more time dodge ninjas are not cheap. and we are not playing this game started with lv 72. its a freakin lv 1. hope it can sink in.
@tapi: yes its true the game only provide us with that to counter, but as a counter its not a counter at all,why:
1. its a single target. idk aboout temari since i never get her, but i do have jiraiya and bheaded kakakshi, so i know its used their mystery on round 2 vs pre-battle.
2. its cost u vs normal quest u get kimimaru and sasuke.
i hope those 2 reasons alone can enlightening things.
@garv: yeah sorry i think i was miss thinking about earth main shield nerf. some what true that's she doesn't a tank on mid game or if ur bp is way over ur enemy. but on equal battle or at least until u get ur clone(early game) or there are better ninjas eg han,roshi etc. but it may vary as u compile ur line up and strategy. but in my humble opinion the clone whip is too much, and chaos to unselected units is a bit OP. but i guess u were talking mostly lv 70 or more. but thx m8 for clearing something up.
if you talk about skewering (you said that azure fang removes immunity) then you are talking about level 80+ since skewering unlocks at level 80.
wm =wind main(sand dust) to remove enemies buffs and shield, water main(skewering),and fire main visual(immunity) yeah i think the term of wm may confused alot poeple wind/water. thats why i put water main with full while wm=wind main.and i put 72 since i think thats the lv to unlock it.
my bottom line is, these mains have to unlock it on lv 70++. which it around 2 months given or taken or a bit more if u are not regular topup player. while root of warrior can be access earlier around lv 55 and what alone withstand about 1 month or more/2mo of duration so on simple words he's still over buff. but yeah u get the point.
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